Please help, advice and/or reading for myself

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Please help, advice and/or reading for myself

Post by Nakesha » Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:55 pm

Hi Everyone,

I have posted about this on other forums but either I get no replies or people seem stumped.
Around 3 years ago I  came across two strangers who I felt like I had known before. They were both extremely intense experiences. One of the strangers I 'felt' coming before i even physically saw them and when I gave them eye contact and them me we both instantly went red, I felt embarassed and i didnt know why. Later I started to have sexual feelings for the person. One time they where very far away to the naked eye about the same sizes as your fingernail and I 'felt' them then knew it was them instantly and it was.  
The second person I did not have sexual feelings towards, but I guess this made it worse as I couldnt put it down to that, the feeling started off as thinking that I was related somehow to them and then what has been now going on for 3 years started. I would get strong visualisations of them being the same person but different ages in this life but also different timezones. I remember being in a car and 'feeling' them but getting angry with myself for obsessing over strangers and then they went straight past in another car. I would talk myself around to normal thinking until I saw them again and then the weird things would start happening. When they weere around I started doing little 'tests' for myself, i started to think that this person was telepathic or i had possibly known them in a past life I started trying to speak to them telepathically and ask things that would need a physical outcome, this proved correct but they didnt seem to be aware of what was going on, i felt guilty and didnt do it again for obvious reasons.When I never saw this person again I was glad and thought it would cease, but it has stayed the same if not got worse. I dreamt/dream about them all the time and feel like i am on some level of telepathic communication. I then had a healer 'remove' some of my blockages and I felt 'free' from the person for a while. I fthen played a song that I wrote about the experience and they instantly came back but stronger but I feel abit more calm about the situation now, more than I did.
This gets worse when I am in water and on full moons, or appears to do. I had a 'waking'vision of them giving me a symbol to draw on myself, they or whatever'this' is has also sent me dates and I feel like I will meet them again one day, but i am becoming obsessed with it, like i really believe it will happen. everytime i talk myself out of it all it comes back stronger. the visulations get stronger and more real.
I would really appreciate any advice or a reading for myself only to do with me and the situation obviously, things i am wanting to know is what is this? how was it caused if there isnt a positive outcome? how do i resolve the situation? or is everything as it should be and that i will meet this person in the future. I dont want to ignore any fates but equally do not want to waste my time or let something else waste mine and have connects that are not suppose to be there and are not doing any good etc.

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Post by Nakesha » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:29 pm

Anyone?? :( like i said any advice is appreciated

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:02 pm

Life unfolds with experiences.  The good, the bad, the ugly all enter our life for a reason.  What you are attempting to do here is to halt any experience from entering your life while you concentrate on this one situation and direction.  That is an option of course.  But how limiting to what may enter  your life at your age.  You are on the brink of so much more than one limiting experience.

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