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Post by clearaswater » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:16 pm

Hey  :smt003

It has been a long while since I was able to ask someone for a reading.  I've only been able to post twice on here this morning but if you find this ok I would love one.  A general reading is fine but I do have a particular family event coming up that is presenting an issue that I would like some insight on.    I thank you in advance.  Lots of energy on here  :smt060



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:01 pm ... 620#280620

Hi Julie,  :smt006

I have just read your introduction and wanted to be one of the first to welcome you to the MB forums, as well as in particular to this Psychic Reading board.

I also noticed that you give intuitive readings yourself on your own site (its web address is included in your forum profile for those members who wish to accept your kind invitation), so I am hoping that in return for the favour that you will do some readings here as well.

It would be my pleasure to help a fellow reader get an outside observer's point of view on the upcoming family milestone to which you refer through a reading, although the main purpose of it will not be to attempt to precisely identify the exact nature of that event.

Whatever it is I sense through the first card which I drew on your behalf which was the Four of Wands immediately tells me that it is both highly significant to you as well as something to look forward to with much positive anticipation.

I am getting victory over or a beating of the odds, and a large family get together and time of great celebration coming up for you very soon via this card.

The Four of Wands as you undoubtedly already know if you use the Tarot for your own intuitive readings emphasises the strength and positive support that a loving family can give each of us at times like this in our lives.

There is an inherent strength in numbers or in members of the same family working closely in co-operation with one another to combine their own unique abilities and gifts for the common good of all people concerned.

Now the event to which this refers could potentially range to anything from a birthday, marriage an upcoming addition to the family in the form of a child, to an important anniversary or graduation.

What is really important here is that everyone is getting together to formally recognise that a much loved and respected member of their own family has or is just about to go through a major transition or rite of passage.

Because everyone is often so busy with their own lives and challenges as well as some members being physically distant from one another, such a large coming together of the family clan only happens once in a blue moon, which only makes this opportunity to do so that much more precious than it might have been otherwise, if it had instead been a fairly regular happening.

So it is primarily a message telling you that when two or more members of the same family unit work closely and with good feelings towards one another together with a common positive purpose and for the common good of each of the individuals concerned, things can be achieved which would not have been either possible or practical if they had instead worked separately or against each other.

This also suggests to me that this family reunion is badly needed and long overdue, and that you are being encouraged not to feel that you need to always have wait for such a significant event such as this one as an excuse or reason to draw closer to one another.,

If not in a close  physical sense, then a spiritually supportive one at a distance is better than nothing at all (keeping more in contact one another by phone or through the internet, to tell the family member that he or she is loved and respected, and they do not have to always deal with their own issues completely by themselves, without asking for outside help when it is necessary.

At least temporarily put aside any reasons for conflict, let go of your inhibitions and enjoy this as well as your life as fully as you possibly can as life is simply too short and therefore precious to want to waste it with trivialities.

What is really of utmost importance is the nature and comparative health of our closest relationships with other people, and our own families are a very good place to start and offer us an excellent testing ground in the direction of progressively improving our relationships in general.

Let your hair down for a change, and be certain not to miss out on such a valuable opportunity as this one to grow and develop as a family because of your false pride, or because you do not always agree on every little detail.

A time for family re-bonding and healing of differences draws ever nearer?

Sounds to me like something not to be missed, without you having a very good reason for doing so.

Love, Light and Peace to yourself and to your entire family, from me and mine.

eye_of_tiger :smt007

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Thank you :)

Post by clearaswater » Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:56 am

Hello EoT  :smt006

     I thank you for your time and energy spent.  Yes, this family event is very important since it will be the first in almost 4 years that we would all be together.  I feel healed enough from the hurt done to me and my family that I could go to it.  I would probably have a good time.  My husband on the other hand is (understandably) resisting this invitation.  I am letting it go for now.  Perhaps all he needs is to mull it over and to talk to someone he can confide in (besides me).  I am a firm believer in the point of view that things will happen if they are meant to happen.  No amount of my cajoling will make things different in a good way.  It is a very good reason, EoT, that he does not want to partake.  I understand this and support him 100%.  May the Holy Spirit's blessings be on you and increase your gifts.  I appreciate this reading.  Take care and I will be back to do readings for this board :)


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Change that final line instead to "May God hold both you and your husband in the palm of His or

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:36 pm

Julie,  Image

You are most welcome for the reading.

It is especially satisfying to help someone who is herself a Light worker of good repute, and who so freely gives of her time and energies in the loving service of others.

Each of us makes our healing journey at our own comfortable pace, and I completely understand your reasons for not wanting to reveal any further details concerning why your husband may be having cold feet about the four year anniversary as by doing so you would even with the best of intentions betraying his trust in you, which I sense has always been particularly difficult for you to earn.

I am also a firm believer in the idea that if something is meant to happen in our lives then it often will, but only up to a point. Like all good beliefs this one can be taken to the extreme to mean that almost everything which happens to us and our families is predestined, and that consequently there is very little if anything can do to change that future for the better.

And I am a strong believer in the guiding principle which says that God often tends to help those people who do what they are able to help themselves in preference to others who are not willing to take the calculated risks involved.

But please do not get me wrong about this, as I am certainly not suggesting that your partner is not doing what he is able to help himself to move beyond this frozen point in time. In his case many of the mental blocks are subconscious and therefore largely by definition beyond his conscious control to change.

This is I feel going to require more time plus a whole lot of love and patience from both of you, if this important anniversary is going to represent a major positive turning point in your family's healing journey as a whole. And a willingness to compromise by both of you could indeed make the difference between this event being a substantial step forward, or in its absence three steps backwards.
An Old Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Change that final line instead to read "May God hold both you and your husband in the palm of His or Her hand"

I really look forward to working with you on our reader team in the future, but also recognise that the time is not yet right and respect that only you can tell when the proper time to do so has finally arrived.

You have more urgent priorities at home at present to deal with in you getting through this family event with your health and peace of mind both still relatively intact, so please do not feel that you are being pressured into this before you are ready.

My impressions are that you as well as your precious healing gift which is expressed through your readings, are both more than worth waiting for.


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Thank you :)

Post by clearaswater » Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:23 pm

:smt023  EoT,

     Lovely job.   I appreciate the prayer. Irish heritage showing its skirts is it?   :smt003     Yes, this event has much potential for healing this family rift or taking us a back a bit.  It has taken me many years to regain my balance, however, without the traumatic experience I would not have learned to accept my gifts as an intuitive.  Funny how things work like that.

     I wholeheartedly agree with your stance on predestination.   I also believe that one's actions are guided by the thought that if something is meant to be then it will be.  Life is a series of choices and those choices bring you to where you are now.  Learning what you can change and what is out of your control are two of the most difficult things for many people to grasp.  I think that the next runners up to that list are trying to control everything around oneself and trying to always be right  :smt002

     Yes, I look forward to helping out here.  I love new information.  I love helping people to heal and renew their souls.  I love to give psychic newbies a sense of hope and belonging to a community.  That is what I needed and it did wonders for me.  Part of this is teaching and I am , by trade, a teacher.  The other part is a bit like mothering (which I am).  No matter what I do I accept my own falibility and do the best that I can possibly do.  Spirit has been very good to me in this way.

Peace and Blessings on you my new friend,

Julie :smt059

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Update for EoT

Post by clearaswater » Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:10 pm

Hello Eye of Tiger :)

     I just wanted to update you on this event.  My husband has agreed to give it a go and, so, we are all going to attend.   This has allowed my own father to have a sense of relief that, perhaps, our larger family can come together again.   He has prayed for it.  I thank you again for your incite and positive energy!  While I haven't been able to get on here as I would like I've been able to pop in now and then.  Hope your holidays treat you well!

     Clearaswater :smt111

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Re: Update for EoT

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:27 am

clearaswater wrote:Hello Eye of Tiger :)

     I just wanted to update you on this event.  My husband has agreed to give it a go and, so, we are all going to attend.   This has allowed my own father to have a sense of relief that, perhaps, our larger family can come together again.   He has prayed for it.  I thank you again for your incite and positive energy!  While I haven't been able to get on here as I would like I've been able to pop in now and then.  Hope your holidays treat you well!

Clearaswater :smt111
Dear Julie, Image

That is fantastic news, which immediately makes my day a much brighter one, when compared to what it was only a brief moment ago.

I always encourage the members to whom I give readings to keep me updated, but updates like yours as like sweet music to my ears.

The mere fact that you husband has even agreed to go to the big family reunion is definitely a major step in the right direction.

And the positive, healing effect his announcement has had on your father's renewed hope for restored peace in your family, is the figurative icing on my cake.

I don't know how much of this can be credited to your father's prayers or to your husband realising how important this event is to your entire family and wanting to please the woman he loves, but honestly who cares?

With regards to you not being able to visit the site as regularly and often as you would like to, we all have our own life to live and our family and perhaps a job, as well as other responsibilities to deal with beyond the Mystic Board forums.

It is better later than never, I always say, and your absence is only likely to make our hearts grown even fonder of you than we were before (which hardly seems possible).

And not being able to be with each other as often as we would like, makes what time we have together that much more precious.

I count you amongst one of my internet friends as someone who has a good head on her shoulders (her own), and someone who has a heart of gold.

That whole thing of me intuitively picking up on your Irish heritage and feeling for no obvious logical reason that an Irish blessing was badly needed in order for me to properly finish off your reading sent a chill down my spine.

Even more so when I think that I have only included an Irish blessing with my readings, less than six times within the last four years.

So top of the morning, afternoon, evening or night to you and your family, soon to come together again in the true spirit of love and human understanding, and many blessings from Oz.

EoT Image


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