Requesting reading please

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Requesting reading please

Post by ahmedy2j » Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:35 pm

my date of birth is 02/11/1989

place karachi,pakistan

time 05:15pm

plz tell me about my job i have done many interview but no reply yet
i want to know about ,career,money,wealth,health,abroad,marriage
now adays i am very upset
plz predict 2012

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Try this power drill to help you to get through the wall of your negative thoughts

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:50 pm

Hello again Ahmed, ... highlight=

You asked a very similar question as a request for a reading on this forum on October 26th, 2010, but I never received any response from you so I could only assume that you no longer needed any guidance. But looking back at a string of similar requests in other reading forums since then, it now becomes immediately apparent that your ongoing search for suitable employment has so far only lead to constant disappointment and frustration (as well as increasing pressure on your financial resources to keep paying your bills).

I am sensitive to how upsetting long term unemployment can be on one's sense of self confidence, particularly when you have repeatedly been granted an interview and subsequently heard nothing more from what you had hoped would be your future employer. Since you have been getting interviews then you must have been doing most of the things which commonly come through during readings in the way of practical advice intended to significantly increase your chances of becoming the successful job applicant.

So your chronic inability to be given a fair opportunity to prove that you have what it takes in your chosen career field which looks as though it is in banking, economics or some form of money management is not to be viewed by anyone as a failure by you to do whatever is felt to be necessary to get a job. It is much more likely to be due to the fiercely competitive state of the job market in your local area for money management positions which are consistent with your qualifications and relevant past work experience.

Accordingly I do not wish to insult your intelligence or upset you any further than you already are by endlessly going over and over the same advice and information which you have been receiving from other types of readings since you last posted to this board. Indeed, a psychic reading using any form of divination, whether it be the Tarot cards, Vedic Astrology, numerology as I was going to use back in late October 2010 can only go so far towards predicting your most likely chance of success.

One of the biggest unknown factors in this equation is always the other applicants with whom you are competing for the same position. In order to directly tell you how their qualifications and relevant past experience in money management compare to your own would require a third party reading to be given which under the forum rules is not allowed.

And since your optimum profession has already been established in the meantime since October 2010, then I can see little useful purpose being served by taking up where left you in my response, and going ahead and giving you the career life path reading which I originally planned to do all those many months before now.

It does not take a psychic sensitive to tell you that the world economy is sick and that therefore economists are without doubt not the most popular people amongst the general public. Instead of taking on more money managers at this time many financial institutions are instead reducing their number of employees in an effort to maintain enough profit to keep the shareholders happy. The fact that so many of their workers are unhappy and therefore operating at minimal efficiency does not seem to register with them as being a serious threat to the institution's profits and current standing on the world stock market.  

All of this high power financial wheeling and dealing (some regard the stock market as the biggest legalized gambling den in the world, where the money being gambled away on a daily basis is frequently someone else's life savings) seems far away from the question which you are asking, but probably nothing could have a more powerful effect on the relative availability of of suitable jobs in your native country and local area than the world economic situation.

And even the best psychic in the world which I am definitely not would find it near to impossible to accurately and reliably predict in which direction  share values are next most likely to move during the next 24 hours, let alone over the next six months commonly thought to be covered by these readings. Anyone who could do this would quickly become the richest person on the planet, but since I cannot, I am as a result not likely to become a millionaire any time soon. And let us be entirely honest and upfront about this.

While each of us is responsible for managing our own money and earning our living, individually we have little power to change the world economy for the better. Therefore even if I were to become the most successful and famous psychic on Earth, we would both still have a very minimal impact on or control of the global economy.

Either we must accept and work within the framework it provides us with, or act like a child who does not get his own way and have a 24/7 temper tantrum about the sheer unfairness and inequality of it all. No matter how angry and depressed we become about the world economic situation, it is not going to do us any good in the way of getting a job, although it is extremely tempting at times to give up and give into our negative thoughts and fears if we feel that we are not getting any where with what we are trying our level best to do.

It has been said on many occasions by people wiser than either of the two of us that the measure of the strength of the character of a man is not to be seen in what happens to him throughout his entire life time, but it is rather how he chooses to respond to the challenges being presented to him by these events.

Basically you have very little if any control on the world economy stage, but you do have much more power than you can presently imagine is possible for a person to have in your position, over how you will choose to respond to the various challenges of long term unemployment and the financial pressures of not having a job for many months or in some rarer cases years or never having one.  

Not that I am suggesting for one moment that your reading is predicting that you will be permanently unemployed.

Please leave the reading to me!  :smt018

If you even begin to believe this deep down in your own unconscious mind where it really counts, you have effectively lost the entire war before the first shot of the first battle has been fired. If you no longer believe in yourself and in your abilities to do this job well and by any deadline, how are you ever going to convince the interviewer and your prospective future boss that you are worth the risk of being taken on the payroll as a trainee on probation? Usually people do not understand the limitations of positive thinking.

They often have the horribly faulty idea that if they only believe long and hard enough that something will happen, it inevitably and eventually will happen on real life. If they keep positive and keep trying long and hard enough, then they MUST get that choice job in front of everyone else who is equally qualified and optimistic. It is crystal clear that positive thinking in itself gives us a distinct advantage over people who always see a glass as being half empty instead of half full (pessimists), but by itself it is never enough.

It is always much easier said than done, but in addition to continuing to do all the things which you are already doing to be granted interviews, by all means learn to think more positively but do not leave it there. Beyond doing all which you reasonably can to apply and get interviews and thinking positively, you will need to take further practical steps to make those positive thoughts become increasingly alive and active in your daily existence.

Continue to be optimistic about your chances of getting a job before your money runs out, but at the same time be practical and realistic in realizing that there are always far more applicants than there are suitable job openings and opportunities for all the applicants. One of the best possible ways of protecting yourself from allowing unemployment to drag you down is the most obvious but often difficult - get a job.

Any type of job where you are once more interacting with other people and are no longer completely dependent on hand outs or sponging off your friends or relative on a long term basis is surely preferable to this what some call living hell of long time unemployment. Swallow your pride. You can no longer afford it. Be willing and prepared to do a temporary job which at least gets your foot in the door, although it may not be exactly what you eventually want.

Widen your horizons concerning what type of job you will accept on a short term basis, to help you to solve your money problems, with the positive intention to begin 2012 on the best possible footing. There will always be bad days where you might feel it would have been better to roll over in bed and go back to sleep, as what was waiting for you only seems to be more of the same depressing story as it was yesterday.

As long as the frequency and severity of these bad or worse days gradually decreases over an extended period of time, then you are probably doing most of what is humanly possible to be able to further your ambitions.

Instead of allowing these admittedly significant challenges to overwhelm and drown you in depression, rise above them and use them to only make yourself more determined than ever before to enjoy success at getting the job you are wanting.

Keep attacking or slowly but surely chipping or wearing away at the thought barriers which currently separate you from your goals.

Here! Try this power drill to help you to get through the wall of your negative thoughts; noticeably faster than would have been possible without its help.

EoT  Image

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Post by fruffle » Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:00 am

*applause* EoT, I am very impressed with how thorough you are in your replies.  You really seem to care.  Even when the OP doesn't seem like he will do too much with your advice.

ahmedy2j, I wish that I could give you some sort of psychic advice, but all I have for you are other ideas that you may not have tried.  I don't know what all type of work you've applied for.  Have you tried internet based jobs?   Outsourcing companies?  Call centers?  Would traveling somewhere else to find work be a viable option?  Sometimes you've gotta think out of the box.  

You're young, and for that reason I'm not too worried about ya... you'll find something if you're persistent.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:58 pm

Hi Fruffle, :smt006

Welcome to the forum as a valued member of our team of helpers.

Thanking you for your kind comments and your ongoing support for both Ahmed, as well as for myself.

One can only offer helpful advice.

Nobody here is under any obligation whatsoever to accept and act upon the advice which comes through during a reading, either in part or in full.

As I mentioned during Ahmed's reading I am entirely familiar with the depressing and damaging emotional effects of long term unemployment, and the reading took this into account when considering what advice would be best to pass on to Ahmed, without instantly overpowering his ability to apply it in his daily life.

As with most things in life this is easier said than done, and in particular when a pattern of chronic long term unemployment becomes well established, an extra effort must often need to be made to help the affected person recognise that they are not alone with their pain, and that people really care about what is happening to them in spite of how difficult their challenges might be or how well they are coping with them at the time.

Salutations and Happy New Year,

EoT :smt003

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Post by ahmedy2j » Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:23 pm

reply my query

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No magic or easy shortcuts to you getting an interview

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:52 pm

Ahmed my young friend, :smt017

But I have already replied to your query and have already given you the reading which I promised to (in this thread). ... 851#304851

Did you expect the reading to do what is needed for you to get an interview, on your behalf?

Life simply does not work that way.

And because your request was posted on December 29th, you will not again be eligible to ask for another reading either on this or any of the other various reading forums, until at least January 29th.

There is no way that any reading can predict with any measure of reliability if or when you will receive your first interview, but it is felt by my inner guidance that unless you follow the advice given in this reading and by your own efforts develop a greater sense of confidence in yourself, then when you attend your first interview it is unlikely to end in you getting the job in front of the other applicants.

While I know all too well how difficult what your reading is asking you to do when you have been out of a job for as long as you already have, the longer this period of unemployment continues as it is, the more will be the damage done to your self esteem, and prospective future employers and the interviewers as their agents will pick up on your poor self image and decide that it is not worth taking the risk with someone who has such a negative self concept about himself.

They are not going to be likely to want to invest too much time and money into training someone who no longer believes in himself and in his abilities to do the job well, and will often choose someone else in your place (who does believe in him or herself.)

In the end although it is always easier said than done, you must somehow overcome and actively work to restore some of your self confidence, if any interview you do eventually get is going to offer you more than an average 50% chance of you becoming the successful applicant for that position.

If you are neither able nor willing to do what is practically needed for you to develop a greater sense of self confidence and prepare yourself as best you are able for any future interview, then your reading is basically saying that your chances of getting an interview and job within the next six months are becoming less with each passing day during which you take no further action with the goal to help yourself to get an interview.

Other people in can only do so much to help you to do this.

You have to do the rest of it for yourself, and for your own working future.

There are unfortunately no magic or easy shortcuts to doing this in a psychic reading, when used by itself. Only when used in combination with your own efforts to increase your sense of self confidence is this likely to give you the success which you are wanting.

Take care,

EoT  Image

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