EOT november reading

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EOT november reading

Post by jspwe » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:22 am

Hi I probably wouldn't have come back if not for something that has taken place which has allowed me to come to terms with my ptsd and depression.  Although there is one more thing to do (meet face to face with someone significant in this event) I feel its finally over in terms of the prison I kept myself in.  I just want to know your take on things

my BOD is 31-03-1989

Just some extra info that may help interpret info flowing through.  Recently I've had suggestions being put to me saying maybe I should study psychology, counselling.  Others saying I should start a business.  Others saying that I should pursue a hobby of mine (which was basically the "hobby" that distracted me from my ptsd/ depression symptoms and kept me off drugs  BUT was all consuming)

If nothing has changed in terms of guidance coming in then that's ok I just feel this change may be the trigger for bigger change to come.

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Please describe in a little more detail what your favourite hobby was, or still is

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:39 pm

My feelings are that the hobby which distracted you from your ptsd/ depression symptoms and kept you off the drugs BUT was all consuming is definitely worth exploring further with regards to you choosing a suitable career for someone with your particular type of personality, which is evidently more prone to depression and perfectionism than the average person's is.

Not that I am completely ruling out forever the idea of you at some time in the future eventually working as a counsellor (as your own experiences in therapy for your depression would undoubtedly be of great assistance to you in better understanding what some of your more depressed clients are themselves going through).

But with you only recently having come out of therapy yourself, at this stage it is my opinion that you should give psychology and/or counselling a temporary miss at least for the immediate future and focus instead on getting your own emotional house more in order, or in the way of completing the self healing process which you have begun.

With this in mind could you please describe in more detail what that hobby is , and I will then compare it to some of the suggested careers which have come out of your life path reading, with the intention to help you to decide which specific course you should take in order to most effectively prepare yourself for each job in the list?

Please tell me a little more about that hobby in your response (as I am an intuitive reader, and not contrary to what many people think a mind reader), as I not only feel that it could be useful for me to know this information, but I also believe that you could learn given adequate time and patience as well as with the proper help and support of a professional, NEVER again to allow it to become all consuming and exhausting of your vital energies.

Be kinder to yourself, or else you will have to answer to me.  :smt018

EoT Image

PS: Be aware that Thursday is my regular weekly day off from giving readings (on account of my good behaviour), so even if you do manage to respond quickly to this message, please do not expect your reading to be given until at least 24 - 48 hours after that.

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Post by jspwe » Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:57 pm

the hobby was team based pc gaming haha.  I'm not sure whether you know anything about it but people play for cash prizes in events all over the world.  I do feel though, that maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, its a lot of fun but I feel I could be better use to humanity somewhere else lol.  

The other that was all consuming was in fact this; intuitive development, paranormal research, spirit communication.  I actually did a few spirit readings for people when I started to open up again to spirit but I haven't attempted it for about a month now.  I was quite accurate with my information with feedback from sitters.  

Now that I think about it there was a few other things I did.

I became obsessed with trying to travel to Japan.  Tried hard to learn the language and stopped.  Recently I started again.  I immersed myself in downloads of Japanese drama and comedy talk shows.  The reason I wanted to make it over there was that the people and the culture seemed to integrate spirituality and their values with what is a rapidly developing technological era.  Not sure why but I felt there was like a home for me there.

and finally I did at first when I was at the peak of my fearfulness attempt to try and make myself this crushing killing machine learning any way and every way to defend myself (as many fighting systems as my brain could handle).

And just some extra info, I'm travelling overseas to the Solomon Islands to see family in December.  I also have a "flair" for writing, music, arty things.


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Keep your personal Aussie flag flying high and proud!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:03 pm

Temporarily putting aside for the moment your troubling ptsd/depression symptoms, you are obviously a man of many varied skills and talents, a combination of which could potentially be used by you in order to earn an honest living.

Yes I am quite well informed about the whole international PC gaming high pressure and very well compensated for only the chosen few competitions, and even for those 90 plus percent of the competitors who simply lack whatever it takes for a person to make their fortune from regularly entering one of these contests, undoubtedly certain valuable skills such as forward planning, logical deduction and improved hand and eye co-ordination (skills which could equally be applied in many different areas of employment) are often learnt in the process of discovering whether you belong to the world PC gaming elite. So while I seriously doubt that you are going to make a regular and more than adequate living from playing computer games at such an advanced level (although nothing is impossible, as long as it is within the physical laws of this universe), at the same time I am not out-rightly dismissing PC gaming as having been a total waste of your time and energies. Skills and ways of thinking that you have developed there, could always possibly be put to more financial use, as part of a more a conventional job.

Now your date of birth of 31-3-1989 translates using basic numerology to you having a life path number (LPN) of SEVEN.

(3+1)+3+(1+9+8+9)=34          3+4=7

And if I was to be asked as to giving you two key words which best describe the average person who walks your seven life path, they would have to be SPIRITUALITY and UNCONVENTIONALITY.

7 has always over the ages been regarded as a particularly spiritual number (this is partly why there are seven days in a week), so people who share your life path mission often strive to develop the ideal of spiritual perfection through the use of their psychic/intuitive abilities, or spiritual gifts. Notice however that this elusive goal of spiritual perfection is an ideal for someone to constantly work towards over the period of many lifetimes.

What sets you apart from other spiritual seekers is your overpowering but often biting off more than you can comfortably chew approach to fast track becoming spiritually perfect during a single lifetime, instead of over hundreds or thousands of incarnations, just like the rest of us. But this burning desire for you to become "spiritually perfect" can be your undoing. Anything being "perfect" at this level is an impossible dream, but the general idea is that we each try to do our best with what inner and outer resources our Creator has already given to us when we were born.

The need to be perfect in any area can make the person in question more prone to isolating himself from the very people who could most help him, and to become introverted, self centred and depressed. Also attaining a state of spiritual perfection (however you define what it is to be spiritually perfect) can be particularly hard on ones body and overall level of health. Often spiritual practices involve some degree of self deprivation and sacrifice in other areas of your life to make your spiritual goals easier to reach. And very relevant to you, this also often requires an altered state of consciousness to be reached, which in turn is frequently sought through the the use of mind altering drugs.

The second key word for your life path is UNCONVENTIONALITY OR NON CONVENTIONALITY. The typical office 9 to 5 job is just not for a person such as yourself who does not like or work well as part of a team, but much prefers to do his own thing or go it alone. These are individuals who enjoy spending a lot of time alone in their own company to develop abilities and skills in their inner world, which could then be taken out into their outer world to better help others. And they like to do it their way, which is often highly unconventional when compared to the normal way that the average person earns their daily bread.

So based purely upon this numerology life path reading, with an LPN of 7 I would predict that your psychic/spiritual development, teaching, healing and the application of your spiritual gift of mediumship towards helping others is much more likely to be successful, satisfying and to be more consistent with your reason and purpose for currently being alive. While some numerologists list being a counsellor as an ideal profession for people with your LPN of 7, I sense that this could potentially undo your own recovery from the PTSD and depression.

You could transfer your own dark thoughts and anxieties to your clients, which is not going to be good for either of you. Accordingly your reading advises you to either forget any plans you may have had to eventually become a counsellor, or at the very least to delay them until you are more recovered from your own emotional health problems.

And every day which you are off drugs will also be a bonus, for practising mediumship requires not only sensitivity but also clarity or clearness of one's mind which mind altering substances makes difficult to impossible. But having said this I am also wanting to be a realist. Few people who practise mediumship make an adequate living doing this as their main and only job. So while I do not wish to discourage you from furthering your spiritual work, the spirits are not likely to be enough for you to pay your living expenses and bills and live reasonably comfortably, especially when you are only starting out.

This means that at first you may need to have a main and more conventional job to be able to have enough money in reserve to set up your business or healing sanctuary and pay for the everyday expenses which your labour of love will necessarily involve.  Depending how long the course would be for you to become a qualified counsellor, I see no harm in you applying for this at this early stage (when you are still only 21), but as your reading said above I do not believe you are ready yet to do this as a way of earning your living.

Could I respectfully suggest to you that helping other members of these MB forums by giving readings, healing words of advice and comfort and offering them moral support could be a useful and positive first step towards you ultimately becoming not only a medium, but as well a spiritual teacher or advisor/counsellor)? While you are not earning any actual money from doing this, the deep and lasting sense of self satisfaction helping others will give you, must spill over into many other areas of your life in a highly positive manner, as well as greatly accelerating your overall recovery.

I see you doing this as a small but critically important and absolutely positive step in the right and best direction for you to take on your spiritual working journey?

Keep your personal Aussie flag mate flying, both high and proud! Image

Many blessings from EoT in SA, to you and yours in the sunshine state. Image

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Post by jspwe » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:22 pm

Thanks a lot.  Certainly put things into perspective for me.  The only reason I don't offer readings here was because I'm new to it and I'm always thinking "what if I'm wrong this time", but I spose I have to start somewhere right?  Thanks again, I do feel a lot better about how to go about moving forward now.

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Which is precisely how I measure the relative success and usefulness of my readings

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:44 pm

You are most welcome for the reading.  :smt020
The only reason I don't offer readings here was because I'm new to it and I'm always thinking "what if I'm wrong this time", but I suppose I have to start somewhere right?
I could not agree with you any more than I already do with these sentiments.
I do feel a lot better about how to go about moving forward now.
Which is precisely how I measure the relative success and usefulness of my readings.

Even if my predictions based upon your reading were proven to be 100% accurate, if your reading does not at the same time help you to feel better about yourself and to once more be able to move forwards with your life with both faith and courage as your constant and loyal travelling  companions, I would rate it as a total failure from my personal viewpoint as a reader and your friend.

Kindest regards,

EoT  Image

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