May I have a reading regarding my dog?

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May I have a reading regarding my dog?

Post by JandJ325 » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:22 pm

Yup you heard it right, my dog.  My unruly dog who causes me a great deal of stress.  He's an almost 2 year old Min Pin (neutered up to date on shots)who is over protective of me and my family.  Anyone who comes near the 4 of us or in our home he goes after. He bit my sister in law last weekend. I never seen him bite anyone before, he usually just barks and lunges at until I contain him. It is beyond stressful for me and causes anxiety when someone wants to come over my home. He only does this when we are around. At the vet where he boards this does not happen at all. Last visit he got a good report actually. We tried a lot of training aides with no success.  His vet just prescribed him prozac and I am hoping with more training on my part and the medication this will help.  I am running out of options and do not want to put him down.  Does anyone see my pup being better? Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Jenn and MoJo.

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A reading for you, indirectly about your dog

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:54 am

Hello Jenn & Mojo,

It would not be the first time that I have given a reading over the internet about a pet, but just be aware that I am only indirectly reading your highly strung dog through his relationship with his owners.

If I were to attempt to do this directly, I could be accused of giving you a third party reading which I am not allowed to do according to the forum rules.

A third party reading BTW is one given about anyone other than the person who requested it, and some more politically correct do everything exactly by the book critics, would include your animal under this definition.

To be honest I think that that in the case of a dog or a cat which is I feel unlikely to be able to request a reading from us in writing the need to do this is totally ridiculous, but some people do not need much of an excuse to get in the way of us helping distressed owners of their four legged family members.

And that is the whole point and reason for you looking for a workable solution to reducing your dog's anxiety levels, and so trying to get his biting people without being provoked under some degree of control. If you did not love and care for him as if he was a member of your own family, why then would you bother looking elsewhere for the answer, and asking for a reading.

Now I am not a dog whisperer or a doggy psychologist, but I sense that the source of your pet's anxiety probably could be eventually found in its upbringing before you got it, or perhaps it was passed onto the puppy by its mother. I have no idea of who the breeder was or whether the dog was pre owned, but I get a strong feeling that only if you can with the help of qualified professionals discover why your dog is feeling so insecure and why it is feeling the need to defend its territory by biting your friend, will you get to the real reason.

Another thing that has occurred to me during the reading was the possibility that you have either recently introduced either another animal into your home which your dog is viewing as competing for your love or attention, or this may sometime happen if there is a new baby in the home of the human variety.

For one of many possible reasons your pet feels an intense and urgent need to let every person and dog in the neighbourhood know that this is his home, and nobody or nothing is going to take that away from him. Your vet could prescribe sedatives to keep the dog from biting anyone else until this possibility has been fully explored and can then be directly treated or nipped in the bud before the law intervenes, but this would only be a very short term solution, and could actually make the dog even more anxious precisely because it feels so drugged and out of it most of the time that it cannot easily stand up, let alone trying to bite anyone.

If the Prozac is where the detective work ends, then that would be a tragedy both for the dog and for you. Underneath all of his neurotic behaviour, I can easily recognise that this is an animal which is well worth making an effort to save, and that your concern for it goes well beyond simply protecting yourself from being in trouble with the law if he bites anyone else in the future.

Otherwise this dog has a very likeable way about him, which makes his biting even more in contrast to his normal relaxed and in control friendly behaviour. Even dogs and cats are prone to anxiety attacks and phobias, especially if they have been subjected to the wrong sort of environment in their earlier years. Most of them will get over a bad upbringing and mistreatment with the new owner's TLC alone, but obviously this does not include your Min Pin.

Training aides would have limited success if any in stopping this from happening, because these impulses are unconscious, and are therefore by definition automatic and not under the dog's conscious control. A qualified and intuitive veterinarian might be more open to the ideas I am suggesting above. Some psychics on the web specialise in this area, but nobody on this site to the best of my knowledge does this special type of work.

Prozac will over the longer term only give you a dog which acts as though it is a zombie, and unfortunately just as in human beings taking this drug over extended periods, increased anxiety and depression are unwelcome but very distressing side effects in some of the patients (both two and four legged). Your vet will need carefully and regularly monitor your dog's emotional state of mind and adjust the dosage if depression sets in.

There are sites on the internet which provide the type of psychic guidance for pets which you are looking for, but they can charge a hefty fee, and their waiting lists can be several months or years long. I have no association or personal agreement with any of these sites, including that of a financial nature.

Cesar Milan who is TVs famous dog whisperer is another option for some people.

If he and his work in this area are not your preferred cup of tea, then instead you may like to insert the search keywords DOG PSYCHIC into your favourite internet search engine.

I get 3,670,000 results for this in 0.07 seconds!

Select your local area from the web browser menu below the search box.

Most are in the United States.

Getting your dog's aggressive behaviour and biting under control is going to require a concentrated multi disciplinary approach from several different people at the same time, both professionals and non professionals. The training school was not a total waste of time and money.  

The Prozac is not necessarily your dog's last chance, although if carefully monitored by your vet, the drug might give you all the breathing space you need to find a lasting solution in its place. In other words if properly administered by your vet, the Prozac might buy you some extra time, and keep your Min Pin away from having a lethal injection by order of the law.

Hoping that my effort in some small way helps and comforts you, and makes you even more determined to get to the core of your pet's problem, before it is too late and the law steps in and does what it feels needs to be done to protect innocent people.

Has the dog been specifically trained to protect your home from burglars, as he may not be able to discern the differences between a criminal and your friend? Perhaps his training school could look into this possibility. Has the dog's sight been tested? He may not be able to clearly see a person's face, and so judge if he or she is or is not a burglar.


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Post by JandJ325 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:23 am

Thank you for the reading, EOT. I never would of thought that my dog's problem could of been passed from his mother. We got Mojo when he was about 6 weeks old. I was searching Craigslist one day and seen an Ad for a pure breed Min Pin for only $150.00. I thought that was a great price considering this breed sells for a lot more.  He was a feisty little thing from day one which just has gotten worse.

We also have a cat who he will not let near us  :smt018 You are right about Mojo letting people know this is his home! The doorbell can ring or a knock on the door and he will go nuts. Either he is muzzled or locked in the bedroom when guests are over, which is very stressful with his barking and my neighbors.

We have been talking about seeking a dog behaviorist to work with him  would love it to be Caesar Milan! ;) or someone just as great as him. I feel like I am not getting anywhere with the vet except meds. :(

I appreciate your help and will be looking into a professional to help my pup!

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:23 am

Hi JandJ,

I do pet readings and healings from pictures, but to be honest first there are some very basic things to look into when considering any animals behaviour.

First and foremost is diet. Look at what you are feeding, when, where, how and how much.  Who is top dog, do you get fed first or does your dog? Some kibbles have colourings in that can cause hyperactivity and aggression. Likewise feeding some chews and chew toys, bone and raw hides etc can also lead to adverse effects.

Next is the start of training, and the position in the household, the daily routine of the household and then the dog's position. What is everyone's role, do they understand what it is and can they do it.

Only as a last resort is medication ever tried, using something like a prozac will only mask the symptoms and may lead to breakthrough aggression so please be very careful.

Take care


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Post by JandJ325 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:55 pm

Hi Cassie.  I feed him Purina dog chow. He is fed after we eat and he mostly nit picks at his kibble unless I add gravy or any saved left over in his bowl. He gets occasion treats( he works for them) and when we go out I stuff his kong with peanut butter and when I run out of treats I will add lunch meat to his kong.

As far as training he knows his basic commands, but really will only do them if a treat is involved. He has other behavior issues like stealing food if left on the table unattended and rooting in the kitty litter and trash cans. Those behaviors I can deal with right now it is the territory act he puts on with the home and the 4 of us. It is like he snaps and it is hard to slap him out of it when someone comes inside and he see's someone come near us on a walk.

I added 2 picts of him. The First one is his first day home and the second one was from April of this year.
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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:46 pm


Purina contains artificial flanourings and colourings as well as an awful lot of wheat and gluten.  A lot of dogs I know react to these ingredients and behave far better on a food that is more natural and without any of these things in. I don't know where you are and what resources you have but I would suggest that before you finish this bag of chow you start looking for a new food to rule out any possibility of a reaction, and then slowly mix it in and then swop completely.

But what a darling dog!  What a cutie!

I would say though that the second picture shows a markde change of status, and not only of young dog to older but to a change in hierachy sitting on a chair under a table in a kind of homemade safe place or cave. I would say that there is an insecurity problem here and perhaps that is why the vet went the medicatin route. Try to find a local dog behaviour specialist, someone who will look at the complete picture of how you all interact with Mojo and where his position is in the pack and where he perceives he is.

I would start with a change of food and lots of exercise and start keeping a dog diary and not down everything, you may see a pattern emerging.

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Post by JandJ325 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:19 pm

Thank you! I will be researching for a more natural food. He really does not like this chow anyway, I mean I guess I can't blame him. You really gave me hope about my dog!  :)

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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:28 pm

You are most welcome.

Keep in touch, I am always available on pm if needed.

Cassie :)

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