Is my papa around me?

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Is my papa around me?

Post by stephybabes92 » Fri May 25, 2012 10:54 pm

Hi all,

My papa died on Oct 5th, I think the year was 2006.
He had lung cancer, was in hospital and then something happened to his heart and he suddenly passed away.
My uncle (ie my papas son) has received a message or two from psychics that are apparantly from him.
I had my own reading, it was rather rushed at the end and she didn't mention anything about him. He's the only currently dead person I really knew.

I miss him alot and sometimes my heart swells and feels like its going to cry when I think about him.


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Mediumship readings are off limits, but there may be another option

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 26, 2012 12:05 am

Hi Steph,

Although your papa passed into spirit approximately 6 years ago, I wish to extend my sincere condolences to you on the occasion of your significant loss. He obviously still means a lot to you after all this time.

Let your tears come out as they want to. Not only do these tears of grief rid your body of poisonous chemicals which could otherwise harm you if they stayed inside, but they also show me that you ARE a kind and gentle soul and that you are wanting to do this for a healthy reason - LOVE.

Mediumship readings where psychic mediums set out to attempt to communicate with the dead on a living person's behalf, are not allowed on Mystic Board.

While I cannot help you in exactly the way in which you have requested, I might be able to at the very least give you a reading on the psychic reading forum (not here) where your grandfather's spirit may or may not come closer to me while I am consulting the cards, and add his own thoughts to mine.

This rarely happens quite spontaneously during a tarot reading, but I never consciously set out to work as a medium would.

I am also not trained specifically in that area of spiritual work.

Of course there are no guarantees of anything with this.

But I would be willing to give it a go, if you would like me to see if anything comes through for you which could possibly be some words of comfort from your papa, but only as part of my reading the cards.

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CU there,

EoT  :smt006

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Post by Celestial » Sat May 26, 2012 2:02 am

Dear Stephy, Since you addressed your request to "all", I thought I would also respond by telling you that indeed as EoT has told you mediumship readings are not allowed in this forum however, I am a Psychic/Intuitive who also specializes and concentrates in Afterlife matters after having done deep studies and research into this area for a period of years and although I realize your question is aimed primarily at receiving communication from your papa, if you would instead like to ask questions about the Afterlife, such as what it's like, what goes on there, what do those who pass on feel, etc. and along those lines, I would be glad to respond to those questions for you in this forum rather than in the psychic reading forum.

Please let me know if you want information about the Afterlife in general.
Thank you and I know you are going through much pain with this experience and I am very sorry about that but please know that this is truly not the end!

May God bless you always and surround you with His love Divine.

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sat May 26, 2012 11:54 am

Thankyou for your response Celestial.

To be honest, these are not questions I need answered. I am of a religious faith and do believe my papa will be or is already in heaven. It was more of a personal message I wanted - perhaps he has a different viewpoint or he has learned something since we last talked. I do however believe he is 100% okay. I just miss him and wish I could talk to him, I didn't get a chance to say bye.

Alas it is not allowed, and now I know!

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Post by Celestial » Sat May 26, 2012 7:01 pm

stephybabes92 wrote:Thankyou for your response Celestial.

You're most welcome, my dear.

To be honest, these are not questions I need answered. I am of a religious faith and do believe my papa will be or is already in heaven. It was more of a personal message I wanted - perhaps he has a different viewpoint or he has learned something since we last talked. I do however believe he is 100% okay. I just miss him and wish I could talk to him, I didn't get a chance to say bye.

Alas it is not allowed, and now I know!

I understand completely what you are saying. It is normal to miss those whom you continue to be close to and whom you love but know that just as you say, he is alright.

Yes, people who make their 'transition', and incidentally, I don't ever call it "death" because we don't "die" we merely continue on our life's journey in a different body, our Spiritual body, and new vibration. Your papa has entered into a realm where there is great learning to be done and to be continued. While similar to what Earth has, it has a far greater and more vast selective area for continued education in whatever field they wish to engage upon. This education is important to those who reside in the world of spirit because the more they know about things and how to help others greatly depends on how fast or to where they will move on to next. The Afterlife has many different dimensions, each of them with a different vibration and condition relative to the new soul's overall being.

Your dad is no doubt already learning much during his now 'years' of new existence there, although there is no time and space in the world of spirit, as we know it, with which to measure that. There are great avenues that are available to him now and he understands much more now than he may have previously known in this dimension.

Since you say you did not have a chance to say goodbye to him, one thing that spirit understands well is when their loved ones continue to communicate with them. Therefore, one thing you might consider doing is to write him a letter telling him all that you are wishing you had spoken to him about. After you write the letter sit down and read it aloud to him. He will hear you! The veil from our dimension to theirs is very thin and continues to get thinner as time goes by due to the advances in human knowledge and understanding.

Many people who have lost loved ones continue to speak to them just as they did when they were here. I knew a man I once worked with who has a Ph.D. degree who informed me that he spoke with his deceased dad almost every day! Again, they can hear you as well as see you (which we cannot do so easily due to the differences in our vibration and theirs.) When you communicate the things that you could not while he was incarnate, it will help him to understand how you feel as well as help you to remove the 'forever burden' of not having said something to him that you wanted to.

May God bless you with strength and energy to meet each and every new day and help you to open up further in ways that will greatly enlighten you and your understanding about that which you seek to know.

May you have a most fruitful day filled with life's joy!

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sat May 26, 2012 10:16 pm

Thankyou so much for your kind and reassuring words. I have spoken aloud to him before, and it's nice to hear your confirmation that he can hear me.
It is also interesting what you say about the afterlife. I noticed in another post on the psychic reading forum that you were talking about Jesus being a guided lamp. Are you a christian then? Because I am, and sometimes I feel guilty meddling in these things.

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Post by Celestial » Sun May 27, 2012 8:22 pm

stephybabes92 wrote:Thankyou so much for your kind and reassuring words. I have spoken aloud to him before, and it's nice to hear your confirmation that he can hear me.
It is also interesting what you say about the afterlife. I noticed in another post on the psychic reading forum that you were talking about Jesus being a guided lamp. Are you a christian then? Because I am, and sometimes I feel guilty meddling in these things.

You're very welcome, dear Stephy!

To answer your question, Yes, I am a Christian and "Born Again" which means that I am Saved. I am very glad to hear that you are a Christian too!

One thing to understand about being a Christian and one's perception as to "meddling" in these things is that God has given people certain abilities and gifts with which to help others as well as self. The Holy Bible is quite clear about these gifts.

"But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:" -- I CORINTHIANS 12:7-10 (KJV)

It is great that you have brought this up as sometimes I am asked how can I do this intuitive work and also be a Christian and I respond by mentioning the above Scripture among other things such as the fact that Jesus has told us we Christians can also do the works that He did and other works as well! We must remember that He could help and heal so many others; know beforehand as in the case of two of His apostles exactly when they were going to betray Him, etc. therefore, with the gifts as given in the above Scripture along with knowing in the following Scripture, as Jesus has told us we can do, we should feel confident that if we are called by Him to use these gifts to help others who have reached out to us, as well as to help ourselves and we are doing it All for the glory of God, as many others and I do, we are using a gift that was given unto us by our Creator who knows us better than we know ourselves thus, we have a great purpose in the proper usage of these fine gifts!

And we must not forget that literally everyone has intuition to some degree. Remember when the phone rings and sometimes you just know who is on the other end? Remember when you get the uneasy feeling when a child of yours is too close to the street and you intuitively run out to get him? Remember when you take a detour via another route because you just feel you shouldn't go the particular way you were going, and it is later known there was a bad accident just ahead? Well, all of these things and more are innate gifts that God has given to you with which to use and hopefully help yourself avoid problems!

Jesus gives us a great Spiritual KEY in the following Scripture when He tells us that those who believe in Him can do the works that He did and more.

"Verily, verily; I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also: and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." -- JOHN 14:12 (KJV)

It is when one misuses the gifts that God has given unto them when problems start. They should never be used to harm another, or for evil purposes, or to take advantage of another person, or to circumvent the natural laws of God. Rather, to help others see things better with a greater spiritual perspective with God's help because we in and by ourselves have no power other than that which is given unto us by God through Jesus Christ His only begotten Divine Son. And as Christians, we must always strive to maintain this integrity with full honor in the work that we do and to further honor God in the process. That is why you will see me mentioning God in my signature and many times throughout my readings as I know it all comes from Him so that others can be helped in some way.

Thank you for asking this great question and may God richly bless you always in all of your endeavors to achieve that which you are most capable of!

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sun May 27, 2012 8:33 pm

Thankyou very very much. You really do know exactly what to say.

You have made me feel 100x better now than I felt waking up this morning. I'm so glad I found you!

Thankyou for using your gifts to help people whilst spreading gods love. I aspire to be like yourself.


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Post by Celestial » Mon May 28, 2012 3:07 am

stephybabes92 wrote:Thankyou very very much. You really do know exactly what to say.

You have made me feel 100x better now than I felt waking up this morning. I'm so glad I found you!

Thankyou for using your gifts to help people whilst spreading gods love. I aspire to be like yourself.


My dearest angel Steph, Thank me not, instead thank He who has given me the ability to speak to people as I do, God, for I am just the messenger.

I am immensely happy that you feel 100X better!! That is truly Wonderful and I feel so happy for you! That can only demonstrate the Power of God and what He can do and the "mountains" that He can remove!

I'm glad you found me too! As a mere messenger I strive to always listen to God and what He tells me to say to others.

Again, I thank you but know that you truly have your own gifts as well that you can and will develop over time! There is much beauty you can bring into this world and many will surely appreciate your efforts!

Look always to the Light of Jesus and be in the vibration of His eternal Love!

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