General Reading Please :D

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General Reading Please :D

Post by sumbum » Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:57 pm

Finally my 18th birthday I have been on here for a while now and have been waiting to be able to get a reading! Yay! My name is Summer. I just moved away from home for school this year so I've had some big changes happen. I just want a general reading about anything I am really interested and eager. Thank you so much!!!

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Post by sumbum » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:45 pm

please :) :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:52 am

Hi Summer,   :smt006


Congratulations on having just reached this major milestone in your life and happy 18th birthday, but the average expected waiting or turn around time for a reading on this forum is approximately 24 to 72 hours after your request has been received.

And at present with my own situation described in a previous posting, the delay could potentially be longer than that. ... hp?t=77424

Also please remember that the small team of readers who freely volunteer their time and energies to help people like yourself, are likely to live in a completely different time zone from you.

Even readers need their beauty sleep, and still have their own individual and family lives to live, outside these Mystic Board forums.

Please try to remain patient. One of us will eventually get around to giving you this free reading, if only you are willing to wait long enough for it to become practical.


EoT   :smt015

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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:57 pm

Hi Summer,

Hope you had a brilliant birthday! It is indeed a milestone!

Such a specail birthday deserves a special kind of reading too?

You are going to be the first to receive a Mayan Reading here. The Mayas lived many years ago and as next year is 2012 I thought it about time we ressurect some of their energy and knowledge and use it to influence our lives thousands of years later.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ ♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

First you are of the Dragon, the dragon energy is very strong and powerful but it is sometimes hidden beneath the surface and unknown. It is only when we need to draw on our deep inner self that it makes itself known, and then we find a depth of energy and strength that can amaze. Often we run on with our lives and hurry by the small things and never stop to sit and pause or look closely at all the beauty we miss on our journey to wherever we are going. Sometimes we should just stop and rest and take a little moment to enjoy and soak in all that is around us. I wonder if you are a fast and active person, always eager to get on with things and never stopping or taking time out just for you?  Don't let things get on top of you, look after yourself and allow yourself enough rest and relaxation that you need. You will find that a few minutes to get your thoughts together will make you even more able to carry on racing around.

Next we are being shown the Ceiba Tree. This tree was centre of the Mayabn way of life, they worshipped these trees. The tree has many layers and each one has it's own in habitants from the lower branches that provided shelter to the small animals and snakes to the higher branches that hosted the magnificent eagles. This is telling me that you have a wide range of adventures and possibilities ahead of you. Don't hold back you can acheive and be whatever you want to be. Climbing up the tree is like climbing through life up to heaven, the layers of our life change and get more involved as we gain knowledge and experience. All we need is to step carefully and take in all that is there for us to appreciate.
As we travel on pur path we learn more and more and sometimes we have opportunities to learn extra things that may seem to be optional. Try and take these in too as you never know when they wil be useful.

With the tail of the dragon swaying, we are shown a lion moving slowly out of the way. The lion is a formidable creature that is feared and respected by all. But do not be afraid, if you are doing your best and being kind and gentle and compassionate and respectful then you have no need to fear. But like the story of the lion and the mouse, a lion can be won over by kindness and care but if you take a stick to beat him he will retaliate and roar. Gentleness is always preferred over violence, kindness over anger. Instead of getting angry at something try and look at it another way. What has made you angry and why, what can you do about it to make things better, release it and take away it's power so that you can act without remorse or guilt and instead can always act with a clear thinking head that is driven by kindness.

There is a vast future in front of you, use it wisely and do not bring your energy levels down with petty worries or concerns, look to the greater good and allow yourself to fly free and become the potential. You should be excited at this stage in your life, use that enthusiasm to your advantage and let your concentration be honed so that you can take in information and learn at an incredible rate.

Towards the end of this year you will be feeling more assured and settled and happier too, lots of good things to look forward to.   :)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ ♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Post by sumbum » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:33 pm

thank you so much Cascade!!! That was really helpful thank you so much! And EOT I will remember that haha thank you both so much :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:35 am

Not a problem, Summer. :smt006

You are always welcome here with your good manners.

I will be looking forward to giving you a reading, either in a months time or alternately when you feel that one is needed.

Yours caringly,

EoT :smt020

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:13 pm

Yep, my thoughts exactly,

Summer, thanks for replying and glad the reading was helpful :)

Many blessings


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