Akashic Reading Request from Cascade of Light

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Akashic Reading Request from Cascade of Light

Post by adrianna » Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:16 am

Blessings Cascade, :smt006

I was wondering if I could trouble you with an akashic reading request. It will be my birthday next week and I would like to know what the records hold and any messages, my guide and angels have  for me. My path of concern for the next 6 months to a year would be love, finding it that is.

I would love to see what the records have to say or any messages you might have for for someone that I know at the moment whom I am drawn to.
That said - are there any movements or progression in the area of love for me? ( i am currently single).

Thank you so much for your time Cascade. :smt041

Blessed Be,

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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:47 am


Thanks for the pm, I will let you know later on :)

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Re: Akashic Reading Request from Cascade of Light

Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:22 pm

adrianna wrote:Blessings Cascade, :smt006

I was wondering if I could trouble you with an akashic reading request. It will be my birthday next week
Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a lovely time :)
and I would like to know what the records hold and any messages, my guide and angels have  for me. My path of concern for the next 6 months to a year would be love, finding it that is.

I would love to see what the records have to say or any messages you might have for for someone that I know at the moment whom I am drawn to.
That said - are there any movements or progression in the area of love for me? ( i am currently single).

Thank you so much for your time Cascade. :smt041

Blessed Be,
It is always a pleasure to read for someone and your energy is so direct and forthright that I cannot help but share some of your anticipation and excitement. Do you feel that hesitation and tingling as if something is about to happen?

First I was given a message about juggling or balancing work and money, or rather income and expenditure. Be careful not to spend too much right now because you may feel that you could have spent it better later on. It's like that rainy day savings, spending now may mean that you miss a great bargain later on.

You are a truly beautiful soul. Very peaceful and with a deep inner wisdom that is very female and nurturing, a bit like the mothering figure but more from a friend or sister point of view. There is no scolding here, just friend to friend and they really treasure your friendship.

Sadly I do not see any pink glow that can indicate deep romance. But that may mean that right now it is not ready because you have not yet decided on which path to take. So in answer to your question, I'm afraid its not fixed in the records yet. But you can change that by taking action, but it will have to be you that starts or initiates things. If you do then by starting to change things now you may start to see improvements around the end of October. I also do not see this person as a soul mate, more of a past life aquaintance, the link you feel is not so definite as to be close soul related. It feels more of a parenteral link that is familiar, and that draws you back.

Have you thought of taking that action now? Take a step to see where you land? To see what happens? No-one can tell you what to do here but you. As I said the records are indecisive on this chapter.

I can see a figure now jumping up and down as if they are doing fitness exercises, they are burning off energy and trying to keep their cool, maybe I have interpreted that wrongly but I see this figure as being someone close to you that is having a difficult time right now, but don't worry your skills can help them to feel better.

You have a sweet shy Angel that is watching over you right now. She is crouched down so that she is almost hidden and she sits behind your right shoulder. She is a little teaser and brings practical jokes to mind. Sometimes her attention drifts though and when she should have been watching out for you she has been distracted and is playing games.
Angels are blessed beings that are here for us all. Their divine energy can help pull us through each day, but they will stand by and watch, so be sure to ask for help or advice if you want them to make their presence known. Otherwise their actions will be very subtle, almost like crystals, changing energies and altering feelings. If you sense that maybe you shouldn't do that or say that or go that way, then don't. That may be your guardian angel steeping in and whispering to you. Just say hello and smile :)


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Post by adrianna » Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:51 am

Hi Cassie!
Sorry for the slight delay in getting back to you, it has been a crazy work/sports/wedding weekend!
Do you feel that hesitation and tingling as if something is about to happen?
Actually of late I have been having this feeling of 'excitement' and anticipation of something about to come - but i put it to the fact that my birthday was around the corner and i was feeling the rush of that. Knowing that i was getting a year older, and minutely wiser (hopefully!)  :smt002
First I was given a message about juggling or balancing work and money, or rather income and expenditure. Be careful not to spend too much right now because you may feel that you could have spent it better later on. It's like that rainy day savings, spending now may mean that you miss a great bargain later on.
I am doing my postgrad degree currently and like the story of every struggling student - money is rather tight - although strangely I was thinking of getting away for a weekend with close friends for my birthday and buying myself an expensive new gadget as a treat, but maybe i'll pull the plug on one of it, and not spend too much.  :smt018 Thank you for the head's up Cassie!
Sadly I do not see any pink glow that can indicate deep romance. But that may mean that right now it is not ready because you have not yet decided on which path to take. So in answer to your question, I'm afraid its not fixed in the records yet. But you can change that by taking action, but it will have to be you that starts or initiates things. If you do then by starting to change things now you may start to see improvements around the end of October. I also do not see this person as a soul mate, more of a past life aquaintance, the link you feel is not so definite as to be close soul related. It feels more of a parenteral link that is familiar, and that draws you back.

Have you thought of taking that action now? Take a step to see where you land? To see what happens? No-one can tell you what to do here but you. As I said the records are indecisive on this chapter.
Sorry Cassie a couple of queries here, i don't quite understand the 'parenteral link' ( do you mean parental?) I have this feeling of kinship with this man that as you mentioned is not soul-related. A feeling of knowing from a previous life and that we were meant to further our relationship in this life but due to missed chances and oppurtunities it got lost. When I look at him I find it hard to call or envision him as my boyfriend but the word that constantly escapes my lips and crosses my mind is 'husband'. I also feel that we are both looking for our spirituality and a sense of serenity. :smt102

When you say ' have you thought of taking that action now' do you mean with regards to the individual i mentioned? I have been getting the feeling lately that the wait to be approached method i have adopted to jumpstart my love life needs re-evaluation and that in order to get what/who/situation i want I would have to be the one to take the first initiative step.Is this what the records say i must do?

It has been a while since i was in a relationship and I feel that much of my life has transformed ( spiritually) and i would like to have a special someone to share this journey with. Seeing one's best mates find the love they've been looking for and settling down would make anyone question what they're doing wrong.  All in good time i suppose.  :smt031
I can see a figure now jumping up and down as if they are doing fitness exercises, they are burning off energy and trying to keep their cool, maybe I have interpreted that wrongly but I see this figure as being someone close to you that is having a difficult time right now, but don't worry your skills can help them to feel better.
I don't know anyone that fits the bill on this one - although i was jumping up and down a court 24 hours ago playing sports! :smt003

Yes I feel i have a number of 'helping hands' from the angelic realm and part of my spiritual journey is to try and tap into that territory and get to know them a little better myself. But yes, it's nice to know that there is a practical joker in my 'team' - what would life be without a few of them eh?   :smt016

Lastly Cassie - i just want to say a BIG thank you for your time and energy spent in tapping into the records and doing my reading. It must be time and energy consuming and it is truly appreciated. :smt049   Your kind words are truly an inspiration and i will endevour to try and do the things you have advised. Thank again!

Blessed Be,
R  :smt006

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:48 pm

Thank-you so much for replying in such detail :)

Love the brilliant use of the smileys too  :smt045  they really help to get your points over.

I think that all readings can be quite tiring, depending on how they are done, but I find using the akasha thrilling and energising.

Ooops re the parenteral mistake lol, thats probably because I am researching a new therapy in my spare time and got the words confused :smt043 I do think there is a paternal or I suppose I should use the simpler word like family link.

Remember that no-one and nothing can tell you what to do, it is up to you to decide. As your thoughts and ideas and decisions change so does the future and the path you will take. I can already see that you have changed, and that although only a couple of days have passed your thoughts are clearing and becoming more focused on a plan  :smt035  Have your trip, enjoy yourself and see where that takes you  :smt043  :smt048

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