Monthly Reading

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Monthly Reading

Post by CuriousMe » Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:21 am

Hello EoT,

its that time of the month again! ... but not THAT time of the month...:smt002

Would you kindly provide me with a reading and your thoughts regarding its significance for me? I would be very grateful :)

Thanks in advance!

Hoping your doing well,

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:57 pm

***Please check your PM inbox before proceeding***

Mike, :smt002

I really do hope for your sake that it is NOT that time of the month, or you have a big problem for which I am not surgically qualified to help you with.

Your focus card for this month is The Lovers, or Love as its original name was.

This particular one always reminds me of the Biblical story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden with the angel hovering above them to bless their union, with them both being shameless dressed in their birthday suits (or stark naked, if you are unfamiliar with this expression in Canada).

Now the most obvious interpretation for this card would of course be that within the next six months covered by this reading you are more than less likely (an above average chance which is greater than 50%) to begin a romantic relationship, and that this relationship once ignited will then deepen and develop over an extended period of time.

Now while I am certainly not ruling this out and I recognise that this is not such a high priority at this early stage of your life when compared to other life areas such as establishing your career and life's work, I tend to believe that just as with the Biblical story of Adam and Eve that it similarly has a hidden meaning behind its outward surface appearances.

Just as is also the case with the creation story in the book of Genesis, it is my understanding that Adam and Eve represent respectively the male and the female principle. While it is obvious that men possess more of the male principle while the fairer sex have more of the female principle within them, each of us as individuals is a complex and constantly shifting mixture  of both of these regardless of their physical gender.

Such a statement could easily horrify many more of of us than are willing to admit it. The idea that certain aspects of the opposite gender may exist within each of us at the physical level might seem strange to a large proportion of us, and simply repugnant to the few.

I feel that I am walking a tightrope here in talking about specific personality traits as being either masculine or feminine without unintentionally offending anyone, but for example intuition has always been viewed as a woman's thing. Both in being aware that such a thing exists and choosing to use it to enrich not only their own life, but also the lives of people close to them. Perhaps that is why many new members automatically assume that EoT is a woman (woman's intuition is a well known expression).

Another example but this time it for the men is being more assertive (standing up for one's rights) and outgoing (extroverted). The trouble with so many of these attempts to  generalise that all men are less intuitive, more assertive and more extroverted when compared to all women, is that you can always find evidence to the contrary. Some women are undoubtedly less intuitive but more assertive and extroverted than the average man, so there goes that theory.

But the creation story goes much deeper than skin and "dangly bits". Not only do we believe well many of us do that men and women are a complex mixture of the masculine and feminine principle, but spiritual teachers assure us that the human soul and possibly God him or herself is constructed in the same manner.

Our Eastern Indian friends will be even more familiar with this core belief than most of us are in the West. This is presumably why many such cultures past and present worshipped or still pray to both Gods and Goddesses, each representing certain gender aspects of the human personality in an ascendant or extreme form.

The human soul is ANDROGYNOUS, having the characteristics of both genders.

Here is some light (not) reading for you concerning this confusing but intensely fascinating all the same subject...........

"The Sacred Balance of God and Goddess" ... ss-a345802

"The human soul knows no gender" ... r/199798/0


But what does all this mean to me in the context of my reading and life experiences, I hear you ask?

And there are unfortunately no satisfying answers I can offer you through this reading about the finer details of exactly how this lesson will eventually turn out in my young Canadian friend's life.

For in each person's life, this idea or principle of the mixture of genders expresses itself in many varied and often unique ways, from one person to the next.

However in general I would take this card to mean that during the next six months or so you will either begin a romantic relationship OR equally likely you will be challenged to more fully come to terms with the fact that just like every other male on the planet you have a softer feminine side which is to be celebrated rather than being suppressed or feeling embarrassed about.

In particular I feel that with all this push and shove to get your education and career kick started, that your intuitive side may be feeling ignored and neglected in comparison to your logical mind, and that the next half year or so could be an excellent opportunity to both re-awaken and harness your own inner teacher in a similar way as I have done, but not necessarily giving readings.

I sense that your path is significantly different from mine, at least in this respect. Clearly not all highly intuitive people choose to become readers to help other people, but some such as myself do. You are looking for a much more comfortable union of the male and female or masculine and feminine aspects of your personality and soul, between approximately now and late August?


EoT Image

PS: This article written by Felice Dunas Ph. D. looks instead at the way in which men and women could work more closely and effectively together to further human and soul evolution, using the strengths of both in combination, to achieve things which would not be easy or possible otherwise (not just having children).

"Male and Female Differences and Strengths- The Yin Yang Perspective" ... rspective/

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Post by CuriousMe » Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:16 am


how fascinating! Though i instantly jumped at first seeing that card (from excitement not fear) I now have a better (calmer?) view of the situation. Sort of taking a step back and reading between the lines of your reading. I'd like to confirm what i found with you.

First of all i've always seen myself as more sensitive and intuitive person, though it was to my dismay. Never wanting to be a cry baby or a mama's boy or whatever, as a younger teenager i would always try to suppress that side. Maybe from now till late August will be the time for me to balance the two sides and find my equilibrium. Perhaps even attaining this with the help of my soon to be lover? Either way its a fascinating subject.

I won't pretend i read all those articles yet, but i did get my tonsils out today and wont really have much to do for the next week other than sit on my computer and try to sleep off the pain.

Second of all i wanted to confirm that love means love. What i mean by that is not just another girlfriend who in every way is a wonderful girl, but doesn't quite fit the puzzle piece that's missing in my heart. Total or as near you can tell love? Well i hope my excitement for that is plain to see, because its been all too long since i've felt that. Not meaning to put any negative pressure on you as the reader, i simply look forward to the opportunity. Yes opportunity because as accurate as you are in your reading, i believe there is always wiggle room whether i like it or not.

I once again look forward towards the metaphorical tomorrow (because it probably wont actually happen tomorrow :P )

Best wishes and a final thank you from your aspiring pupil,

P.S. if i am as intuitive as others have told me to believe i would love the opportunity to learn to do readings, not as seriously as you though, for like you said i have other aspirations, but definitely for friends and family :)

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Good on ya mate!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:22 am

Best wishes and a final thank you from your aspiring pupil

I sincerely hope that it is only a final thank you for this reading, and that there will be many more readings and thank you EoTs still to come.

I was delighted to see from your feedback that the full interpretation of your reading was accurate not only with regard to you coming more fully to terms with your feminine, intuitive side, but I was also right about you finding that special lady.

To say that your excitement about finding the love of your life is plain to see is surely a gross understatement, as you do not need to be particularly psychic or intuitive to recognise that your male hormones are set to maximum, and what this young woman could potentially do of a positive nature to increase your sense of self confidence and self respect will probably be completely off the scale.

I wish you both all the love and happiness in the world, then some more as an extra bonus for good behaviour.

What a wonderful piece of news this was for me to receive, and I cannot think of many people who are more deserving of finding lasting love and happiness in each other's arms as I believe that the two of you are.

Good on ya mate!

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Post by CuriousMe » Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:13 am


of course this is not a fair well thank you... this is but one in countless 'thank you EoTs' that ive given and will continue to give :)

Im delighted to know you find me deserving, sometimes that doubt is what holds me back. But not this time! no!

Light and Love,

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