need an updated love reading

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need an updated love reading

Post by taraprincess » Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:37 pm

hi everyone its been awhile since ive been on here been busy missed u guys and gals i would like a updated love reading please i would so greatly appreciate it thank you

much love and huggies :smt008

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I never attempt to make predictions about love

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:30 am

To be able to more effectively use the Tarot as an intuitive tool please include only very minimal background information. For example if you want a career reading, what courses have you taken and what type of job have you been looking for?  Are you presently unemployed or studying? If you are asking for a relationship or love life reading, are you currently in an existing one at the time you requested the reading?
"Introducing Eye of Tiger" ... hp?t=73891

Also read what I have already written in heartk0re's reading. It equally applies and is relevant to yourself, as well as to all the other members who continue to post these unreadable and often therefore wasted love reading requests.
I have repeatedly told members on this forum that I never attempt to make predictions about love, especially if there is not already a steady relationship in progress.

In addition to the usual requirements of regularly getting out of your house and visiting the types of places where you would most expect to find a man of a similar age to your own who possesses most of the positive qualities you are looking for in your prospective future life partner, what are you actually doing to help yourself to find him during the next six months thought to be covered by your reading?

Also you should have a second written list prepared before going to these places of the negative qualities which you could not stand to have in your partner, if you lived under the same roof as he does for more than 24 hours at a time.

Try rephrasing your question in a manner which focuses more on what you could actively do to help yourself in order to significantly increase your chances of meeting the right man for you within the next six months.

Once you have met each other, basically it is then up to each of you individually and as a couple to make of the relationship what you both want from it. ... 211#299211


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Post by taraprincess » Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:01 pm

sorry sweetie i should of been more specific i am in a relationship or let me say i was in one since we had a big falling out :smt009  but thank you for taking the time have a great day much love and huggies

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:54 am

Dear Princess,

The fact that I now know that you are currently in a relationship, although it does not sound as though it is a particularly smooth and happy one at the moment, completely changes my previous inability to be able to read for you.

Although I cannot read him directly through a third party reading, I am now as a consequence of you having provided me with this vital piece of information, able to do much the same thing indirectly to a more limited extent, through his relationship with you as an active, registered member of this online spiritual community, and as my friend.

Unfortunately any insights or predictions based upon this more indirect method do tend to be on average less accurate and reliable when compared to what might have been possible, if we had been able to go the third party route.

But in our situation, it is probably the best which we can do to help you with your love life, with whatever insights might come through me on your behalf during your reading using the internet. We can only do the best that we are able to in your best interests, with what information we already have or get later via your reading?

I do not know how long you and he have been together, and I am certainly not going to tell you to keep going indefinitely and make yourself more unhappy by the day, just because your reading could suggest that it might have worked if you had only tried harder and for longer. Your reading does not suggest anything like this, so please do not worry yourself any further that I am hiding the uncomfortable truth from you.

I never like to see any close human relationships fail, but it is a fact of life that some do. The way in which our society creates totally unrealistic expectations about what we can gain from our close relationships, almost guarantees that increasing numbers of them will ultimately fall short. Each partner must to some degree accept responsibility for the problems which exist and develop in the relationship. Human relationships always involve at least two people (sometimes your two entire families come along for the ride and interfere), and conflict and disagreements are often the agent of positive change.

When you say that you have had a big falling out with one another, but still did not completely and permanently separate from one another, do you see the relationship as currently being unrecoverable? I am asking you this, because your reading is telling me that this may not necessarily be the case.  

While it would be an insult to your intelligence for your reading to tell you that there will be no further conflicts, disagreements of opinion and "falling outs" between you in the future, the very fact that you still feel that the relationship is ticking over and that you have obviously not given up yet, gives hope that the two way channels of effective and emotionally honest communication between you may be temporarily blocked, but not permanently and fatally damaged as you may believe that they are.

And that is the main message behind this reading. It is not the falling out event itself that is the important issue here. It basically goes with the territory of having a long term close relationship with another human being to have at some time a huge difference of opinion between two people who otherwise love each other, sometimes more than their own life itself.

My feelings and inner thoughts based upon this one isolated indirect reading (which must make us cautious about using the reading as your only guide or compass) are that while the flames of love between the two of you may be only presently reduced to glowing embers, that with the right words at the right time that they may once more become a consuming fire.

There is I sense no underlying lack of passion, sexual chemistry or yes love in each your own different understanding of the meaning of the word within your relationship, but I also sense a lot of stubbornness as well as the inability and/or unwillingness by either one or both of you lovely people to be the first person to say sorry, or to compromise.

Presently I feel that you are in a stalemate, relationship going nowhere fast, lose - lose situation,  which is badly and urgently in need of some human compassion and tolerance by both of you towards your respective partner, and equally importantly towards yourselves. The channels of communication still exist between you admittedly in a severely reduced and repressed form, but the important and encouraging thing is that they are there, if you both only look and work hard enough and are willing to dismantle the protective barrier of your own false self pride long enough to give yourselves and your relationship a fair go.

Your reading is not making any absolute predictions that things will automatically undergo a magical transformation for the better in your relationship with him over the next six months, but it does strongly suggest that unless the channels of communication are completely dismantled instead of only temporarily out of commission, then there is still every reason for you to hope that you will eventually get back together as a couple. And a couple who are much more finely attuned to and more in step with each others feelings, than they were before. Some degree of conflict is often necessary for each of us to get there.

Words of anger and criticism said in haste which cannot be easily taken back or forgotten have caused some level of damage to your ability to effectively communicate with each other in a mutually honest manner, and this will need to be slowly healed over time, as long as the love which you felt for each other when you first met is still there, as well as increasing levels of trust based upon each others actions and behaviour, and not only based upon each others words and promises.

Empty word or promises where there is no intention by the person to follow through with them when the chips are down, will not be enough to save all that you each you stand to lose if communication is not re-established, reasonably quickly and consistently. If however there exist definite, strong elements of physical, sexual, psychological, emotional and possibly also spiritual abuse towards you by him within this relationship, then all hope of healing has been lost, and you are then being urged to distance yourself from him without further delay when it is safe and you have a sanctuary to go to.

Do not believe for one millisecond that you do not deserve to be treated any better than you may have been treated in the past if he is abusing you, or think that you deserve the outright disrespect that he has already shown towards you

This is a common and cheap trick used by some men whose male egos are deeply wounded (I am of course using the word men somewhat loosely here) to keep you tightly on a leash, and bound to him for as long as possible when he is poisoning your very spirit.

I do not think that this applies to your current situation as it presently stands (a high level of abuse, that is), but potentially it might as time moves on and nothing changes for the better. It could ultimately grow into an abusive relationship where you will come out of it much worse than he will, if nothing is done to stop this developing between now and the middle of January 2012 (roughly six months from now).

Love, Light and Healing,

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Post by taraprincess » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:15 pm

Thank you so much sweetie for taking the time to do a reading for me u are so accurate in everything u said it really helped me realize I must do whats best for me....god bless and much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:29 pm

Dear Princess, Image

It was indeed my pleasure to give you yet another reading, and I thank you in return for your positive feedback and genuine note of appreciation for my efforts on your behalf.

Many blessings are as we speak, heading in your direction.

Sweetie? Image

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Post by taraprincess » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:45 am

Thank you so much sweetie you are awesome much love and HUGGIES god bless :smt055

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