Akashic Reading from Mangomum Please

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Akashic Reading from Mangomum Please

Post by Lovelife » Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:27 pm

Hey Mango! I'm glad you saw my post from a few years ago and I would love an akashic reading from you.

I am still searching for a career/passion. I know aspects of the career I want, but not what it actually is. I want my own business, preferably location independent, something that I love doing, and am passionate about. The problem for me is finding the passion part. I like a lot of things well enough, but nothing I actually feel passionate about. I know it's uncommon to love your career always, but I would like the majority of the time to wake up excited for the day. Basically to FEEL passion.

I've done some online things, but nothing has panned out well enough to make a career out of it, as well as me not feeling very excited for it.

I've tried so many ways to find it. I've tried meditation, personality test, psychics, tarot readings, and listing my abilities. Unfortunately, one of the issues is I truly don't know of anything I'm very good at. I don't have any "passions" that I would want to be a career. I can't think of much of anything that I'm good at. I have some nice traits, but nothing that has shown me even a path or direction I should follow.

My second question, if you have the time, is about love. I have been focusing on health and career for awhile. The health aspect is coming along nicely.. the career is obviously not going as well. I haven't been in a serious relationship for over 5 yrs now. I know at this moment I am still focused on career, but I have been getting lonely lately. I would like to be in love again. I have no interest in marriage or children, but I would still enjoy a serious possibly long term relationship. I am bisexual, but haven't been in a serious relationship with a woman so far. I would like to though, but I don't know if it will happen.

Right now I'm going through my Saturn Return. Fun fun. ;) I'm actually excited about it as my saturn is in my 10th house in Libra. I am hoping I figure out a career path by the end of it. Unfortunately, it is over in October of this year which isn't too far away and I'm not sure I'm any closer. So, I know that a relationship isn't my high priority at this time. But, I guess I'm wondering if I will meet someone I will fall in love with within maybe this year? Or 2013 if I'm still about career until Saturn Return is over?

Thank you for helping me.. I really appreciate it.

My info:
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Taurus
Rising: Sag
Life Path #: 8

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Post by MangoMom » Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:50 pm

I am honored you asked and will do your reading as soon as I hear back from you!  Blessings


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Post by MangoMom » Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:41 am

Hi Erica,

It has been a long time since your original request, sorry I missed you in 2009.  :smt004  

Let us address your first question:

I am still searching for a career/passion. I know aspects of the career I want, but not what it actually is. I want my own business, preferably location independent, something that I love doing, and am passionate about.

You  truly are a late bloomer.  You have been told by so many that you cannot do this or that and you believe them!  Hon, you have had this pounded into you for so long that it is automatic that you say to yourself, I don't like this cause it's boring or  I can't do it.  You need to believe in yourself and learn to think outside the box.  Your passion is there waiting for you and I can see you getting a glimmer of it in about 60 days!  I am going to first give you a prayer to release all of those outside influences, then your mind will see (with your third eye) what lays ahead of you.

If what I am experiencing is not mine, may God have his shield around me and I release whatever it may be to Him/Her.  This I ask for the highest good of others and myself.

These prayers were given through the Akashic Records and are very simple but very powerful.  Say this prayer for 47 days/nights and the light will find an opening.

I can see a lot of excitement and fun ahead for you.  I hear lots of laughter and giggles in your heart and your mind.  Once you begin to see things becoming clearer that smile will attract a partner that will join you in this adventure.  

You might choose to do some journaling (this can be on paper or on the computer, it is your choice) you will see the changes in your attitude.  

A favorite quote of mine that reminds me of you by Nelson Mandella:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.  We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a Child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world.  There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people feel insecure around you.  We were born to manifest the Glory of God within us.  It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

I feel this is talking about you hon.  Your passion is coming about very soon, have faith in yourself and your actions.  The prayer will release you from all of the subconscious negative energies that have been embedded.

You are a bright shining star, you just forgot to clean the smudges so many have placed upon you.

Do not regret the time that you think you have lost, it was very beneficial, you have been learning much, although you haven't realized it.  God loves, God does not punish, you are a blessed being and I am so honored to have been allowed access to your beautiful records.

Truly, you do not need to worry about your love life, that will come about soon, your first job is to find your passion and release your ties to old thinking.

I am sure this will bring some clarity to you and you can see there is light ahead, there is a very bright light ahead for you hon.

Blessings and Hugs :smt059


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