Excited, and curious to get a reading..

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Excited, and curious to get a reading..

Post by dvandrie » Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:59 am

My name is Devin
I am a female
My Date of Birth is 1/10/1978

Just interested in knowing more about myself. Curious to see what others have to say, or think. Much appreciated.

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Love, Light and Joy to you and your loved ones, from me and mine

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:15 pm

Hi Devin, :smt006

May I say that I greatly admire and respect your great sense of curiosity and excitement in asking for a reading when so many other people only look to their future with a feeling of pessimism and a debilitating fear of what their destiny still holds in store for them.

Much of this free floating anxiety (being constantly anxious although the specific reason is unknown) is I believe an unfortunate negative consequence of the doom and gloom continually forced upon us by the world media and in turn the public who seem to enjoy listening to and reading about one disaster after another.

As if to confirm that they cannot ever possibly have a positive influence over whatever that destiny might turn out to be, which can easily over time become a convenient excuse for them to do absolutely nothing to help themselves to make whatever changes and improvements are required in their life for them to move forwards once again with both faith and courage as their  dependable travelling companions.

So in a nutshell or to cut a long story short, you may understandably feel disappointed that your reading is not making any predictions (fortune telling) about what your future will probably turn out to be during the period of time commonly thought to be covered by a reading of the type given here on this forum by yours truly. But the main purpose of my readings was never to do this. Rather than me wanting to make binding predictions which are often the psychic equivalent of an educated guess or the flipping of a coin about a person's future outlook, I am much more interested and involved with better preparing him or her for whatever that future will be.

This I feel gives the person a much greater sense of becoming an active participant or effective co-creator in building a more positive and more successful in their own terms life for themselves, and it is that feeling of powerlessness or apparent lack of control over one's life at the hands of overpowering and possibly supernatural forces (including either the devil or a cruel and heartless God who takes great satisfaction for continually punishing his or her children for something they once did in the past (earlier in their current lifetime or alternately in a past life) which they cannot even remember doing) which is it is felt at the core of so much of our anxiety or negative anticipation about our most likely futures if nothing changes in the meantime.

Overall your reading is one of a person who is not willing to passively sit by and remain as only a spectator or back seat driver with regards to what happens to her further down the time line, but instead it is one designed around and carefully targeted towards someone who is both willing and fully prepared to do whatever is required of her to be able to stare destiny and all this pessimism squarely in the face, and to not be intimidated or feel that she is her own life's professional victim.

The path for you to be able to get to this particular point in your life with your faith in yourself and in life in general both still reasonably intact has not been an easy one, and a lesser person than yourself could have chosen to give up completely and run in the opposite direction, just as fast as her legs would carry her. But this certainly does not apply to you.

Rather than allowing your major life challenges and issues which are real and many to keep you laying flat on your back on the canvas, waiting for what is felt to be the almost inevitable knock-out blow which is soon to follow, you are up and out there giving of and doing your best in order to get the Wheel of Fortune to turn more in your favour, in combination with whatever you can practically do to help yourself to make your way smoother and assist you to reach your desired goals sooner, instead of much later.

Being just your life's survivor never has been in the past, and will never be good enough for you in the future. Take whatever positive and humbling lessons you are able from what is now only in your past, by all means make flexible plans for your future, but focus at least 90% of your remaining energies and efforts on what you will consciously decide to do in the present moment, your only true point of personal power to exert some degree of positive influence or control over what your future will eventually turn out to be, if you remain firmly in the driver's seat when it comes to making the important decisions which ill affect you for years to come.

And come to think of it, every decision you will make roughly between now and the middle of April 2011, could potentially turn out with the luxury of hindsight to be important or significant to some varying degree in the way of helping you to attain your goals, whether they are to find a lover or for you to get a better more satisfying and well paid job. Or for you to get a better education or higher qualifications with the intention, to better prepare you for when such an excellent job opportunity ultimately appears.

I am also like yourself becoming both curious and excited about what possible wonderful challenges and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth and development still await you over the coming six months, and it is not even my reading or future which is being considered.

Therefore so much more than myself you have I sense based upon this reading every good and valid reason to feel optimistic about what future for yourself you are most likely to help to create, mainly though your thoughts and actions between now and then, when combined with an element of what might only on the surface appear to be good luck, but that which will eventually over the longer term reveal itself to be anything but random or uninvited good fortune.

So called positive coincidences in our lives are actually in reality God acting anonymously?

Love, Light and Joy to you and your loved ones, from me and mine,

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Post by dvandrie » Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:19 am

I whole heartedly agree, about the negative fear that this world tends to strike in the heart of many. It binds us to the fear of what is.  I choose not to watch the news or read newspapers, simply out of personal choice. I choose to not let this world debilitate me in my progress of true enlightenment. The one thing that bothers me so much about, the here and now of our world, is the want to label everything, and everyone, instead of just excepting that it's their gift.

I appreciate the fact that you use your abilities to help, prepare people for what may be, as they are the writers of their destiny, they choose not to be in the driver seat of the destiny, they have already written for themselves. It's a contract pre-written with God, we have the free will, to re write whatever we choose, with pure intent.

I accept the gift of your open hearted knowledge, in helping me understand myself better. Thank you for the gift of helping me on my journey to true enlightenment.

Appreciate your reading, and open heart.... namaste my friend

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Difference is strength

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:49 pm

Devin, Image

You are very welcome for whatever assistance I can possibly give you with your spiritual quest though a reading, but in your case for much of the time I felt that I was preaching to the already converted.

In other words I felt that my role was more to remind you of things which you already knew or understood about yourself, but for some reason had temporarily forgotten or overlooked in your haste to move forwards at a blistering rate of knots, rather than me telling you anything new which you did not already know.

It was both my pleasure to meet and read for you, and your kind words of appreciation and positive and constructive feedback are definitely much appreciated in return for the favour, by yours truly.

Cheers until next time,

EoT (Difference is strength) Image

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