Reading request, about finding work

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Reading request, about finding work

Post by jenira » Wed May 25, 2011 2:24 pm

Hi this isn't my first time here and the last few times were greatly appreciated for the help. My question this time has to do with the very little job opportunties  i've found.

I am practically a hermit right now trying her best to do it by herself.  But I sometimes feel tired about my situation :( right now I volunteer on occasion and taking classes but classes aren't free. I did get one job but said no to it, didn't feel right am I being too picky am I looking I'n the wrong places, or not doing enough are my questions I'n relation to finding work ?

A general sense of what is going on would be nice! Again I appreciate the help.  Thank you!

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Your further input is needed

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri May 27, 2011 1:41 am


1. What type of volunteer work are you currently doing?

2. What is the course about, and how much longer will it be before it is finished?

3. What type of job have you been applying for up until recently?

4. What type of job would you be most interested in doing, in preference to those which are available at the moment in your local area?

5. What relevant past work experience and qualifications do you have?

Please also confirm that the date of birth displayed in your forum profile is correct.

Thanks in advance,

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Post by jenira » Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:26 am

Hi Eye of Tiger, thank you for taking the time to respond to my earlier post. I oringally requested a reading about work, that is working out slowly. I wanted to ask if I could change it to love reading instead? I just want to know where I stand overall .....should I stay or move on? The relationship is in its early stages , yet we 're already drifting apart because of differences, I don't want to leave, but hes acting selfish, impatient with me. Will it work out or is just a hopeless situation I should let go of? Yes thats my date of birth displayed on my profile.Thank you.

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Queen of Wands (QOW)

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:47 am


Yours is one of those extremely difficult and deeply personal YES ( you should stay) or NO (it is time to move on) questions, which many readers are hesitant to take because there are potentially so many possible factors which could affect the outcome, that making a prediction about which way this situation will go during the next six months covered by the reading is fraught with danger for both the reader as well as his or her client.

Such readings are well known to produce so many false positive or negative results, that their reliability to you in making your decision is questionable at best, and less than useless at worst. Too many times I have seen them give the person whose reading it is (the querent) false hope when there was no basis for it, or take away their sense of hope when there was every valid reason for them to remain hopeful.

The ultimate danger is that this can unintentionally create what has become known as a negative self fulfilling prophecy. Which basically means that if a reader tells you that there is very little hope of saving the relationship, then you are highly unlikely to continue to try to save it. Why try to improve anything when you already believe deep down where it counts thanks to your reading that you are destined by the cruel hand of fate to fail miserably, or make matters even worse than they already seem?

As long as you keep the above points in mind when using this reading only in combination with information gained from other non intuitive/psychic sources in order to reach a decision as to whether or not you do have a good reason to hope that the relationship is worth saving, then I would be  pleased to pass onto you any insights which come through me on your behalf.

For the purposes of this reading, I dispensed with my usual method of using your date of birth and basic numerology as a guide to what your chances are of staying together as a couple, and opted instead for the Tarot cards.  

My main reason for doing this is that the danger of unknowingly creating a negative self fulfilling prophecy in my opinion and experience in giving readings over several years via the internet is significantly higher when using numerology, when compared to other alternative methods of divination such as the Tarot, Runes, I Ching etc. This is true however only in the case of certain individuals or readings. Numerology life path readings work quite well for most people and situations, but when it comes to a love reading I choose to use a less risky method to prevent me doing more harm than good.

Your focus card for this month's love reading is or was the Queen of Wands (QOW).

Immediately with it being a member of the Wands suit, I feel that if you passively wait and see what happens with this relationship and continue to hope indefinitely that he will make the first move towards resolving your many differences of opinion, then with due respect you probably have about as much chance of becoming the next Queen of England, or the next President of the United States (depending on your nationality).  

Wands like magic wands are commonly associated with us manifesting or making real our deepest desires by taking positive, deliberate and carefully planned, practical steps with the intention to bring this about.

If you leave this situation entirely to the random turn of the Wheel of Fortune in your favour, then you only have yourself to blame when your expectations and hopes are almost inevitably come to nothing, simply because you never believed in yourself enough to feel that you were worthy of being loved and respected for whom you already are.

The type of woman best represented by the Queen of Wands is like two very different types of people in the same package. Sometimes she can be gentle, loving, patient, helpful and everyone's friend, while on other occasions she can show nothing like any of these positive qualities of character in the way that she often tries to take complete control over everything which is happening, with little regard for the other person's feelings or opinions.  People close to her may find her boundless energy and enthusiasm for live to be inspiring, while others my equally find her to be overpowering and intimidating.

It is my interpretation that the QOW is telling you to relatively quickly find a better balance between the two extremes described above in how you attempt to go bout determining if you still have a basis for any future relationship with this man. One one hand you must be more creative and enthusiastic in trying to find an answer to your relationship difficulties, but not at the same time fail to consider his feelings and opinions and common human weaknesses which we all have no shortage of if we are honest with ourselves.

You are far from being perfect (join the club), so do not expect it to always respond as you feel that you might if your roles had been reversed. Do not take everything he says, does, or does not say or do so personally to heart. Resist like the plague the QOW tendency to want to take over complete control of what happens or does not happen in your relationship with him.

It is always easier said than done, but try to as much as it is humanly possible to to keep the two way channels of communication between you fully open most of the time. As long as they do not close too long, your reading is giving you an above average (more than 50%) chance of getting back together as a couple between now and late April 2012.

But once the channels of honest, forgiving, patient and tolerant of each others faults communication have remained closed for more than say 30 consecutive days in a row, then your chances of getting him back fall rapidly towards zero as a result (according to this one, isolated reading).

Kind thoughts and healing prayers 2U for your relationship with him: from yours truly and from the land of Oz (Australia).


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Post by jenira » Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:37 am

Hi EoT,

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I did read around the time you replied and since that time I decided to stay and give it a try but unfortunately things have gotten worse and now there's nearly nothing between us but bitter feelings. I suspected and accused him of cheating, shortly he told me its over and went on a spree of seeing sleeping with other women...then tries to communicate with me as if nothing happpend. hes now acting hurt and mute about talking about what he did. There's no apparent urge in him to apologize but somehow expects me to be ok with at the @%#$ he put me through and console him as if he's the one that's hurt. I've done nothing except accuse him of cheating ,asked him whats wrong told him to not break up he was being short sighted, stayed calm and didn't speak to him for 3 weeks all in January , and now I'm just all out of love for him , hate is more like it, I'm pretending that everything is good between us when it's not.  I don't know what to do, but just leave him in his pitty party. He s said I was making him ill somehow. Its difficult because it was 5 years of friendship, he has had a difficult past and recently some health issues alongside difficulty in his career he carries a lot of baggage i guess. He is a man that can get anyone anything when he pleases and i think hes not happy that my small goal in life is what is in his way. Please help again do you see any change in the dynamics between us , because right now it's dead and im hanging on to a thin thread. If I'm staying around it only because I feel sorry for him in his current unstable state, but I'm realizing that maybe I'm not such a good influence in his life, when he's dealing with a bunch of other stressful things. I loved him and thought there was promise there and yeah overlooked his past and reputation trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. Sorry If i sound like im repeating myself, im just in disbelief  at his immature ,erratic , and narrow minded behavior.   Thank u again EOT!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:28 am

Hello again Jenira,

I was terribly saddened to hear that things did not work out for you, but when the element of trust has been lost from a relationship it often takes considerable effort by the offending partner to earn it back.

But is is perfectly clear in this situation that he has no intention or desire to admit that he wants to remain a single man, but with all the sleeping benefits of being in an open marriage.

To be unfaithful a person must first be in a committed, mutually respectful relationship.

Since he has not made any such commitment to you of his sexual fidelity, in his mind he may believe that he has done nothing wrong.

As for him showing respect for any woman including yourself for more than a one night stand, forget it.

Not that this information probably helps to heal your wounded heart, but at least you have the comfort of knowing that you did what you reasonably could to give him the opportunity to mend his ways, even if he does not deserve it.

Enough is more than enough with this man?

EoT   :smt009

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