Love Reading Request

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Love Reading Request

Post by Adivinha » Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:50 pm

Hey there everyone ! :)

I'd like to request a love reading, please. Just a general overlook over what's to come in the future... I have no expectations whatsoever so you can be as honest as possible, no worries.   :smt002

I do have a genuine love interest in a guy, his name is Tiago and his dob is 8th January 1992. I'm almost completelly sure that nothing will ever happen between us and I haven't seen him for some time, so I don't think about him as hard as in the past... So it's not important for you to take a look at the possibility of us having something together in the future, but if you do it's also okay ! I'm just looking for a general reading about my love life, whatever you can pick it's very much welcome...

My name is Mariana and my dob is 17th March 1992.

Thank you in advance !

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And this is the shortened and simpler version of your reading?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:18 pm

Dear Mariana, :smt006

You say in your request that you are almost completely sure that nothing will ever happen between Tiago and yourself, but hidden in your heart is a small feeling of hope that you will eventually get back together with him. For if both your mind and heart had already accepted that it was not either likely or possible that Tiago is going to contact you now after having made no effort to do so for some considerable period of time, you would not have presumably felt the need to ask this question.

Without me being able to directly read Tiago's thoughts and intentions towards you (if indeed he has any) through a third party reading which is not allowed on these forums, it is next to impossible for me to make any predictions about what he might or might not do during the next six months or so thought to be covered by this type of reading. Well to be more exact, any predictions which would be anything more than a wild guess on my part, based upon nothing of any real substance.

You would probably be far better off if you are still interested in predicting what Tiago is most likely to do in future (romantically) with regards to getting back together with you, to either flip a coin or roll a die. Heads or even numbers he will, tails or odd numbers he will not.

But it appears that you have already well recognised the sheer futility (waste of time and effort) of such an exercise in frustration and heartache. I agree that you deserve far better than him from life and love, and my feelings based upon what energies I am picking up around you are that any relationship you might have had with him if things had turned out differently, is now dead and soon to be buried.

Unfortunately because you are now not in any regular romantic relationship, I can hardly offer you a reading about a relationship which does not yet exist. Also because I do not know whether you are actively and regularly getting out of your house and looking for another partner who would consider himself to be the most fortunate man in the world to be loved by a wonderful woman such as yourself, once again my psychic hands are firmly tied behind my back when it comes to me trying to read a crystal ball (if I owned one), and be given a sneak preview of your any future love life.

In the above sections of my response I have told you what I feel I am unable to do with reference to predicting what love still holds in store for you, further down the line, and you may be by now getting the mistaken idea that I am either unable or unwilling to tell you anything through a reading about when Cupid (the messenger of love) is likely to pay you another visit.

What comes through loudly and clearly to me through your general reading this month, which cannot be a general reading in the usual sense of the meaning of the word because of the specific nature of your question which is focused almost entirely on love and romance, is that unless you finally let go of any hopes or dreams that Tiago will come to his senses and realise in enough time what or whom he has lost by leaving you, then there will be no empty space left in your heart for another man to fill.

My impressions are that during the next six months in particular, if you are actively seeking another partner and not simply depending on him to come knocking uninvited at your front door without you ever going out, then there is a real potential for you to finally meet the man of your dreams, or at least one who is much more capable than Tiago will ever be of giving you the deep and lasting type of love which you so badly and urgently need.

But if Tiago still has a place in your heart, if or when this opportunity for new love arrives, then I do not feel that you will be able to take any advantage of it. There is simply not enough room in your heart for both Tiago and another man to both fit into it. If a man did show a romantic interest in you, he would soon be forced to recognise that he is going to be constantly compared to Tiago and have to share you with a man he will most likely never meet in person.

Honestly if this were to happen, I do not feel that it would be fair to either of you to prolong the misery this would cause or increase the damage that this would most likely do over the longer term to your feelings of self worth and respect. Unless you free yourself permanently of Tiago in both your mind and heart, although obviously you can hardly be expected to forget him completely, I feel that your chances of finding a new love interest during the next six months currently range somewhere between highly unlikely and zero.

Your reading is therefore with your best interests and future happiness in mind encouraging you to once and for all cut the emotional anchor chain you are wearing tightly around your heart, which even now is keeping you a prisoner or long term victim of your shattered dreams of ever being loved again by Tiago.

I am completely sure that this is the only way that you will ever be able to fully give your heart to another man. While Tiago still takes up space within it, your heart is effectively off limits to anyone else who wants to get to know you better, with the intention to decide whether or not he feels that you have a future as a couple who are deeply and hopelessly in love with one another. Putting it politely, the time draws ever nearer for you to finally give Tiago his marching orders, and to send him packing straight out of your heart.

Blessed be,

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Post by Adivinha » Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:46 pm

EOT, thank you so much for your reading !

Consciously in my mind, I'm completelly unmotivated and hopeless to even try to have something more with Tiago. I know that he at least had feelings for me but there was something stopping him from moving forward that I don't know what that was... The circumstances of our lives separated us from having any contact with each other during Summer time. However, in October I found him again and I tried sooooo soooo hard to mantain a contact with him... He was very "back and forward". I do feel he has feelings but I also feel he doesn't want a relationship.

Since probably almost a month ago he suddenly disappeared... I wonder if he was trying not to see me at all. Well, whatever reason it was, I'm glad it did happened because now I realize he isn't surelly the best for me... I should stop fighting for him. I'm tired... I'm so tired of trying for nothing. You have no idea how bad I tried from October to December to be closer to him... He just puts a wall there. And I'm not the type of girl who wants to force things. Also, I'm very passive and cautious regarding this situation... So things were difficult, but I did put an honest effort there. And the sad thing is that we were actually very good friends... So that friendship is lost, I guess. Well, I give up.

You're right, in my heart I still have feelings for him and because of that I subconsciously still want to see him and try to be closer to him. But that doesn't mean I'll actually do that... Because I'm honestly telling you that that won't happen anymore. I'm tired of being hurt... I won't let myself get caught in his ways again... I'm putting him behind me.

Now, when I asked this question I really wasn't thinking about Tiago. I was thinking if I will find someone new in the future or not necessarilly someone new but if romance will appear or so... I wasn't thinking about will I have a relationship with T or not, because I know in my heart that won't happen. I have a very good sense, good logic skills & intuition so that's what I feel and I feel it's right... Now, I just put his name there so that if you wanted to take a look at that (again, my heart still cares for him, so that's why...), but it wasn't the most important thing. :)

Anyway, thanks for having a look at this ! I'll surelly fight now to forget him... Not necessarilly forget him as a person, but put him somewhere my heart won't see him...  :smt003

Much love and light to you ! ***

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Be kind to yourself

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:15 pm

Mariana, Image

You are most welcome for the reading. It was a great pleasure to be of loving service to my internet friend.

Once you have put Tiago some place where your heart will no longer see him, this will open up new doors of opportunity for friendship and possibly love with another man.

Step 1. Put Tiago firmly behind you (over a period of time which your heart is capable of dealing with safely).

Step 2. Open your heart to a deep and lasting type of love, now that you are not being constantly made to feel by Tiago that you do not deserve any better. Learn to accept beyond any shadow of a doubt that you DO deserve much better than him and his type of disrespect, and his on and off cat and mouse games with your most intimate and precious womanly feelings.

Of course both steps 1 and 2 are always much easier for me to tell you about, than for you to do it. You will always have my full support and encouragement in your ongoing efforts to finally free yourself from him, as well as his strong negative influence on your feelings of self worth and self respect which have been badly trampled upon, up until fairly recently if your reading was accurate about this.

Be kind to yourself,

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Post by Adivinha » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:26 pm

Thank you for your kind words EOT, I'll try to follow your advice.  :)

s !

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:40 am

Mariana, Image

Nobody least of all myself is looking for or expecting perfection from you.

All of us yourself included are trying our best, with whatever resources our Creator has given us.

Aim for a gradual overall improvement, instead of continually beating up on yourself for still having a bad day now and then.

If God loves us unconditionally and does not punish us for every single mistake we have ever made, then what right or authority do we have to do it in his or her place?

Blessed be,

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Post by Adivinha » Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:06 pm

I agree. :smt002 ´

Well, guess what ? He came back.
He finally decided to text me & wants to see me.

You know what's funny ? Everytime I try to move on he somehow appears again. Totally unexpectally... :smt017

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Only the passing of time and his actions agreeing with his words will tell us....

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:39 pm

That is excellent news, or at least it appears to be on the surface.

Let us hope and pray that this is not simply part of the same repeating pattern of him using you and your relationship with him, as another person would use a revolving door.

Pardon my attack of cynicism and I sincerely hope that he will show me that am dead wrong about what I am feeling, but is it merely a fortunate coincidence that he often turns up once again, just when you are ready to give up on him and move on to someone else who is more reliable?

Only the passing of time and his actions agreeing with his words will tell us if you really have anything to worry about, with regards to his true purpose for coming back to you over and over again.


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Re: Only the passing of time and his actions agreeing with his words will tell us....

Post by Adivinha » Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:26 pm

I understand what you mean. :) But I think you got the idea that he is my ex-boyfriend or that we somehow already got involved with each other and I need to clarify this for you...

Well, we never did get romantically involved with each other, our relationship, so far, has only been on the great friendship level. :) I just happen to feel something more for him and I've always felt that he also felt that way. I never was able to tell him how I feel and although sometimes I did see an effort on his part to move forward with this he always stepped back, he's very cautious and maybe shy...

I don't get what you mean when you say he used me. We've just been friends... I only tried to distancied myself from him because I needed to move on for myself, since I was sensing that situation wasn't going anywhere. But everytime I did that he somehow appeared in my life again. We'll see how this goes this time...

Thanks for your help!

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