Reading On Material Possessions

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Reading On Material Possessions

Post by hodad » Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:24 am

Hi I was wondering if I could get a reading on this.

My name----MPQ ----date of birth June 26 1960

If anything about this connects with any of you maybe you could respond---
My question regards personal possessions and my past.---Over the years I just started to wonder where some of my stuff,just things I had from growing up,went to.
My first move was a long time ago------when I was around 21 around 1979-80====I first moved out of my family home,when my Dad decided to sell it and move to smaller quarters.There was a major clean--out of the house.I just had the usual stuff,-----records,letters,photos.schoolwork,clothing,shoes,miscellaneous stuff ----like a little suitcase I had when I was a kid,school uniforms when I went to catholic school,stuff from Girl Scouts like uniforms and badges,little presents my Dad gave me when I was a kid,old high school photos and negatives from high school photography,a photo book I made myself containing portraits of Sisters, just little things here and there that I collected and were part of my life.I went away to college,and some things got scattered----there were a lot of letters that I wrote to friends,and they wrote to me,these disappeared.
One thing I wondered about was what happened to a whole wardrobe from that time,clothes I wore everyday===========would have still worn them into adulthood,but basically a whole wardrobe vanished.My brother Kevin had access to a storage unit that I had put some stuff in---wonder if he was involved.Or maybe my father,and sister Sheila.I would really like to have those clothes,things like my old Hawaiian shirts,clothes from the Original Banana Republic in Mill Valley, alot of them I am sure  I could still be wearing today.I was wondering if you could tune in on them and track what happened to them.
I am hoping my sister may still have some things of mine at her house somewhere mixed in.Maybe they are tucked away and she hasn't come across them in awhile.Or maybe my brother Brian has some of my old things.
I also would like to locate some old photos from growing up-----I lost track of some old photo albums--so was going to ask some people.My question for you is-----"Who has old photos of me from growing up?"
I don't want to ask the wrong people so thought I would give some names and you could respond=====

Marcia L---use to babysit for her,she is a professional photographer,she took some portraits of me.I wonder if is she still has some around----

Suzan Richards---old college roomate.She always had a camera and took a lot of shots of us together in the dorms.Would love to have those.

Candace R.---went to Hawaii with her many years ago----she also was in high school photography with me and took many photos---on the Hawaii trip she took lots of pics of me and even had a slideshow when we got back---

Elaine E.---lived down the street from me when growing up and thought she must have a pic or 2.I did get in touch with her and she mentioned she might have some around,but didn't follow through.

Well those names should be a good start.-------I have been really focused on material possessions lately and would like to have more of the original things I started out with.It's just like---where did all my stuff go??? Does my sister still have some things,maybe some photos??????

Well I don't know if you would be inclined to help out with this.Some psychics are really good at locating material things.----If any of you are not able to do it, do you know any psychics who are good at tracking stuff like this??????   Thanks very much------MPQ
Last edited by hodad on Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:06 am


Hey there I have read your request and while I personally do not get very good results in looking for items. (reading them yes, finding them, sadly no. I always leave my cell phone somewhere.....) I really wanted to ask you if you are truly searching for the items or the memories. Having something can help trigger the memories.

Just wanted to ask if you had thought about it not really being the physical items you are looking for but the emotional ties and the memories the items have for you.

It is one of the unfortunate things about life is things get lost, and are often not found again( again not saying you can not find what you are looking for this is just a general part of life) The treasure is not the item but the meaning behind them, the laughter and tears. You can walk down those roads again even without the physical reminders.

Just some thoughts that struck me while reading what you posted.

I wish you the best.

Kindest regards,

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Reading on Material Possessions

Post by hodad » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:41 am

Well I would like to have both the actual possessions and the memories that go with them,if possible.
Does anyone else have any 'psychic' insights about this??

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Post by cedars » Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:51 pm

What is your exact question?

That someone might be able to tell you where these items are?

It seems to me those people you have mentioned are still around and it sounds like you know their whereabouts or not difficult to locate them in this time and age.
And you also say ''thought about asking them''. Why not ask them rather than think about it? They will give you a much better indication where these items are than the possibility of a psychic  ''insight'.

You say you have even contacted one of these people but did not follow through...... why not?

Why do you ask the psychics when in real life you may have all the answers at your fingertips?

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Reading on Material Possessions

Post by hodad » Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:49 am

I only know the location of one of the above mentioned people.I did contact her but she has not replied,for whatever reason,but I am hoping she will get back to me.I have no idea where the other people are,like my college roommate,and I am terrible at tracking people.She does not live in the same area as she did when I knew her.I don't know any of her friends.I spent a lot of time on the computer but she has some different possible spellings of her name and it got really confusing.I contacted some people but it was the wrong person.It was really frustrating.Even in this day and age,it is not always easy to find people.
There are lots of other possible sources ---lots of different times and places in my life where someone could have snapped a pic, but I am just not aware of them.Part of the problem is I have a terrible memory.One could be doing one thing or another,be at some special event,and someone could take a photo.A couple of photos turned up of me at someone's graduation.I don't even remember being there,much less having my picture taken.How could I possibly remember that??If she hadn't given me the photo I would never have remembered that.Then there was another one someone had taken of me at my high school graduation,I had no recollection of it being taken.There must have been many others taken that day.
I am just trying to collect as many pictures from my youth as possible.I think I am asking a psychic because my memory is just terrible.It's really hard to track that kind of thing.If I can find the people I mentioned above,
fine,but other than that I am square one.
Maybe I need to contact a psychic that specializes in lost objects.I need some specific names and events to jog my memory.
So I guess my question remains a general one----'Who has old photos of me'------------
Besides that I would still like to locate some of my old things....

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Post by cedars » Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:07 pm

Quite a challenge for you there.
I wish you all the best.

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Reading on Material Possessions

Post by hodad » Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:16 am

Yes but can anybody help me??

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Post by suzisco » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:06 am

I think thats a no, its a big ask from us and no one has stepped forward and volunteered to help you.

I wish you the best for your future.

Kind regards

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