December Reading EOT

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December Reading EOT

Post by jspwe » Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:26 am

It seems in guiding others the answer comes to me clearly but when I try to find guidance for myself within myself I still have all these voices shouting different things at me haha.

I'd just like to know what your take is on my travel overseas.  Just recently I decided that I will be living over in the solomon islands with family for roughly 3 months.  The purpose for my stay when I get right down to it is to remove myself from junk food, technology etc.  I'm hoping that by doing this I can clear my head a little and open up more to my abilities.  I spose I'm thinking it's worth a try, but even if it doesn't reap the results I was hoping for the experience would be worth it anyway.

After I've lived there I'm hoping to arrange a round-the-world trip after I have saved enough money.

Any guidance will be much appreciated.

Thanks again

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About your inner voices, and whether you travelling overseas is seen to be a good idea at present

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:10 pm

It is a common experience for readers to prefer to consult another reader, instead of giving a reading to themselves. This is thought to be because the person in question is too close to his or her situation, and therefore is too emotionally involved with the outcome to be able to do this objectively. In other words, their emotions often tend to get in the way of whatever insights may come to them.

As for the voices in the light of your other previous mental and emotional symptoms which have already been diagnosed by a medical doctor and you have mentioned before on this forum, it depends quite a lot on what these voices are telling you to do to both yourself and to others which determines whether they should be listened to and acted upon.

I am assuming here that that the voices to which you are referring in your own case are either loud intuitive thoughts, or alternately are virtually endless re-runs of what people have told you about yourself in the past which have lead you to believe that you could not make a good reader, or that you are not a nice person (the critical voices of self doubt). However voices which tell you to harm yourself or harm others are a good reason for your doctor to investigate the possibility of a mental illness such as schizophrenia.  

Only your doctor or specialist can tell for sure whether this is a factor with your voices. Many doctors will not take too kindly to the idea that inner voices could possibly be anything other than signs of a mental illness, so if these voices are critical but otherwise benign, then it is up to you whether you should even mention them to a medico as too many of them are quick to label any inner voice as a sign of developing mental instability.

So as you can plainly see from what I have written, this whole concept of a person intuitively hearing inner voices is often frowned upon, totally denied or ignored, or worse it as seen as a valid symptom of mental instability and disease of the mind by the medical profession as a whole.

But that is quite enough about your voices (I do waffle on at times about such matters I must admit, but I was prompted to on reading your request caution you about the possible consequences of even jokingly mentioning these voices to your doctor, with the exception of the malicious, harmful and dangerous variety, including suicidal thoughts). These "voices" definitely without question require urgent and appropriate medical intervention and professional treatment. The consequences of ignoring or not reporting these voices to your doctor could be potentially fatal.

Anything which could at last temporarily remove you from junk food and technology and allows you to get a clearer head and a more balanced perspective on your problems sounds like a good idea to me and to my inner guidance, but your reading while it neither predicts with any reasonable degree of certainty that you will or will not necessarily go ahead with your Solomon Islands plans within the period of the next six months, does add a timely word of warning that the potential disruption caused to your daily routine and any ongoing medical treatment by you travelling overseas could prove with hindsight (a luxury which you do not have at present) to outweigh any possible therapeutic good it could do you.

In the end it is not the function of a psychic reading to make this decision for you. If you really do feel that it is worth a try and that more good than harm could come out of you going to the Solomons, I have no intention or right to advise you to do the opposite, based only on what particular Tarot cards are drawn by me on your behalf.

But you did effectively ask for not only my predictions but also my advice, and I can honestly report that the advice I am getting in your best interests is for you to more carefully weigh the various possible disadvantages of you going away now or soon to the Solomon Islands, against what you see as the advantages.

So in summary, your reading neither predicts that you will or will not  decide to spend three months in the Solomon Islands but it does appear to be saying that if you feel that you really must give it a try, that it would probably be better for you to delay your trip for at least the next six months, so that you can build upon what significant progress you have been making recently in the way of getting better emotionally and health wise. Leave the Solomon Island trip until at least the second half of 2011.

By July of next year it is felt that it should be much clearer to you as to whether the disruption to your daily routine and any ongoing medical treatment caused by you  travelling over there could more than outweigh what you may regard as the potential advantages of you taking a short holiday or rest break from the negative effects and fall out of the 21st century syndrome.

Based upon what you discover when you consider this carefully instead of anyone making psychic predictions, any decision you do ultimately make to either go to the Solomons or not go at all, will be based on a firmer ground or foundation, when compared to me playing fortune teller on your behalf NOW.

Wait until the beginning of the next financial year (around July 1st), and then decide whether going to the Solomon Islands is going to be the right and/or best thing for you to do.

Also think about what other still unknown negative effects that doing this too early and possibly making your emotional symptoms even worse than they already are could have on the support or the lack of support and understanding which you may receive from other members of your own family, from then on.

Take good care of yourself and of those people whom you love (and whom love you dearly in return), wherever you may be living at the time.


EoT Image

PS: Then if or once you go to and have returned from the Solomon Islands you do feel significantly healthier and better, you should by then have a clearer head and view of whether an around the world holiday is the next logical step. Do everything in stages, assess what gains and losses have been made, then start planning the next stage according to how successful or otherwise the previous stage was (understood?).

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Post by jspwe » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:11 pm

thanks mate very helpful.  In regards with the voices, I should make myself more clearer sometimes on the internet haha.  I was simply describing what all my fears / hopes / insecurities etc were telling me to do.  No actual voices lol just my own inner workings being a mess.

I don't know if this helps or not.  The money that was supposed to be used for the trip, there has been trouble with it and is expected to be through next year some time now.  With this in mind, it is probably most likely that the trip WILL be delayed.  With you guidance on top of that, I will definitely wait 6 months as coincidentally there is a 6 month study course I want to take, which fits in perfectly. Once again, thanks for a enlightening reading.

edit: just read the P.S and yes, thanks, I do understand and I will take that approach.

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Sounds to me as though you are as imperfect and typically human as the rest of us are

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:13 pm

You are very welcome for the reading as well as for the friendly advice, and I am glad we have now cleared up any possible misunderstandings with regards to the most likely source of your inner voices.

Inner works a total mess?

Sounds to me as though you are as imperfect and typically human as the rest of us are.

That six months study course could not have been better placed and timed, if you had instead planned it to work out that way yourself.

Your positive and useful feedback as well as your kind words of support for the spiritual work which I do daily on this forum, are both I can assure you deeply appreciated by this humble reader.

Cheers 2U in return my friend,

EoT Image

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