need a love reading for 2012

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need a love reading for 2012

Post by Sindy » Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:24 pm

would really love a love reading for 2012

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Should I go ahead with a general reading?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:10 pm

Dear Sindy, :smt009

If you are asking me to predict or guarantee whether you will find true love during the next six months, where there is not already an existing, reasonably regular and steady face to face relationship (in contrast to one which so far has only been conducted through the phone and/or internet), I am sorry that I feel that I cannot help you with either of these through a reading.

I am however more than happy to give you a general reading for this month, in which my inner guidance gets to choose the subject for our conversation.

I cannot guarantee that it necessarily will, but a general reading could possibly include some added insights into why you are finding it especially difficult to both begin and keep having a romantic relationship with a man.

Should I go ahead with a general reading?

Please let me know one way or the other, as a response under this thread, and at your earliest possible convenience.

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Post by Sindy » Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:37 pm

Yes, go on please..

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:51 pm


Barring any unforeseen emergencies, I plan to give you this general reading within the next 24 hours, allowing for any time zone differences between us.

EoT  :smt004

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Being loved often begins with increased self love

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:07 pm


You are in luck!

Your general reading DOES include some insights about why you possibly might be finding it more difficult than most other women to begin and keep having a long term relationship with a man.

Put in a nutshell or to cut a long story short, many of your ongoing difficulties in the relationship area are the result of your deep sense of responsibility, compassion and empathy for the safety and welfare of others.

Your reading is not suggesting for a moment that you should not continue to honour your responsibilities to your family as well as to your employer, but it is saying that even a good thing can sometimes be taken to extremes, and that you are responsible to yourself to ensure that some of your own equally important needs get met in the process of honouring your responsibilities to any people who are fortunate enough to be under your care and/or supervision.

I consulted my My Mermaid and Dolphins (MAD) cards in order to provide us with some more details about exactly what your reading was talking about, and the following card immediately appeared as a possible solution to your relationship dilemma.

EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS - "It's time to look at other possibilities. It's a good time to make changes"

You can at the same time as honouring or keeping your responsibilities to others, be responsible for and to yourself. You are being encouraged to explore other possible ways of doing both of these almost simultaneously, which you may not have considered or thought about up until you were given this reading.

Necessity is frequently the mother of invention, meaning in your case that to be able to fully satisfy your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs in addition to helping people who are not always capable of helping themselves due mainly to lack of knowledge, skills, experience and the required resources you need to find a point of balance between all of these things which compete for your limited energies and attention. Usually if you or I focus exclusively on one area of our lives to the almost total exclusion of other equally critical areas, compromises and sacrifices will need to be made (the positive life affirming changes which your MAD card was referring to), if this is going to work at all.

You come across to me in this as well as in past readings I have given you to be an intelligent, creative and resourceful young woman who is always looking for better ways of doing things which will allow her to have some more quality time to herself. And if you are to give yourself an above average chance of enjoying a loving relationship with a man and falling in love, you badly and urgently require this increased quality time to take better care of yourself for a change, or you will be of no useful purpose to anyone (least of all to yourself).

It is always easier said than done and there are only 24 hours in every day to do whatever is needed minus your sleep time, but you must learn to trust other people more and delegate or share your responsibilities with them. For too long you have attempted to carry the entire load of your responsibilities upon your tender shoulders, but it is now the optimum time for you to redistribute the load between their and your shoulders more equally, according to each person's ability to carry their load.

There is a deep feeling of personal satisfaction which stems from feeling needed and helping other people with their problems, but if you continually accept more than your fair share of the responsibility to fix their problems when they would often be far better off learning to help themselves instead of you always doing it for them, you are doing both them and yourself a terrible disservice.

Eventually if this arrangement continues over the longer term, you could quickly become exhausted trying to please everyone all of the time. This could end in you increasingly becoming more resentful towards the very people you would normally most want to help for draining away your vital energies, leaving you feeling as flat as a pancake.

Stop trying to be a superwoman or Jill of all trades. Start learning today to trust people again enough to be able to share at least some of your responsibilities with them. Not only should this approach leave you with more available time and energy in reserve for getting yourself ready to have a loving relationship with a man who deserves to be loved by a warm and kind and sensitive woman like you. Spread the total load of your responsibility to people you trust who you judge to be capable of and willing to accept and carry out these responsibilities in your place.

Leaving more time and energy for you to give yourself some well deserved but sadly long overdue rest and relaxation and tender loving care. By learning to delegate your responsibilities the extra surge of energy now available to you as a result of freeing up your resources, as well as discovering through trial and error how to better value and respect yourself (practise increased self love) and know your limits, you should be in a better position to take maximum advantage of any relationship opportunities which may appear to you in your future.

Please take better care of yourself and learn to delegate your responsibilities or spread them more evenly and logically between several different trustworthy shoulders, in addition to your own. I recognise in saying this that people have betrayed your trust in them in the past, which understandably makes it difficult to impossible for you to feel that you could ever trust anyone again, but without gradually developing more trust in your fellow human being there will be no delegation or spreading of your responsibilities, and if nothing changes in the meantime, eventually no more you to be depended upon!


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Post by Sindy » Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:31 pm

Thank you for your insight. A ot of what you see is true. Love and light xxx

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A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:33 pm

Dearest Sindy,

You are very welcome for the reading and any friendly advice, and thanking you sincerely in return for your positive feedback, as well as for your ongoing friendship and support for my spiritual labour of love carried out on this forum.
A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.

Elbert Hubbard
Read more: ... dship.html


EoT :smt007

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