Reading for EOT

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Reading for EOT

Post by adrianna » Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:47 am

Hi there :smt006

Just thought I'd drop by and get a reading from you, when your time permits, on a few things going on in my life ( or lack thereof) , particularly in the area of love (single and mingling) and career?

Do you sense any significant changes in the winds in either of these issues?  

Thank you for your time and effort!  :smt007

Blessed Be,

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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:07 pm


I noticed that your request to EOT has not been replied to yet. Not sure if you have seen the thread about EOT here ... hp?t=77424 just thought I would point it out so you know you haven't been overlooked.

I am sure that EOT will get to you as soon as he can :)


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Would your feelings be terribly hurt or offended if....?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:19 am

Hi Adrianna,

Would your feelings be terribly hurt or offended if for this month I gave your request over to Cassie to look at, with the option for her to give you the reading in my place if she feels drawn to doing this?

I have actually started to do a preliminary warm up to your full reading, and to be perfectly honest there are not currently any messages or insights coming through me on your behalf, which I feel are going to be of any comfort or practical use to you in the way of satisfactorily answering your questions in either of these two different but equally urgent life areas.

I am unable to offer you love predictions concerning the next six months covered by such a reading, when there are no pre-existing steady and face to face relationships to build it upon. Please let your reader know if there is already a pre- existing relationship of this regular, person to person in the same room nature.

With reference to your career question, there is a need for further input from you before this would be possible.

1. Please either provide or confirm your full date of birth.
2. Are you currently unemployed or still studying?
3. If working, is this your first job?
4. If this is not your first job, what were your previous jobs?
5. What were your best subjects at school?
6. What other interests and hobbies do you pursue in your spare time?
7. What type of job are you looking for now?

Only if Cassie is not able or drawn to taking your request would I be asking you these questions BEFORE I would be prepared to look more deeply at either of these two areas, after you have let me know under this thread that you are still waiting for your reading.

Yours faithfully,

eye_of_tiger (or EoT for short)  :smt017

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Post by adrianna » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:54 am

Hi EOT, :smt006

Hope everything is going well at the home front and your son is settling in well   :)  Thank you for taking the time in getting back to me!

I am not currently in any relationship although I am looking and have been on a few dates. So I was wondering if there was anything changes in the horizon, as it is getting rather depressing and frustrating ( although I am happy for them) seeing friends and family settling down while I'm still single at 32! :smt012 Is there something I should be doing or not be doing? Should I just be patient? Although I have been for five years now. :smt017

With the career front - I feel its time to move on from where I am now ( I'm a teacher at a local international school) and as much as I am attached and fond of the students who will be taking their national and international exams, and enjoy (sometimes!) teaching them, I feel that where I am right now, is not where I want to be. Also, there is a colleague I work with that quite frankly dislikes me and has done a considerable damage to me personally affecting friendships, career prospects and physically as well, as I have been having these numerous l'ittle accidents' and just on Friday I sprained my leg walking!  I feel that i must get away as quite frankly I do not believe in fighting fire with fire. That's another stack on my Karma that I just do not need :smt018  So I was wondering what your take on the situation is EOT? Are there any messages out there for me? :smt053

Now I've feel that I've ranted too much! Please take your time in getting back to me as I understand that your family needs you more as well as readers on this board. Have a great day ahead and take care! :smt049

Blessed Be,

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Unconscious beliefs about ourselves can over time become our reality or truth

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:25 am

Dear Adrianna,
Hope everything is going well at the home front and your son is settling in well.

Things are slowly but surely getting better at home, and we were already warned that there would be teething problems with helping our son to settle into his new home. They were right, but as with all things in this life these temporary problems of him as well as both his parents adjusting to an entirely new and different way of relating to each other will also eventually pass.

What you refer to as your ranting and raving unknowingly on your part is an excellent basis for a reading. As soon as I began to read what you have written in your response, the messages and insights started to come through me without the need for me to consult the Tarot or use basic numerology with the intention to help you with changing your career. To be honest they came through so thick and fast that I was having a difficult time keeping up with them and typing them into my web browser. So what follows is the best which I feel I can do in attempting to communicate even a small fraction of what information flowed through me on your behalf.

The main theme or lesson of this reading is the power of our beliefs about ourselves, and how these largely unconscious beliefs affect our relationships with other people in our daily lives. Affect our relationships with other significant people in our lives, in both positive and more negative ways. This includes your relationships with your family, friends, work colleagues, prospective future love partners and virtually anyone else whom you interact with on a fairly regular basis.

Basically your reading is saying that you are consciously doing everything right and have not consciously failed to do anything which you should have done. It is felt that many of your relationship problems with men and with this "difficult" person you work with are coming from your unconscious beliefs about yourself, mainly the negative ones.

The purpose of mentioning this is not to make you beat up on yourself for not having recognized that this was happening.

Unconscious means that you are consciously unaware of such things, and therefore by definition to a large degree your unconscious beliefs about yourself are beyond your conscious control. We are mercifully only responsible for what we are consciously aware of, and for those things which have conscious control over.

You are asked to examine your beliefs about yourself, but in order to do that with you not being a psychologist or other professional who has the knowledge and skills to be able to probe the depths of your unconscious, you and I must instead use the visible effects of those beliefs as a guide.

Now the fact that you are especially prone to accidents probably is a visible outward sign that you may believe deep down that you are awkward or clumsy or unworthy of having a life where things do not constantly go wrong.

This might sound to be highly illogical nonsense, but we experience our lives mainly according to these beliefs, instead of what is real or the truth. In a  strange sort of way your most regularly and deeply held unconscious thoughts about yourself can quickly become your reality or truth. If you believe the above, that is that you are clumsy, awkward, unworthy, unlovable, everyone else does not like you etc., then even though none of this is so, your experiences will reflect these beliefs. And so will the nature of your relationships with other people.

In addition to everything which you are already doing so well in improving the success of your relationships with all of these many people in your life, your reading is instead of trying to guess what your future will be like offer you a method or way of getting at these beliefs, and turning them around to more positive ones using daily affirmations which are specially designed for your beliefs and for your personality and temperament.

At first affirming that men find you especially attractive and cannot wait to go out with you, or that your work colleague is doing these things because he or she has problems of their own and these have absolutely nothing to do with you will make you feel like you are only imagining or making out that these things are true. But over time these life affirming beliefs will slowly but surely replace the negative ones which were causing most of your relationship problems all along, without you knowing that they were.

Work backwards from your relationship experiences to discover what are your main negative unconscious beliefs about yourself. Once you have identified what they are, carefully design a series of them to change your relationship experiences for the better over time. Never use negatives in your affirmations.

Say I AM LOVABLE instead of saying I AM NOT UNLOVABLE.

Two negatives "not" and "unlovable" do not make a positive lovable to your unconscious mind.

Practice saying your personal affirmations on a daily basis, when you are lightly relaxed and quiet and alone. Try to say them at around the same time each day (saying them in bed is only likely to make you fall asleep which spoils their effect) for a maximum of 15 minutes only. Any more than that is a waste of time and energy.

Does this reading help, both with you looking for a soul mate or partner and also at work with this "difficult person, and perhaps reducing or removing the need for you to find another job now in a highly competitive job market, and possibly with another world recession just around the corner? Please let me know if I can be of any further practical assistance in helping you to better understand and use these insights to improve many of your relationships through daily positive affirmations.


EoT :smt020

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Post by adrianna » Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:29 am

Dear EOT.

Thank you so much for taking th time and effort to do the reading. I will most certainly do the affirmations bit that you recommended and see how things go from there! :-)

Hope your son is settling in well and that you and your family are coping with the changes well.

Thanks again!

Blessed be,

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A light at the end of the tunnel

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:09 pm

Hello Adrianna,
Hope your son is settling in well and that you and your family are coping with the changes well.
Now I realize that this posting comes as a late update on your previous one (you are as always welcome), but I am just letting you know that while our son and his family still have a long way to go in adjusting to the new living arrangements and our changed relationship to each other, we are I believe finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Not the tunnel of light which leads us into the Spirit world when our allocated time on Earth is finally at an end (there is evidently still too much work to be done by me in this world, before they want me over there), but rather it is the light at the end of our ability to cope and deal with these issues as they happen tunnel which is slowly but surely getting a little brighter each and every day.

Thank you for caring,

EoT Image

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