Requesting a reading

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Requesting a reading

Post by Parminder » Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:36 am

I am requesting a reading about me. Seems like I have been having really bad luck in love life for a while. I would like a reading for my upcoming time. Wondering if circumstance will change or stay the same.

Thank you

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"Stinking thinking"

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:56 pm

Hey Parminder, :smt017

Please do not as has already happened recently with another member recently on this board misinterpret what I am about to say as me prejudging you, or me being insensitive to your hurt feelings and what appears to be bad luck in love, but things in this direction will only I feel from this reading change for the better, once you are both able and willing to get past the largely unconscious belief that your difficulties in forming and maintaining a satisfying relationship of a romantic nature are all your fault, or that you are somehow destined by cruel fate to spend the rest of your life alone, without someone to love and care for you.

Now it is perfectly understandable from your negative experiences with matters of your heart up until this point in your life that you well might be tempted to take on these self sabotaging beliefs as your own, and to subsequently allow them to express themselves in your love life (or lack thereof), simply because you may not believe that you deserve any better treatment from life than this. I am acutely sensitive to the emotional pain this must be causing you.

But the evidence is staring us both in the face so why can't you see it that you are doing your very best with what you have, and that therefore nobody especially yourself should feel in any way embarrassed or ashamed for having what is unfortunately an all too common human experience at any age of feeling lonely and unloved.

Your reading is then going on to suggest that if you want to eventually reduce if not totally eliminate the incredible negative power these well rehearsed beliefs are having over you in the way of preventing you from enjoying a satisfying social and love life, it is not enough for you to wish them away or for you to try to empty your mind of all thoughts (which is by definition impossible anyway) and hope that they will eventually disappear entirely by themselves without any further effort on your part, you are barking up the wrong tree or quite unintentionally making this much more difficult for yourself than it should otherwise be. Which only makes the whole downward spiral of depressing thoughts which you are currently caught in that much more difficult to treat.

It has been said many times by people who are undoubtedly much wiser and more in tune with their inner wisdom than both of us mere mortals, that nature hates or abhors an empty space or vacuum. If it detects at any point that your mind is temporarily empty of thoughts (even for a millisecond), then it cannot seem to help itself by immediately filling the relatively empty space with even more negative and self defeating thoughts when compared to those existing dark thoughts which you wrongly imagined that you had just rid yourself of.

During the next six months or so, instead of attempting to make these negative thoughts go away and by so doing create an empty space which nature will instantly tend to fill with even worse ones than you had before concerning your seeming inability to find a suitable partner and the possible reasons why this is happening (usually those of a self criticising nature), work towards slowly but surely pushing them aside and replacing them with  much more positive and self loving ones.

At first it will feel to you that you are only making this up in your own mind and that you are fooling yourself into believing that there is indeed someone special out there waiting patiently to love and care for you, but if you practise these love affirming beliefs often and regularly enough over the space of several weeks you should finally feel you are making some useful progress in the right direction once again.

Your reading is consequently encouraging and supporting you in your ongoing efforts to free yourself of these negative beliefs, which are presently holding you back from being able to fully open your heart to and trust enough in yourself and the other person to give these friendly suggestions a fair trial.

In direct proportion to how successful you are in replacing these negative but at the same time perfectly human and understandable beliefs with those which are much more positive and therefore much more helpful in giving you the type of deep and lasting love which you so richly deserve to have just as much as the next person does, so will equally you experience success in drawing a suitable partner to you between now and the beginning of April 2011 (approximately the next six months after this request was made).

You are neither destined nor doomed by unfair or cruel fate to spend your life alone without someone who should consider themselves most fortunate to be loved and cared for by someone as decent, loving and generous as your reading tells me that you are, UNLESS YOU CONTINUE TO BELIEVE AND CONSTANTLY DWELL UPON THESE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS (STINKING THINKING), AND BY SO DOING UNINTENTIONALLY CREATE A NEGATIVE SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY OF LONELINESS AND SADNESS FOR YOURSELF, WHEN IT IS KNOWN BY THE UNIVERSE THAT YOU DESERVE ONLY THE VERY BEST OF LOVE AND LIFE.

What do you have to lose by at least giving this suggested method of potentially freeing yourself forever from these self confidence destroying thoughts your best shot?

Other than perhaps your feelings of loneliness, emptiness and sadness?

Start by becoming your own best friend, instead of your own worst enemy.


eye_of_tiger  :smt007

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Post by Parminder » Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:23 am

Thank you for the kind advise. I was hoping to get a reading just so I can indulge upon some hope.

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But your reading is already noticeably hopeful, positive and upbeat......

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:59 pm

Parminder wrote:Thank you for the kind advise. I was hoping to get a reading just so I can indulge upon some hope.
You are very welcome for the reading.

But it (your reading for this month) is already noticeably hopeful, positive and upbeat in both its language and approach.

Have I failed as your reader to communicate this clearly to you, or are you instead (as I have been myself frequently in the past) feeling so down at the present moment that you missed the important point(s) for renewed hope in your reading?

If either of these possibilities is true, I am genuinely saddened and sorry.

It is my feeling that overall your reading was very positive and encouraging, in that it offered you a valid reason for increased hope for your future, if you are able and willing to apply the principles which it suggests and you manage by your own efforts to replace the negative thoughts with more confident, life affirming ones which could possibly over the space of the next six months mean a large, happy and successful turnaround in your life direction as a whole.

And this method could equally be applied in practise to any life area which is presently of most concern to you. It is not merely confined to your love life, working life, social life or spiritual life? It is a broad spectrum tool for positive change in your life, and therefore should make you not only feel more hopeful and confident about yourself and your abilities, but also motivate you to keep going in spite of any further challenges placed in your path from now on.

I can offer you this positive tool for change in the true spirit of love and friendship, but I cannot and do not have the right to force you to use it. It is a gift from me to you, which comes with no strings attached to it.

Blessed be,

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Post by Parminder » Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:13 am

Thank you again, I begining to understand as I apply positive thoughts in all aspects of my life. If you do have a tool, I would like to experiment with it.
Thank you again

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You already possess the tool to which I am referring in your reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:42 pm

There should be no mystery in your mind, with regards to you identifying exactly what this tool might be.

The specific tool to which I am referring above is already contained within your reading, and from what you have just told me it appears that you are already quite comfortable in using it with the intention to greatly enhance the quality of all aspects of your life experience on a daily basis.

Positive but realistic thinking, plus at the same time constantly working towards removing the negative beliefs and thought patterns which hold each of us back to some degree from reaching our full potential, IS THAT TOOL.

Therefore regularly use this valuable tool in your own basic survival kit with both care and wisdom, as in the hands of someone like yourself who knows how to use it properly and responsibly it has the potential to positively transform your life at every level of your being (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).

Loving regards,

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regarding the reading

Post by Parminder » Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:56 am


Its been more than 5 months now, and I am in more despair than before. I am losing hope in life. I can only see darkness. Can you please help

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Please leave this request with me.........

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:08 am

You are indeed fortunate that I saw this at all, as new requests for readings are usually posted under a new and separate thread.

But I do recognise the seriousness and urgency of what you are asking, and will either get around to giving this tonight (Wednesday), or alternately first thing on Friday morning as Thursdays are my regular weekly day off on account of my exceptionally good behaviour during the rest of the week. :smt002

If you believe that you are becoming severely depressed, I must strongly urge you to seek immediate qualified professional advice and whatever is recommended as the appropriate treatment from your doctor or specialist ASAP, as without you having done this beforehand your reading could potentially do more harm than good by delaying you from getting the help which you need and deserve.

If you are currently being treated or taking prescribed medications for severe anxiety and/or depression by your doctor, I must know about this before I go ahead with your reading. This is not something to be taken lightly or "for interest or entertainment only". I cannot emphasise this important point strongly enough without running the real risk of scaring you further.

Otherwise, please leave this request with me and I will do my best to be part of your support team, but not your only means of support. Understood?

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You deserve only the very best that life and love can offer you

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:18 pm


The time has arrived for me to give you this reading as I promised.

Since I have not received any response from you to the contrary, I am assuming for the purposes of this exercise that you are receiving proper professional medical treatment for your depressed condition from your doctor.

Receiving medical treatment or taking prescribed medications was never going to be a reason for me not to read for you, but if you are I need to take this into account when giving it.

I certainly hope that you did not get the wrong idea that I meant that if you were seeing a doctor or taking medications that I could or would not go ahead anyway.

I have personally struggled with chronic depression and anxiety as part of my medical condition for close on 30 years, have had at least one major nervous breakdown, and have experienced dark thoughts of taking my own life, although I certainly never got to the point of planning to carry them out.

They were basically a cry for help, which fortunately was answered by a series of life changing psychic and spiritual experiences which I had in the early 1980s.

In fact I can confidently say that if I had not undergone this dark night of my soul all those years ago, you would probably have never met me on a spiritual website such as this one.

Your reading is not predicting that you re going to have a fast and dramatic recovery during the next six months, but it does suggest that there will be a gradual improvement over time, as long as your support team and yourself can work together effectively.

It would be irresponsible and even cruel of me to tell you that your period of recovery is going to be without its challenges or that it will happen overnight, but slow and steady is going to continue to be the best way to go for you.

Your reading is wanting me to tell you this both for you to begin to recognise that I have been where you are now but are still here, and also that you are far from being alone with your emotional pain and suffering.

For there is no doubt that the place of darkness in which you presently find yourself is largely a product of your own distorted way of thinking.

Not that I am saying that things are not difficult or that you are imagining things are not going well, or that everything is love and light.

I do not think that you are consciously exaggerating the seriousness of your situation, but having experienced this myself before I do know that it is your unconscious mind which is only choosing what things in your life support the theory that that there is nothing good left for you, and at the same time is completely ignoring any evidence which suggests that the opposite is the case.

It is based upon your earlier requests probably telling you such lies as that nobody would ever love you or that there is something terribly wrong with you, which is total nonsense. But your state of mind is fooling you into believing this, and everything seems perfectly logical.

But in reality it is completely illogical, and there is no evidence that any of it is true. So your mind is creating its own evidence in place of what is real.

Your reading is predicting that you will not make any progress with this by yourself. You need to get together your support team, and you need to get it together now. Throw out the mistaken idea that doing this means that you are weak or lack courage.

You are enlisting the help of a support team precisely because you are so strong and brave. A lesser person than yourself would have in all likelihood given up by now, but you will not give up without a fight.

It is your fighting spirit which is keeping you here, and it is your fighting spirit which is making you get together a support team to help you get through this.

You are a fighter and survivor, but your unconscious mind is not working properly at the moment or behaving itself. It is like a badly frightened child who sees every innocent remark made by people who love and care for him or her as a personal attack, and more evidence that things can only get worse (more nonsense).

When you are feeling down it is your own unconscious mind's twisted thoughts that are being your worst enemy (and not your unconscious mind itself).

Normally its purpose is to keep you happy and healthy and make you feel like life is still worth living, but sometimes something goes wrong and everything then suddenly to go on a downward spiral, where nothing much seems to make sense any longer, and where it it can often be extremely difficult for you to find anything which is positive to light up the darkness and push it away.

But how do you fight an enemy which you cannot see? Being able to get to your twisted thoughts in your unconscious mind  often needs special methods used by doctors, psychologists and professional counsellors to access the faulty information, and bring each thought out into the open one at a time, where it can be properly testing in the light of reality.

Basically your treating doctor or counsellor will assist you to first access this faulty unconscious information, and then help you to bring it out in the open.  

For it is only when it is brought out into the open can it be properly tested against reality. You will be trained to examine and challenge each twisted thought one at a time, so that the enemy is out in the open where it can be much more easily dealt with.

So in summary, it is NOT that nobody could or would ever love you. You are NOT going crazy and basically there is nothing really seriously the matter with you. It is those twisted thoughts in your unconscious mind which are presently running the show, and it is towards examining and removing them and replacing them with something which is balanced and real that your and your treating doctor's energies need to be focussed upon over the next six months.

Once you can bring these thought enemies out in the open, you can be gradually helped with the support and advice of a professional to see them for what they really are. A pack of lies which has only lasted this long because the were up until now hidden and untested. As soon as they are revealed for the lies they are, your healing can start making major forward progress.

The next six to twelve months will never be easy or boring, but they will be worth it in the long run, as out of this helping period should come a much stronger and confident person when compared to what you were when you started your healing journey.  Yes there will always still be bad days when you feel that your biggest mistake was to get out of bed, and some heartache, pain and disappointment is inevitable while you are still living.

It is NOT going to be Parminder lived happily ever after, and you are NOT going to get everything and everyone you wished for, but without your distorted thought enemy, things are definitely going to appear far brighter and happier for you than they probably do to you now, while you are still under their spell or control.

There will always still be bad days as well as setbacks along the way, but these will progressively get few and further in between with professional help and the help of the rest of your support team.

Make the most of any help you can get and afford. It is a sign of your inner strength and commitment to yourself to find a way through this to a better place. You deserve only the very best that life and love can offer you.

Be kinder to yourself,

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