I have never had a psychic reading on here before..

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I have never had a psychic reading on here before..

Post by happyme » Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:14 pm

Now is a good time I guess.. considering that we are about to enter a new year according to western culture at least. I would greatly appreciate it, if anyone could provide insight on love, career, and relocating in my life. Thanks in advance. Love, light, and blessings to all.
DOB - September 29, 1985

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YOu are moving out into the world, and may or may not be relocating

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:01 pm

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... highlight=

Firstly I wish to welcome you to the forum, although it is obviously far too late for me to welcome you to the site as a whole. I have also taken the liberty of providing a direct link above to your photo in the Picture Reading forum, which if I understand this correctly is only temporary and not an actual request as such.
I would greatly appreciate it, if anyone could provide insight on love, career, and relocating in my life.
Secondly because we are only able to answer one question per reading or select any one area at a time, and you have neither provided any information concerning whether you are currently in a love relationship nor whether you are presently employed, you first reading with us will focus entirely on your chances of relocating from where you are now living within the next six months covered by this reading.

Having said that I am keeping in mind during your reading that any relocating by you may be specifically for the purposes of you getting another job, rather than merely for a change of scenery or as a new challenge. Moving out into the world at large does not always mean having to physically relocate oneself, although it can. It is clear from your request that you are presently well into the process of moving out into the world in your beliefs and attitudes towards Western culture, and asking for a psychic reading.

Moving out into the world or outside your comfort zone is a necessary part of your growth and development as both a spiritual and human being. You have according to your reading achieved most of what you are able to where you live now, and have basically outgrown your cocoon. You only effectively now have three major options to choose from.

1. You can stay right where you have always been, both where you are living and where you are most comfortable in what attitudes and beliefs you will accept. To a person of your exceptional intelligence and high moral character to do this would be to simultaneously choose the death of your spirit. There are too many people in this world at the moment who are spiritually "dead" inside, many years before their body dies, and you are definitely not willing to become one of them. So this first option is not really a choice at all that I would wish upon my worst enemy, let alone wishing upon you as my friend. Let's forget this one completely and quickly move on to something that is going to help you to move forwards, not backwards or permanently stuck.

2. You can stay living where you have been for some considerable period of time, but do a major shake-up of your attitudes and beliefs about the world, and especially about the people who are living in it, including yourself. For one or more of many reasons you may not be able to physically relocate at this particular stage. I do not know either your current family or financial situation. If you are either unemployed or lack a family who can support you when the going gets tough, then while this dream is not impossible, it could definitely be a steep upward learning curve for you (but one which you are capable of climbing if it felt to be necessary).

3. You can physically relocate to another city, state or country as well as going through a major shake-up or sorting out of those core beliefs which are life affirming and forward moving, from those which have now exceeded their useful shelf life and will get you nowhere fast. This is the most challenging option of the two or three, but it also holds the most potential for new doors of opportunity to open to you.

In an ideal world this would be the only choice for you to make, but it should go without saying (but I am being told to remind you of this) that this is far from being a perfect or ideal world. When we enter this world and body we must necessarily accept or take on certain restrictions or limitations, precisely because it is only in this manner that important lessons for our growth and development can be readily learned.

When I asked on your behalf through this reading as to what it is felt was your best possible course of action to take during the next six months was either number 2 or 3, I got one answer.

But when I asked instead which of the two was the most likely and practical at this point in your life, I received a completely different answer when compared to what I did with the previous question.

I believe that the two very different answers exist side by side because the first one refers to an ideal world where there are no such restrictions or limitations, while the second one instead refers to our less than ideal world where there are.

Because I feel that you would want me to be asking this from a real world viewpoint, I will concentrate on the one in bold print for the purposes of answering your question.

Based upon this single isolated reading (which admittedly makes any predictions based upon it shaky at best) I feel that you will continue to undergo a major transition period with your attitudes and beliefs approximately between now and late June of 2011, but that at least within the next six months that you are it is felt highly unlikely to physically move somewhere else.

This says nothing about what might or might not happen after the six months is up, and while it is felt that it is unlikely that you will move before then, I cannot completely rule out this possibility, because of the reasons I have already explained above in italicised print (option 2), plus others that neither of us probably know about as they have not happened yet.
Do not move, and do not change your attitudes and beliefs?
Not for you. I hope that the chances of this are zero.
Change your attitudes and beliefs, but do not relocate at this stage?
More likely at this stage.
Change your attitudes and beliefs, plus move at the same time to another city, state or country (during the next six months)?
This is felt to be the less likely between now and the end of the current financial year, but never impossible.

Hoping this has helped you to make your life changing decision, but only when combined with information obtained from other non psychic sources.

Be kind to yourself,

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Post by happyme » Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:37 am

Thanks a lot. You were very accurate. Although I am fortunate to be where I am now, I also feel as if I am stagnating and deteriorating in other ways by being there. I want to pursue my dream, but I am thinking of just finishing up this level, and moving else where to do the rest of what I started where I will be in more control of my situation.

The love life - the typical story, lovers on and off, the chemistry was different from that with my exes, a strong connection, beyond the physical, to the point that it was telepathic, psychic, intense. Yet we can never manage to stay together long enough, there is always a lot of coming and going, part of that is because we weren't always geographically in the same area. Now that we were both in the states, I tried living with him for a month, I don't know what went wrong exactly. I just know that now he is completely blocked off from me, but I still feel a super strong connection to him. This frustrates me greatly, because what is the point if nothing can be done about it?

Thanks for assisting me. I really should have known better, because I am not a new member, however I have never had a reading done, and I haven't been on here for a minute. I still apologize if I broke any rules. Thanks again and love and blessings to you.

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Pouring calming and soothing oil on stormy waters

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:35 pm

You are very welcome for the reading, and you have certainly not broken any rules that I know of.

Your sense of frustration with having such a strong almost psychic connection with him but being forced to have a long distance relationship is perfectly understandable in your situation, and I feel great empathy with the sadness that this must be causing you.

The fact that it did not work out as well as expected for you both during that month you spent together could suggest that you are another one of the increasing number of couples who cannot live for too long at a time under the same roof. It is not that either of you is a bad person, and it does not mean that your relationship still cannot work.

What many people do not realise that is that soul mates often meet each other again in one lifetime after another precisely because they have outstanding issues, conflicts and differences of opinion, and therefore they need to be given another opportunity to work through these without outside interference.

So if as I believe you are each other's soulmates, there is every chance that you know exactly how to push all your partner's wrong emotional buttons at the same time.

It is a set-up!

You could be only meant to be together for a maximum of a month at a time, then withdraw for a given period agreed on by both of you to act as a safety valve to allow you both to cool down, before you come together again in a much better mood from having had the time out.

In contrast to the sugar coated highly romanticised version of soulmates as being 100% compatible and living happily ever after, welcome to the highly imperfect reality of close human relationships.

Take good care of yourself and be kind to one another.

Do not you are being advised force yourself to conform to society's ideas as to what a happy couple should be like, and that you must live in each other's shadows 24/7, or suffer the consequences for not fitting in with their rules.

While I cannot guarantee that you will be able to eventually get the balance right in your relationship between living together and apart, at least this should give you renewed hope that it is still a possibility, whereas if you attempted to fit into society's mould of having to live in each other's pockets day after day, I feel that your chances of success could be much less if you follow this path.

Hoping that this reading add on helps to pour calming and soothing oil on stormy waters,

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Post by happyme » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:33 am

Wow! So much wisdom on this forum. I miss it here. You have truly helped a lot. I feel so much better. And as usual so much accuracy... What validifies what you say even more is when we do clash and become estranged for a period of time, when we get back on good terms again, it is as if we picked up where we left off, and the clash didn't happen lol. Thanks again for everything eye of tiger. Happy New Year when it comes! XX

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Happy New Year to HappyMe

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:35 pm

Thanking you again for your very positive, honest and constructive feedback, as well as the pleasure and privilege of being given this opportunity to read for you.

The new year has already arrived in South Australia where I live (it is now 8.00 am on Saturday morning), and the date is 1/1/11.

The numerologists amongst us will have a field day with all of those ones in today's date, but wait until the 11th of this month.


Then we have November 11th.


The next similar event is I believe scheduled for February 2nd 2022 (2/2/22), so we only have just over 11 years to wait for that.

God bless you and your family, from me and mine,

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Post by happyme » Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:12 pm

How interesting is that! I find it fascinating. This year may be a power year, considering that 11 is a master number.

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A key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:49 pm

You are most welcome for the reading and friendly advice.

I also find this whole subject of the possible spiritual meaning behind repeating number patterns intensely fascinating.

The following web page and the information contained within it can definitely make for some heavy and serious reading for anyone who is brave enough to want to wade through it (it is so easy to get lost in it), but because of our common interest in the possible meanings of the number 11 and with this year being 2011, I thought that you as well as any members who take the trouble to read this might be interested in and greatly encouraged by its contents.

It points I believe to this year being a potential time of mass spiritual awakening, for our entire species or human family.


I was especially attracted by the mind blowing idea that....
Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories, that we are spirits having a physical experience, not physical beings embarking on a spiritual experience.
Please therefore accept this article as a late Christmas gift from me to you, as we both stand on the threshold of a power year, especially for those of us who see a possible spiritual significance behind repeating numbers.


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Post by happyme » Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:23 pm

Thanks a lot eye of tiger,  will definitely have  a good read!

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