Requesting a reading to possibly put my mind at ease

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Requesting a reading to possibly put my mind at ease

Post by Lala » Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:50 am

Requesting a reading if no one would mind that is?

Basically I have the oppurtunity to go away, quite far from home but am not sure if I should go or not as everyone and everything I know is here and being that far away from them obviously I would be sad and don't know if going would be the right thing to do or not or basically I am losing sleep over this so if anyone at all has any advice I would be extremely greatful.

My birthday is 26/10/86 and I am a scorpio


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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:31 pm

Hi Lala and welcome to the forum :)

You know I am picking up two very strong energies around you, one is a lovely rich green and reminds me of grassy meadows where children run and play. The other is like a jet liner, fast and strong and in an arrow shape, blue skies and white fluffy clouds. These may be the two options you have as both these energies are swirling around and intermingled in your aura. You must be in a turmoil because although this makes for a very pretty aura it must be energetically very draining. Try to do some more grounding exercises and center yourself in the moment so that your head stops spinning for a time and can clearly see ahead.

Now how to you decide? It's no good me deciding for you, you have to figure this out for yourself, letting someone else decide is one sure way to get homesick. But then is that so bad, you love you home, and that's good and natural, but going away will not change that, it may only expand you as a person and give your experiences that you enjoy and grow from, it does not mean you love your home or friends and family any less. So we shouldn't confuse those two things.  But I can say that this particular opportunity may be seen to be coming at the wrong time, I wonder if you say to yourself that you are not quite ready and if only this or if only that?

It does concern me that you say you are losing sleep over this, that is not good at all. It's fins to think things over and even to do this far into the night but that's not the same as not being able to sleep because of the decision. If the latter is the case then your choice is already made up, how can you go if you are already worrying over it and if you will like it? To go and make a success of this you must grasp it with both hands and open your heart to the project with a passion.  I think you have already made you mind up, your heart is still deciding though.

Good Luck

Cassie x

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Post by Lala » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:07 pm

Thanks so much for your time Cassie. To be honest you are right, I have my mind made up it just reassurance I was looking for but really no amount of people telling me "it will be fine" will stop me wondering. I think I am just an anxious person but I think I am going to do what you said and put everything into trying to make it a success and if it doesn't work out its not the end of the world really.

Thanks so much.

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:06 pm

Lala, you are spot on, thanks for letting me know you read my reply :)

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