Akashic Reading from Mangomom

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Akashic Reading from Mangomom

Post by adrianna » Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:47 pm

Hello Mangomom :smt006
Hope your feeling better.  :) I would be most grateful if you could oblige me with an Akashic reading. The past two months has been transformative and challenging for me in terms of emotional and spiritual growth. I have been seeing this man for the past 4 months and unlike any other man that I've previously had relationships with, I feel a strong connection with him and feel in my gut that he is the 'one' of the few 'ones' that is meant for me and he has mentioned he feels the same way :smt057 The universe brought us together in the unlikeliest of circumstances. I wish to seek your assistance in seeing what the records have to say about the future of this relationship.

Thank you Mangomom - Have a great day ahead and get better soon!  :smt049

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MangoMom is temporarily unavailable to give readings

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:34 am

Hello Adrianna,

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 515#309515

MangoMom has contacted me today (April 10th) through a private message to tell me that her health status has deteriorated even further than when she wrote that previous message, and that she will therefore not be returning to give any more readings on this forum until she gets significantly better.

Complications of the flu which she mentioned earlier.

She has also because she does not like to keep people waiting any longer than is absolutely necessary given members who have already requested a reading from her the option of either waiting for her return, or to in the meantime request one from either myself or Celestial (No Akashic or Past Life readings).

Celestial has chosen not to give love or relationship readings.

I feel that it is only proper out of my great respect for her that if anyone does decide to take up the option of having a reading given by me, that the minimum one month between consecutive requests rule be temporarily suspended or relaxed.

Meaning that if MM does recover sooner than expected, that you will not be forced to wait another full 30 days after requesting a reading from me to be eligible to ask her again.

I am certain that you and the other members will join with me in wishing her all the very best of healing, and for her to get better as soon as possible, but not to return to the site until her health can stand it and possibly delay her recovery by weeks or months in the process.


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Post by adrianna » Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:41 am

Hello EOT,

Thank you for getting back to me on Mangomum's health. I wish her the speediest recovery and hope she will be back on her feet soon. :smt007

I would be most honoured to receive a reading from you. I suppose my question for the tarot would be - should I have high hopes for the future and direction of this relationship? Or am i just chasing my own tail? Thank you for your time EOT. Have a wonderful day ahead. :-)

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The future of your relationship with X can be modified or improved in the present moment

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:13 am

Dearest Adrianna, :)

You doubly or triply (?) honour me in turn by your request.

It is bad luck about that Tarot reading, as long before I was able to get around to shuffling the deck a stream of thoughts began flowing through me on your behalf, in response to this question. Now I must warn you that whoever is sending me these thoughts has a wicked sense of humour and has a very down to Earth tell it exactly like it is (can be crude at times) approach to sending you these messages.

We often get the mistaken idea that our Higher Self (HS) or our spirit guide if you are a medium are holier than thou do gooders and all knowers, and are intensely serious and never enjoy a good laugh when it is appropriate to do so. This is definitely not the situation with your HS or spirit guide or perhaps departed family member on this occasion.

The question which immediately bounced back at me after asking yours was.....
Why shouldn't you have high hopes for the future and direction of this relationship, when all the signs should be telling you loudly and clearly that this could potentially be a relationship made in Heaven.

My inner guidance was most impressed right from the start by your belief that "he is the 'one' of the few 'ones' that is meant for me". Unlike many women asking for readings on this forum and from this reader you do not appear to share the belief that only one man in the whole world is meant for or would be good for you (your one soul mate), and that if you never met him or met him and then for some reason lost him, that the rest of your existing lifetime is wasted until you are born again.

Oh and the crude part I wanted you to be prepared for and not offended by is that this person feels that your guy is doing quite a good enough job of chasing your tail, without you having to do it yourself (thank God that we are all adults here, and therefore not easily shocked or embarrassed by such comments). :smt053  :smt005

And if it is emotional and spiritual growth that you are wanting more than ever before, then this man is the best person at the moment to share your journey of self understanding and self discovery with you.

If I did draw some Tarot cards for you and they supported my strong impressions that this man and your relationship with him had enormous potential to bring you true love and lasting happiness (although there will always continue to be challenges and conflicts of opinions between you when making decisions) would that be enough to convince you that you are being shown the green light of go straight ahead with him? Especially as he has already come out and told you that he also feels that you were meant to be together as a couple in love.

Or would it take MangoMom opening the Akashic Records and finding the same message to make you feel secure in yourself in knowing that the plan which the Universe has for your life necessarily includes either this man, or alternately another man who is very much like him in personality and interests?

Ask yourself what it would take short of God talking to you directly in the disembodied form of a booming voice coming out of the apparently empty sky to help you to finally recognise once and for all that the road to true love and lasting happiness is open and waiting for you to take the first few baby steps or leaps of faith with this relationship.

Often when something seems to be too good to be true it isn't, but your reading and the person sending you these thoughts clearly agree that this does not apply here.

I cannot accurately and reliably predict what the next six months covered by this reading holds for your relationship, as to a large degree your relationship continues to be a work constantly in progress, and what happens over the coming months will be greatly determined by what series of conscious decisions you and him make in the present moment. In effect, you are currently still in the process of creating what the future of your relationship should be like.

The future of your relationship with X is plastic or flexible. It can be modified or improved by what you do now in the present moment - your only true point of personal power to influence that future. It is not yet by any means predetermined, or set in stone. The only thing that can be said with any feeling of certainty is that the next six months of your relationship with him will undoubtedly include both its challenges (which you are more than capable of meeting) and opportunities (which you cannot afford to miss or ignore).

If you are able to condition yourself to view any obstacles placed in your path for your optimum growth and development as both a spiritual and human being as challenges and not always as problems meant to make you stumble or fail (easier said than done), then even more doors of positive opportunity will surely open up to the both of you than would have if you did not conditioned yourself, approximately before the middle of October 2012 (~ 6 months from now).

Blessings to you both,

EoT  :smt008

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Post by adrianna » Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:53 pm

Hello EOT

Sorry for the lateness of my reply - only just returned from Melbourne! :-) Thank you for your wonderful reading. Since we met 6 months ago I've always felt drawn to this man and the more I get to know him I've realised that for some reason I am drawn to him even with his imperfections and cannot help but feel that the Universe has sent me one of 'the ones' ( for the lack of a better word :-D) He's not perfect and our relationship isn't either - so far from it, but we seem to fit, like jaggered ends of a puzzle. Distance is a factor now - he in Australia and I in Malaysia but I feel that every relationship, even one's destined to be, has its set challenges that we must overcome and make decisions from. And yes - you are spot on. There is a form of emotional and spiritual growth that seems to be developing having spent time with him.

I guess that I feel that if this is right and meant to be and the Universe did grant me my request, than it does feel too good to be true sometimes, but when I think about the work I and he have to put into making this work I realise that even when something that is good for you is given to you for free, it is always placed at a crossroad where decisions and challenges must be faced and overcome. Therefore, as you so rightly have read, I must read the signs and take the chances and oppurtunities when presented.

I want to thank you for taking the time and effort in doing the reading. I will head your kind advice and look onto your words for wisdom.
Thanks again EOT! :smt054

Blessed Be,

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Post by adrianna » Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:35 am

Hello Mangomom,

Glad to hear that you are doing so much better, and I hope you continue to get that last 5% of your health back :-)

I requested an Akashic Reading Request while you were away and EOT was kind enough to give me some valuable insight through the Tarot into my queries and thought i might as well i open the records and see what they have to say about a particular individual that has come into my life and made quite an impact on it.

The question I have for the Recordkeepers is : [/b] Should I take a chance on this relationship despite the distance or am I setting myself up for disappointment ? Will Universe show me the way to sync my family and Simon so that I do not lose either? [/b]

Thank you for your time and energy in opening the records Mangomom. I hope you feel 100% soon. I look forward to your reading.

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Post by MangoMom » Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:37 pm

My Dear Adrianna,

Thank you for your patience while I recovered from the flu and Thank you EOT for your awesomeness in backing me up.  

EOT's response is right on with the same thing I get from the Records.  Your question:
Should I take a chance on this relationship despite the distance or am I setting myself up for disappointment ? Will Universe show me the way to sync my family and Simon so that I do not lose either?

The first thing that came to me is this relationship has some bumps to go through and the concern that you have to initialize the calls, etc. or visits is a valid concern, but the feeling I get is that this individual has not considered that he should be the first to call, or contact you.  He just enjoys the results.  Why wouldn't you want to continue this relationship, the fear of getting hurt, disappointed exists in everything you do.  If you do not pursue this relationship you will never know the joy and happiness that you know is there.  Perhaps this individual is just a "follower" allowing all things to take its course, or has the same fears you have of being disappointed.  

Think about the joy and happiness you experience when you experience this relationship.  Why would you not take a chance.  If it does not work out, you have some fantastic memories, experiences and feelings you have never felt before.  No one can ever take those away from you and that is a part of the reason you are here, to experience, learn and teach with love and understanding.  There is a lesson in everything we do, whether for us or for others, don't miss out on it.

The next think that came into my thoughts is that you two made a contract to meet each other in this lifetime, now whether you two choose to stay together or not is a part of your gift from God, choice.  Perhaps this is a short term relationship, but my sense is that it is a long term relationship that you will always have to initiate events.  But when he initiates something, you will be pleasantly surprised and it will mean more to you than any other thing he could say or do.

I don't get any vibes that this is not a good experience in your life time and  that it will be a part of you for the rest of your life, no matter the outcome.  This is something new for you and you fear the unknown, but this could be one of your tests, "have faith" in yourself and in this individual, you won't regret it.  Be brave and don't fear the unknown.

Thank you for allowing me to access your records, you are a beautiful spirit and your guides are with you.   Oh, the spirit that EOT mentioned does have a wonderful sense of humor and I did tone down his comments extensively,  he seemed to be an Uncle that loved to play practical jokes, everything was fun and he has an attitude that laughter is most important to keep you healthy.  You must find the joy in this adventure, not the fear.

Oh, your family only wants what they feel is best for you, sometimes what they think is best is not always true, as an example, I had dreams for my daughter that did not evolve the way I thought they should, then one day while in the Records, I was told this is her life, not yours, let her learn and experience in her own way, just be there to love and support her when she needs you.  This will be true of your family, they will always love you.


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My final contribution to this thread

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:25 pm

I want to thank you for taking the time and effort in doing the reading. I will head your kind advice and look onto your words for wisdom.
Thanks again EOT!
Dear Adrianna,

It is always a pleasure.

I wanted to see what MangoMom would pick up on during her Akashic reading, before bringing my contribution to your thread to an end.

I was pleasantly surprised that the two readings were so consistent with each other in their main messages, although I have always believed that all readings ultimately come from the same source, and that it is only each reader's viewpoints and interpretations which stamp his or her unique personality upon whatever information comes through on the client's behalf.

I am strongly resisting the temptation to tell you that I told you so, but am obviously not doing a particularly good job at it. :smt002  :smt005  

Your uncle or other departed relative now in Spirit once again using the politically correct terms to describe him has both a wicked sense of humour, with a colourful command of the English language to match it.

However it was clear from the feelings I was picking up with him, that underneath his common human weaknesses he has a heart of gold, and that he is very protective of you because he really cares about what is happening in your life.

I feel that the combination of both our readings on this occasion should go a long way towards convincing you to have more confidence in your own intuition about who is the most suitable partner for you in the future, which can surely only be a good thing over the longer term.

I will now leave you in MangoMom's more than capable hands or enfolding, protective angel's wings (note the emoticon which I chose for her at the end of this posting), until next time we meet via the internet.

The potential is definitely there within this relationship to bring you true love and lasting happiness, and I see our roles as readers as primarily to assist you to maximise and build a life for the both of you in which you are at the same time true to your Selves, as well as to your respective spiritual beliefs (beliefs which are in many ways distinctly different).

Blessed be,

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Post by MangoMom » Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:42 pm

Hmm, all I can say is WOW, if this doesn't convince you to trust in yourself and your guides I guess we will just have to let your "Uncle" hit you over the head with a cosmic hammer!

Love and Blessing!

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Post by adrianna » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:17 pm

Thank you so much Mangomom and EOT,

The two of you have been very helpful in giving me insight onto the issue. I trust and believe that your readings hold true. I know in my heart and gut that this guy is a good guy and we have something special together when we are together. But being apart in two countries is difficult. I don't know how this relationship can flourish with my overbearing parents not alowing it. Also with his not initiating communication and even when I do - his curt one word replies which leaves me feeling like he does not care and is not bothered. I am quite ready to throw in the towel and call this quits. Date somebody who wants me rather than pursue someone whose non-commital. I suppose these are the bumps that you speak of Mangomom that I and we must overcome. I always felt that if something was meant to be or good for you then it would be easy or at least easier. Or perhaps I am reading too much into trivial matters and doing what I do best and over-analyze everything and get oo emotionally worked up.  

Perhaps this Uncle of mine and I should sit and discuss this :-D And then he is more than welcome to smack me over the head if I decide against what is best for me. :-)

Again thank you both for the time and energy. Hope you're getting better Mangomom.
Have a great week and weekend.

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Post by MangoMom » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:36 pm


Thank you so much for your response, we wish you only the best.  Trust in yourself and your heart.  One piece of advice, why not just ask this person where he would like this relationship to go.  Rather than asking the spirits, ask him these questions.  Whatever the answer, you will know the path you need to take.  Many Blessings to you hon, your spirits love you, and God loves you as if you were the only child on this beautiful earth.


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