Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

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Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Post by AquaMyst » Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:57 am

In the past 3 years, my whole world has been turned upside down...and not just for me, but for all of my friends and family too. It seems everyone has one setback after another. Most recently my ex husband lost his job and I was already out of we have 2 parents with no income and no idea how we will support our daughter. I try to have faith that everything will work out, but it's so hard...and especially because everyone I know and love is having financial and relationship problems too...we are all struggling and can't even help eachother out other then being there emotionally when needed.

I'm trying to be optimistic...and I have this feeling that everything will turn out well for all of us in the end...that this is all part of a larger plan, but sometimes it's so dark and bleak.

If anyone has any insight...please feel free to respond. :)

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:46 am

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Your reading request is now on our radar

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:00 am

Snwdream, :smt006

Although I am usually looking first for postings with zero responses, I just wanted you to know that I have not overlooked your request and will consider it as soon as I feel able to.

However if any of the other gifted readers on this forum have any insights which they feel especially drawn to give you, then I would ask them to feel free to do so, as in the end the only important thing is that one of us helps you.

Could I also please remind you in the meantime that if there is any chance that you could in addition to all your other problems unknowingly be suffering from a depressive medical condition which should only be diagnosed and suitably treated by a qualified doctor of medicine and/or the mind, that this must be thoroughly investigated in combination with you being given this intuitive reading?

The contents of your reading still to come are not to be regarded as in any way being a substitute for you receiving professional medical treatment at around the same time?

And if you are already being regularly medicated for such an emotional disorder and you suddenly without warning begin to feel as though you cannot go on any longer, please see your treating doctor without further unnecessary delay as the side effects of some antidepressants can strangely sometimes include thoughts of taking one's life, where they were not present before the prescribed drug was taken at that dosage level.

I have learned this lesson the difficult way through painful first hand experience of it happening to me many years ago (late 1970s), and I would not wish this form of living hell on even my worst enemy (if I had one), let alone allowing it to happen to a good and decent person such as yourself.

Love, Light and Healing, whether or not I end up reading for you this month,

EoT  :smt004

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:35 pm

Hi SnowDream..
I also want to let you know that I hear you there.. Im a bit clogged up and foggy at the moment so havnt even attempted to sit down with a reading.
I read your post, then went about my other work but my head keeps coming back to you.
This isnt a reading.. but do feel drawn to want to reach out for you.
In fact the project Im working on is a set of images and quotes from inspirational women. I guess this is why I keep thinking of your post and feel bad that I haven't been able to sit in a reading for you.
Im sitting here smothering in words from women such as Helen Keller, Jane Adamms, Florence Nighingale, Maya Angelou. Im discovering amazing women I have never even heard about. .. the thing is the common thread in each of these has been resilience, over coming adversity..
Im thinking about some of the incredible people I have known myself.. all of them faced incredible challenges, every one of them have something I saw in your post..  You say that you know it will get better .. and your sure its part of a bigger plan..
 Another interesting coincidence, each of them concerned with the well being of you ..
Mother Teresa has one I loved.. paraphrasing here.. " i know God will not give me more than I can handle, I just wish he diddnt have so much faith in me.."
The point is that you are right.. right now you need someone to confirm this for you. this much I can do without the reflections and candles :)

Your little girl isnt going to go hungry.. every day there will be food on the table one way or another.. I remember having a cup of tea and wafers for dinner when I was a young-un .. I thought it was a real treat.. I never knew my mother couldn't afford anything else that day before pension check ..

Dont be afraid to call a family support charity, these things are available..

There is always e-bay you could list a few things you don't need for a little extra coin.

The thing is also.. many of my lifes most positive moves were more or less forced on me.. One thing went wrong, but this lead to another that was better...
In fact out of the very worst time of my adult life came one of the very best things.. My husband and I were at the stage of going our separate ways.. things just got bad.. he was made redundant at work, etc, etc, you know how it goes..
It was at that low time we just thought to heck with it.. pack the jeep up with a tent and some clothes, two kids 5+7 and did "that thing" we always said we wanted to do.. just travelled around out back Australia to destination unknown..
With no home to come back to ( more or less ) we home schooled the kids on the road for 9 months, then came back to near where we started from.. BUT some place better..
we actually discovered it was cheaper and easier to live a little further south on the beach than where we were in western suburbia..
  It wasnt suddenly all magic. at one stage hubby couldn't get work and we thought we had to go back to suburbia where the work was.. one of teh locals kind of liked us as neighbours, and refused to let that happen by putting the word out and we literally had work offers..

Had we not gone through what we did.. no way would we be here now.. in fact.. had we not faced the worst together, then thought "what the heck, whats one more bad thing, and what else could go wrong".. we probably would not be together today..

Im only bringing this up so that you know its not a myth that from the darkest hours comes the best.

I dont know what the story is going to be for you.. But I know you will have one to tell one day too.

It wasnt easy.. but really there's no choice but to suck it up and grow from it.

I know at 28 your feeling ancient.. so did I at 28.. but seriously at 40 something, I know that I hadn't grown as much as I thought I had when I was 28.. in hind site pre 30 is like a second kind of teen years..
Right now your on the threshold of another growth..
You just watch the woman your becoming :). shes amazing..
She weathered storms, and even questioned that the darkness would ever lift..   By the time she turns 35 or 40 shes going to reflect back and say. Holey cow I did that!.. Im still breathing.. cool..I have another life experience to add to my collection.."

Whatever happens, know that will come out the other end, wiser for it too..

Just a word..
"trust.. a beautiful transformation is unfolding..."

StormGirl Blue

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Perhaps it might be better for you to wait for a later time to request a reading?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:06 pm

I wanted to sincerely thank Tammy aka Stormgirl Blue for her as always wise and constructive, positive input. Image

While either of us on the same reader team would still be happy to give you a reading about this at a later date, I feel that at this point in time you need solid, practical information such as my trusted and respected friend and particularly gifted and sensitive reader colleague (and fellow Aussie) has just so kindly and generously with much love and caring provided you with.

Much more than you need a reading which is only I believe more than likely to confuse you even further about what is the best thing for you to do (yes it is quite possible that you could become more confused than you already appear to be) from now on, in order for you to deal with your many current serious and complex personal and family problems.

I would also if I may like to request a healing on your behalf in body, mind and spirit, and humbly ask that your entire family will be given the extra strength and patience which you will all undoubtedly require during the coming months which still lay ahead.

Please let me know under this thread if I can personally be of any further assistance to you with this, other than through a reading still to be given to you in the future.

Love, Light and Peace to you and your entire family, from me and mine,

eye_of_tiger (male) Image

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Thank you both so much!

Post by AquaMyst » Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:20 am

I am sorry it took so long for me to get back to you, somehow I seemed to have lost this thread and couldn't find it when I went to see if there were any replies. I thought it had been removed. are both right.

eye of tiger, I actually was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder a few years ago. It kind of came out of nowhere. I had never had any history of mental instability at all....but was going through a really rough time in my marriage and started taking an antidepressant...within a few months I had what I thought was a gradual spiritual awakening (but what I was later told was the onset of a manic episode) and ended up being hospitalized. I haven't felt right since although I'm not entirely convinced I am bi-polar. I do suffer from a mild depression...but to me it seems completely natural given the circumstances of my life at the moment. I take medication as a preventative measure for my bi-polar disorder, but the medications side effects are not very desireable.

Thank you both for taking the time to respond to my posting...I have managed to get by and keep a roof over my daughters head and food on the table for the past few months...right now I'm just living on faith...but it's so scary...I had all of these dreams and goals and visions for my future and I'm afraid that I'll never make it...and I feel like I'm a terrible mother for not being able to provide for my daughter the way I would like. I'm almost 30 and I'm nowhere near where I want to be in this life. I am going to school and trying to build a future, but I'm out of funds and if I can't find a job in the next few weeks, I'll be getting evicted right around christmas time. I'm just terrified.

I really do try so hard to tell myself that this stuggle is going to make me a stronger person...that I will overcome...that one day this experience will enable me to serve others in some way, how I don't know...but that this is where I am meant to be in life right now...but how do I get through it?

I just feel so lost.

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Thanks again...

Post by AquaMyst » Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:29 am

To stormgirl...thanks again...your post was especially touching, it is encouraging to realize that one day I will look back on this with a clear perspective on how this experience shaped me into the woman I will become. It doesn't stop the fear that I wont overcome it, but it gives me some hope.

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Hey Snwdream

Post by clearaswater » Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:04 pm

I read your initial request and your last statements.  Hope you don't mind my butting in  :smt083

I will post your last statement and respond in blue, ok?

eye of tiger, I actually was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder a few years ago. It kind of came out of nowhere. I had never had any history of mental instability at all....but was going through a really rough time in my marriage and started taking an antidepressant...within a few months I had what I thought was a gradual spiritual awakening (but what I was later told was the onset of a manic episode) and ended up being hospitalized. I haven't felt right since although I'm not entirely convinced I am bi-polar. I do suffer from a mild depression...but to me it seems completely natural given the circumstances of my life at the moment. I take medication as a preventative measure for my bi-polar disorder, but the medications side effects are not very desireable.

B-P Disorder has a sudden onset so you may have lived a totally normal life up until things got stressful or healthwise you had a bout of something.  This can trigger B-P Disorder which can wreak havoc on your personal/professional life.   The medications may make you feel a bit odd, lacking in some areas or you may feel like you no longer need them.  This is kind of a classic issue with people with B-P Disorder since they try to stop meds and have more breakdowns in behavior.  I agree that a person's mental health is continually in a state of flux...meaning it changes from day to day.  You need to look at the drugs you are on and KNOW about them.  Continue to talk to your doctor and therapist to come up with a behavior plan that will help you to get through the periods of time that you have difficulty with your diagnosis.  Second opinions are not unheard of, either.  Don't be afraid to assert yourself there.  The point is to empower yourself with what you CAN DO.
Thank you both for taking the time to respond to my posting...I have managed to get by and keep a roof over my daughters head and food on the table for the past few months...right now I'm just living on faith...but it's so scary...I had all of these dreams and goals and visions for my future and I'm afraid that I'll never make it...and I feel like I'm a terrible mother for not being able to provide for my daughter the way I would like. I'm almost 30 and I'm nowhere near where I want to be in this life. I am going to school and trying to build a future, but I'm out of funds and if I can't find a job in the next few weeks, I'll be getting evicted right around christmas time. I'm just terrified.

First of all I understand.  Everything.  You are stressing over many important things.  Like I said above you need to focus on what you can directly affect:  what you can physically change on your own.  Those things that you have little power over in the long run you can't help, right?   Let's say, for instance, that you cannot find a job even though you are looking.  This registers all the way down to losing your apartment and your life becomes topsy-turvy.  I agree it is staggering to think of....but not the end of the world.   You feel out of control because you are waiting for it to happen.  What are your plans?  What is your back-up plan if you cannot find a job?  It is not unheard of to go on government assistance for a short while.  Make the time to do this and it may help you in the long run.   I feel like this is a direction you need to consider seriously and stop thinking you need to do things all by yourself.

I really do try so hard to tell myself that this stuggle is going to make me a stronger person...that I will overcome...that one day this experience will enable me to serve others in some way, how I don't know...but that this is where I am meant to be in life right now...but how do I get through it?

I just feel so lost.
Hugs!  You get through by offering up your feelings of loss, no control, error, incapability and stress to your higher power, to the universe or whereever and then you let them go because holding onto them does nothing for you but bring you down.  You focus on what you CAN do within your own circles of influence while networking amongst your friends/family for the support they may be able to give you.

Be at peace.  I don't feel this turning out badly.  I feel this is more of an adjustment that you need to make in your personal feelings/understanding and acceptance of life as it is.   You have plenty of time to realize your dreams and aspirations.  Now is the time to work on the here and now.

Many blessings to you Snwdream :)

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Re: Your reading request is now on our radar

Post by AquaMyst » Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:57 pm

eye_of_tiger wrote:Snwdream, :smt006

Could I also please remind you in the meantime that if there is any chance that you could in addition to all your other problems unknowingly be suffering from a depressive medical condition which should only be diagnosed and suitably treated by a qualified doctor of medicine and/or the mind, that this must be thoroughly investigated in combination with you being given this intuitive reading?

The contents of your reading still to come are not to be regarded as in any way being a substitute for you receiving professional medical treatment at around the same time?

And if you are already being regularly medicated for such an emotional disorder and you suddenly without warning begin to feel as though you cannot go on any longer, please see your treating doctor without further unnecessary delay as the side effects of some antidepressants can strangely sometimes include thoughts of taking one's life, where they were not present before the prescribed drug was taken at that dosage level.
EoT  :smt004
I'm not sure I even noticed this comment back when I was reading these replies...or if I did I just dismissed it...but boy did you hit the nail on the head. I am Bi-Polar, though back then at the time I wrote this I had not really accepted it and thought the mania I had experienced was purely a spiritual emergence happening and that any of my depression was founded because of the circumstances of my life and not at all connected to any type of disorder. I ended up going on quite a rollar coaster when I stopped taking one med because I didn't think I needed it or it was doing anything. I was hospitalized several times early 2011 and my life was a train wreck for a while that I'm still trying to get back on track. I am happy to report I did find a job and am doing much better now but still very much mixed up and not sure where I'm headed. Anyway, thanks for your post. It was much needed when I read it this past week in helping me further accept my disorder.

EDIT: ugh...nevermind...looks like I had responded to this. lol. My memory is so shot. I'm trying to catch up on all the posts now and see what I really did miss.

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Re: Hey Snwdream

Post by AquaMyst » Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:11 pm

clearaswater wrote:I read your initial request and your last statements. B-P Disorder has a sudden onset so you may have lived a totally normal life up until things got stressful or healthwise you had a bout of something.  This can trigger B-P Disorder which can wreak havoc on your personal/professional life.   The medications may make you feel a bit odd, lacking in some areas or you may feel like you no longer need them.  This is kind of a classic issue with people with B-P Disorder since they try to stop meds and have more breakdowns in behavior.  I agree that a person's mental health is continually in a state of flux...meaning it changes from day to day.  You need to look at the drugs you are on and KNOW about them.  Continue to talk to your doctor and therapist to come up with a behavior plan that will help you to get through the periods of time that you have difficulty with your diagnosis.  Second opinions are not unheard of, either.  Don't be afraid to assert yourself there.  The point is to empower yourself with what you CAN DO.

First of all I understand.  Everything.  You are stressing over many important things.  Like I said above you need to focus on what you can directly affect:  what you can physically change on your own.  Those things that you have little power over in the long run you can't help, right?   Let's say, for instance, that you cannot find a job even though you are looking.  This registers all the way down to losing your apartment and your life becomes topsy-turvy.  I agree it is staggering to think of....but not the end of the world.   You feel out of control because you are waiting for it to happen.  What are your plans?  What is your back-up plan if you cannot find a job?  It is not unheard of to go on government assistance for a short while.  Make the time to do this and it may help you in the long run.   I feel like this is a direction you need to consider seriously and stop thinking you need to do things all by yourself.

Hugs!  You get through by offering up your feelings of loss, no control, error, incapability and stress to your higher power, to the universe or whereever and then you let them go because holding onto them does nothing for you but bring you down.  You focus on what you CAN do within your own circles of influence while networking amongst your friends/family for the support they may be able to give you.

Be at peace.  I don't feel this turning out badly.  I feel this is more of an adjustment that you need to make in your personal feelings/understanding and acceptance of life as it is.   You have plenty of time to realize your dreams and aspirations.  Now is the time to work on the here and now.[/color]

Many blessings to you Snwdream :)
I am just now seeing this message...I's been so long and I don't remember and am just now catching up on these posts. Thank you so much....everything you say rings true. I did end up getting evicted...and the next year was a nightmare...I am coming to a place now where I'm trying to take action and responsibility and create the life I want...but I do still feel so lost sometimes. I created such a mess for myself out of my life...and my mental illness didn't help matters. I want to let go of my need to control, and I think I'm getting better...but it's so hard to draw the line and the balance and to make the right decisions. It's so hard to change. I'm so hard on myself and I beat myself up so much...I think I'm getting better and more forgiving...I think I'm growing and learning...but I still am filled with so much fear that I'll fail and I feel I'm floundering in many areas. Anyway...thank you again for your kind words...and informative were right...I'm seriously having to adjust the way I view and accept life...and that period was part of it. I just wish I could fully let go of the outcome and live in the now...that's so hard for me.

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Post by AquaMyst » Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:16 pm

StormGirl Blue wrote:Just a word..
"trust.. a beautiful transformation is unfolding..."

StormGirl Blue
I know I responded before, but just wanted to say again thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing your story with was truly touching and brought tears to my eyes, I need that kind of encouragement. Thanks again.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:03 am

Dear Snow,

I will have to accept your very kind comments on behalf of our reader team, as StormGirl Blue (Tammy) has not posted to these forums for a very long time, and we have received no messages from her since then telling us if she is coming back to give readings on Mystic Board, soon or ever.

Kindest regards,

EoT :smt017

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