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God bless you all and keep those prayers coming

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:10 pm

My sincere gratitude goes out to Karabo and TarotModerator for their sympathies and prayers.

It was such a wonderful surprise to see my good friend and highly respected reader MangoMom back on the site, if only temporarily to add her own greetings and positive healing thoughts to the ever growing list of well wishers for M's speedy and complete recovery.

My wife had her 60th birthday last Friday December 9th (I turned 59 on the same day) in a rather low key affair by most other people's standards. The family gathering to recognise this family milestone had to wait for several reasons too tedious to explain in a few clumsy words, until the following Sunday (yesterday).

We are currently in the two to three week planning stage of her radiotherapy treatment (she never thought that she would have permanent tattoos) which should if all indications are correct begin very early in the new year. Then we need to wait and see from there on with regards to the the most likely time schedule for her course of chemotherapy and surgery still to come later.

Although she is not currently receiving any active treatment for her illness, she is doing quite well both physically and emotionally, and we are both uncharacteristically calm and strangely optimistic in the face of the many challenges which we know still lie ahead of us.

There really must be something to the belief in the concentrated and combined power of so many people's prayers for my wife and her family.

As I can almost guarantee that if we had not had the support of so many well wishing internet friends as well as of those many religious/spiritually minded people praying for us here where we live in South Australia since hearing of her diagnosis, that by now we would have long ago basically fallen in a heap and given up on the whole idea that we will eventually get through this ordeal, but only as a team effort.

These are the times in our lives when the inherent strength of and to be found within the combined family unit if we just look hard and long enough becomes much more solid, real and of a practical consideration to us.

Please excuse me for thinking out loud on this public forum, but this thread has offered me one of the very few rare opportunities I have had up until now to talk about fears and feelings which only people who have either directly or indirectly been affected in some way by this disease (99.9% of the human population by my estimation) can ever hope to fully comprehend and identify with based upon their own experiences with C.

God bless you all and keep your prayers coming.


EoT Image

PS: Here is an update about MangoMom once again offering free Akashic Readings on this forum. The news just keeps getting better and better.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 390#304390

Welcome back to your Mystic Boards family. You were sorely missed by all your friends, but now our time of waiting is at an end.


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Thank you all sincerely for contributing in your own unique way

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:48 pm

For those members who are following this thread and are interested in receiving updated information, M's treatment will begin earlier than was expected (although it is more than welcome) two days after Christmas on December 27th.

We will need and appreciate your prayers more than ever before, once my wife has truly started out on her long road towards surgery and ultimately her recovery which will be several months from now.

Our fighting spirits continue to be uncharacteristically positive and optimistic about the most likely outcome of all this, but also at the same time realistic and practical in recognizing the formidable challenge which is presently confronting us as a united family.

Thank you all sincerely for contributing in your own unique and therefore that much more precious way, to our combined healing effort.


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Post by adrianna » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:54 am

Dearest EOT,

I am so sorry to hear of your wife's illness. It is hard to witness someone you love walk that long, ardous path to eventual health. I wish you both strength and positivism and I am sure with your support and love, your wife will return to her old self soon enough. You have dedicated your time and energy to this board giving free readings to those of us who needed it and I hope the Universe will now extend its loving hand to you in your time of need and help you get through this tough time with ease.

My prayers go out to you, your wife and all your family.

Take care.

Blessed Be,

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Post by peacefullwarrior » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:57 am

I'm so sorry to hear this EOT. I will pray for your and your wife. All the good and all the best to you and your wife. Many blesssings to you both.

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The value of friendship

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:56 pm

Thank you to Adrianna and PeacefullWarrior for adding your own words of healing and support for my wife M (and in turn to her family who loves her so much), to this growing list of our internet friends.
"True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."

[Charles Caleb Colton]


Lost for anything better to say which could more completely express my gratitude and appreciation.

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Post by sweet » Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:47 pm

dear EOT

i just read your post .i am so sorry to know of your wife's illness. i hope she responds well to the treatment which is going to start soon .she is lucky to have such a support like yourself by her side and i know she is aware of it already. i am keeping you both in my prayers. and i know she will recover to her healthy self soon.

best wishes to you ,your wife and your families that are with you at this time.

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Knowing that you are all by and on our side all of the way, and all of the time

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:23 pm

sweet wrote:dear EOT

i just read your post .i am so sorry to know of your wife's illness. i hope she responds well to the treatment which is going to start soon .she is lucky to have such a support like yourself by her side and i know she is aware of it already. i am keeping you both in my prayers. and i know she will recover to her healthy self soon.

best wishes to you ,your wife and your families that are with you at this time.
Hi Sweet,

Actually we were pleasantly surprised and more than a little relieved when my wife's treatment began on December 19th, at least  two weeks ahead of the predicted starting date.

She is doing quite well at the moment (although these are admittedly early days) with the treatment regime which is mercifully made a little easier by her being able to have the chemotherapy agent constantly infused into a large vein near her heart (PICC line) with a portable pump which she can wear at home, and which allows her to participate in most normal activities such as most housework, driving and shopping when her energy levels permit her to do so.

Her radiation treatments usually only require a 20 minute session on weekdays at the local hospital, which is approximately 13 Kms from our family home. Because I am no longer able to drive, we have a small but highly committed band of family members and neighbours to handle the transport arrangements (God bless them), meaning that I do not need to worry in that regard that she goes back and forth safely.

So as you can plainly see the team effort to help us both to get through this extends far beyond those people closest to her, and gives us a strong feeling that everyone is wanting and working towards the same goals as we her family are. When this support network is further extended to people from all over the planet keeping us uppermost in their thoughts when they have never met either of us in person, it is to be completely honest somewhat overpowering emotionally for this humble husband and your reader.

I am not a man who is embarrassed to admit that the mere thought of a world support network for my dear wife having moved me to tears on more than one occasion in the early morning hours, when I am deep in thought concerning the significant challenges which lie ahead of us as a united family.

It is frequently only during stressful times such as these that we each discover the immense inner strength which exists within all of us, but which most of the time lies relatively dormant and unused, waiting patiently for the time when it will be activated by sheer necessity.

It is similarly at highly stressful times as these that we really discover who our true friends are, and your positive thoughts and healing prayers when added to those of the many members who have already so kindly contributed their own words of comfort and friendship towards M's recovery from this potentially life threatening illness bears stark testament to that fact being true, many times over.

With all of you beside us in spirit sending your positive healing energies, giving up prematurely or failing to give this time of testing our maximum effort, is simply not an option worthy of our consideration.

Loving regards from M's family, knowing that you are all by and on our side all of the way, and all of the time,

EoT  :smt007

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Post by sweet » Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:57 pm

Always :)

With such a strong support system i am sure she will start showing signs of recovery and good health soon. I am keeping you both in my prayers !!

Merry Christmas to you and family and especially to "M" .

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Post by fisk_82 » Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:52 pm

Dear EoT,

Really sorry to hear about your wife illness but grateful to read that she is doing quite well with her treatment. My niece is suffering leukemia so i can feel a little about how you feel. But i believe that God and dear spirits will protect you and your family because you are a person with a great heart. In my own experience that my niece cancer becomes a "light" to our family, we become closer more than before so i hope that you will get the  blessing also in this difficult time.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:12 am

fisk_82 wrote:Dear EoT,

Really sorry to hear about your wife illness but grateful to read that she is doing quite well with her treatment. My niece is suffering leukemia so i can feel a little about how you feel. But i believe that God and dear spirits will protect you and your family because you are a person with a great heart. In my own experience that my niece cancer becomes a "light" to our family, we become closer more than before so i hope that you will get the  blessing also in this difficult time.

Hi Fisk,

I very nearly missed your posting and wanted you to know how much I appreciated you sharing your experiences with your niece's leukaemia with us, although everyone's path through their illness and treatment is slightly different from any other.

While it is definitely bringing M and myself closer as a married couple who no longer take each other so much for granted as we did before, the rest of our family in the form of our son and daughter are moving further away from us in a physical sense.

It is only in an emotional sense that we are drawing closer to each other as a family due to my wife's cancer, but them moving further away from us is out of financial and health necessity, rather than being because they no longer love or care about their mother.

I just wanted to make that distinction clearer, so that people did not get the wrong idea that her illness is physically driving us apart as a family. It is definitely drawing us closer together emotionally and spiritually as well.

Could I please take this opportunity to send healing energies to your niece and her family on this occasion?

I will respect your right to privacy by not enquiring any further on the forums with reference to the exact details of her symptoms, but I sincerely hope that her pain and discomfort will both soon be significantly reduced from their current levels.

God bless,

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Post by fisk_82 » Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:33 pm

Dear EOT,

It's very great to hear that you, your wife, and your daughter and son become emotionally and spiritually closer through this difficult time. In my own experience, now i love my family more than before and finally can accept them just the way they are. I thank God to give me this opportunity to be a more loving person. But i know from your posting that you already accept them just the way they are and that's a very great thing.

Thank you for your offering EOT for send them the healing energies. It will be a very great help :).

God bless you, your wife, and the rest of your fam ^___^.


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When we finally recognize that we cannot personally do any more than we are already doing

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:15 pm

When we finally recognize that we cannot personally do any more than we are already doing to the very best of our abilities with the genuine intention to help our loved ones, it is then the optimum time for us to step aside and allow the the only true healer into our lives, to be able to in a relatively short period of time accomplish what some people would say is a miracle, when all reasonable human hope of ever finding a solution and making that person whole within themselves up until then, had seemed to have been forever lost.
The above insights were given to me intuitively while I was looking at your posting, when I was lightly relaxed and felt that I myself had nothing else of a helpful nature to contribute to the discussion.

Whoever this advanced spiritual being was, he or she spoke to and through me with an air of authority and wisdom which I will never possess.

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Post by fisk_82 » Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:07 pm

Your posting teach me EOT to surrender not just by words but with the whole heart ^_^..


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Post by srimedico » Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:08 pm

sad to hear this .. u dint mention which cancer she is suffering from ,,, hope it gets cured completely if it is a curable one ,, or atleast hope that her morbidity comes down as less as it can ...

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An update on my wife's progress, and some thoughts about healing to consider

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:44 pm

Just to update this thread M has finished the active part of her treatment, although the cumulative effects of the radiotherapy evidently continue internally for months after it is no longer being applied.

My wife sees her surgeon this coming Tuesday March 13th to have her final scans arranged, which should then lead up to her surgery being done in early April hopefully after Easter.

I received a private message from one of the other members enquiring about M's progress, which raised some interesting points about the healing power of prayer, which I would now like to pass onto you if I may.

I was asked if the member's energy meditations where he sent energy to my wife for her healing was producing visible improvements in her overall condition.

I answered that this was difficult to determine, as although there were very few visible signs on the surface that anything good was happening and she was still suffering from extreme chronic fatigue and other troublesome symptoms, it was clear that something significant was still going on deep inside her abdomen, where the tumour was located.

Many cases of spiritual healing are like that. The healing begins within, then progressively moves outwards before finally becoming visible to the untrained eye. And the problem is that even if we suspect that something significant is going on deep inside, we rarely have any idea as to whether or not these changes are positive ones.

I added that although it was not possible for me to tell my friend that his remote healing experiment was producing the hoped for results, we did not know how much worse she might have been if he had not tried to heal her from a distance.

I have been trained no indoctrinated in the so called scientific method, which always requires a control sample to compare the results of any therapy with before deciding whether it has worked.

In this situation a control sample would be if nobody else was at the same time sending their positive energies and healing prayers to my wife, which is obviously completely unrealistic as I have had an incredible and very emotionally satisfying response from people all over the planet to intercede on her behalf for her healing from the cancer. And the same prayers have provided her entire family with additional strength, comfort and support for the months which still lie ahead of all of us.

So the message of all this is that scientifically it is difficult to impossible to determine if or exactly how much your healing efforts are helping M in combination with her conventional medical treatment, in spite of this please do not stop sending her positive energy because it's therapeutic effects cannot currently be measured by early 21st century physical and electronic means.

The psychological and spiritual effects of knowing that there are hundreds or thousands of otherwise complete strangers from all over the planet all praying for my wife's speedy and complete recovery from her malignancy, is worth much more to us than numbers on a page telling us that she is being healed because the numbers tell us that this is so.

Thanks loads everyone,

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