Request for MangoMom (Welcome back!) Akashic or not

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Request for MangoMom (Welcome back!) Akashic or not

Post by Caryna » Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:15 pm

Dear Mangomom, what a surprise to see you return!  
I hope your health is well as well as your family's (and the same goes for Eye of Tiger and his).
Life is going fairly smoothly for me at the moment with regard to work.
If you have the time to give me a reading (you may look into my Akashic records if you wish) there is an area of life that has been occupying my mind a lot.

Romantic relationships.  No experience at all.  At the age of 25, though I have my hidden crushes, I don't feel ready for the real thing.  (I do like someone at the moment, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out I only like the idea of it.)  The thought of even admitting my feelings and being emotionally vulnerable frightens me.  Besides, I have had no reason to believe that I'm desirable at all.  

Perhaps my Akashic records can answer this: "What is wrong with me?"

I don't even know how to put this.  It's as if the 'Romance' script for my life wasn't written at all.  No story, no dialogue, no props, no actors opposite me.

Please, if you could help explain my situation.  I'm not desperate for love.  I'm just a little disappointed.

(I will PM you with my details)
Last edited by Caryna on Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by MangoMom » Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:38 pm

Waiting on your information and I will get right on your reading.  Blessings C!


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Post by Caryna » Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:07 am

Thankyou, MangoMom - I've just sent you a PM.  I can't wait to hear from you. :)

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Your reading

Post by MangoMom » Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:16 am

Hello Caryn,

Thank you so much for asking after my health and my family, all are doing extremely well.

Your questions for your reading were:
Romantic relationships.  No experience at all.  At the age of 25, though I have my hidden crushes, I don't feel ready for the real thing.  (I do like someone at the moment, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out I only like the idea of it.)  The thought of even admitting my feelings and being emotionally vulnerable frightens me.  Besides, I have had no reason to believe that I'm desirable at all.  

Perhaps my Akashic records can answer this: "What is wrong with me?"

I don't even know how to put this.  It's as if the 'Romance' script for my life wasn't written at all.  No story, no dialogue, no props, no actors opposite me.

Please, if you could help explain my situation.  I'm not desperate for love.  I'm just a little disappointed.
Romance is not taken lightly by you, you are a very quiet, non assuming individual, your beauty inside and out is invisible to you.  There are many that have had crushes on you as well, but your shyness has been mis interpreted as aloofness.  Loosen up a little and don't be afraid to allow someone to notice you.  

Take some time to take special care of yourself, a bubble bath, a massage, a day at the spa, or whatever it is that would make you feel as beautiful as you truly are.  Then, I want you to choose a special, insignificant piece of jewelry with a ruby, it can be just a raw gem or whatever, this you are to wear day and night for 30 days.  The purpose of this piece of jewelry is to improve your self-love, for once you truly love yourself and show it, others will begin to show their love for your.  

There is a special person in your life that you will meet and that relationship will last a lifetime.  

You have not allowed yourself to let go of your heart, because you do not truly understand love, you have been trying to figure it out in the wrong way.  You have been afraid of love because you have seen so many relationships go bad.  You have the right idea that love is a two way street and that both you and your partner have to work at it, but if you truly love each other, the working part will be fun.  

You were not allowed to experience a real love in a previous lifetime due to your physical circumstances, my impression is that you were housebound and unable to get out and meet someone.  You have a wonderful personality but are always afraid that you might say the wrong thing or embarrass yourself, stop worrying, you will not, hon. You have many friends that depend on you way too much, learn to say no and learn that their using you is not fulfilling that hole in your heart, it is only wearing you out.  

You do deserve to be loved and again, I do see you having an everlasting relationship, when that time happens is up to you.  That individual will be coming into your life in about 3 months, but you have a "God Given Gift of Choice".  It will be up to you if you are open to the opportunities of meeting this person, you will be invited to attend a function that you really do not wish to attend.

If you do not attend the function, you will have one more chance to meet up, but I cannot see that far ahead.

You will discover that romance is around the corner, but if you are not open to it, it will not happen.  When you stop searching, it will find you, that is the way the spirits work sometimes.  You continue to believe that romance is not in your reach, but oh boy, you are going to be swept off your feet, but keep your head on your shoulders, don't make rash decisions just because you think that might be the one.  Do not sacrifice your beliefs or your morals, they are what will attract your first romance experience.

Blessing and Hugs to you ,

Love, Light and Laughter

:smt007  :smt007  :smt008  :smt007  :smt007

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Re: Your reading

Post by Caryna » Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:43 am

Dear MangoMom,
Thankyou very much for reading what has undoubtedly been the most uneventful area of my life (so far).

You're right that I don't see myself as a good catch at all...(and at this moment in time, I would frankly question the sanity of someone who'd choose me to be their 'one').  Thanks for your kind words though, MangoMom.
It's true that I have an issue loosening up and allowing myself to notice me.  I'm hesitant to let my hair down, literally, even though I believe it flatters me.
I will follow your advice (and find something with a ruby first) and hopefully learn to believe that I'm worthy of attention.

I agree that I don't really understand love.  I'm very skeptical of how true/loyal a person can be to me, what with all the temptations of other girls/women out there.

Also, I'm a little surprised that you didn't ask me to recite a prayer...and that you even put "God Given Gift of Choice" in quotation marks.  Could it be that you're aware I'm not religious? :smt002  Either way, thank you.

I chuckled to myself when you said I will not want to go to this function you mentioned.  I'm famous for not attending functions (or making very rare special appearances)...but I think I'll need to start reconsidering this habit soon - at least for a while.
I'm curious about meeting this special someone...and a tad frightened too because I may not be ready for how it will affect my life.  But I hope I will not miss both opportunities..

Being open to romance in real life - that is my problem.  But hopefully, the 30-day exercise will be a good starting point.

Also, it's interesting that you say I may have been housebound in a previous life and unable to go out and meet someone.  Ironically, in this life, I'm housebounding myself.
I'm surprised I'm not a flirtatious party animal to compensate for the lack of action in the other lifetime! :smt002  

There's hope for me...(not that I'm desperate. :smt004 )

Thanks as usual, MangoMom.  I'm always grateful that readers here, like yourself, take the time to go to such depths for total strangers.  I hope what I've elaborated on here helps.

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Post by MangoMom » Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:11 pm

Thank you so much for your feedback!  You said you were surprised that I didn't ask you to say a prayer or note "God given Choice".  Lol, that would be a little more assurance that the information does not come from me but THRU me.   :smt041  :smt041 As I have explained, the information is tied to your name and the Record Keepers only share information you are ready to hear, apparently they knew you were not ready to hear about God. Ha Ha.  We all have our Higher Power, whatever you choose to call it is fine.  If we all believed the same way we would just be robots, no fun in that!  

Learning to believe and think outside the box is what will bring great revelation to each of us.  

I know life will become a bit more interesting for you soon, and I am sure you  are a bit skeptic about the ruby, I was too some time ago.  Energy in encased in everything, good energies and bad.  Oh, by the way stay away from hematite (magnetic jewelry) it will pull the positive energies from the ruby.  I cannot wear hematite at all, causes many problems, you might find that true for yourself as well.

Many Blessings and Hugs to you hon, keep us update on your progress, we would love to hear back.



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Post by Caryna » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:51 pm

Dear MangoMom,
And because you refuse to push or slip in your own (strong) beliefs onto others through readings, my respect for you increases.
(For what it's worth, I used to be religious but am not anymore.)

Much has been written about crystals and energy, and I'm certainly open to it.  So I wouldn't call myself a skeptic, but merely someone who isn't expecting miracles or some magical remedy.  I know it's up to myself, ultimately.  But of course, any prodding and help from positive mysterious forces are always welcome!
I will take into consideration your tip on not wearing hematite.  Knowing how clumsy and unrefined my metaphysical antennae is, I probably wouldn't notice anyway!

I'll certainly keep you up to date. :smt020

And again, thankyou very much!   :smt006

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