Reading request

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Reading request

Post by FrankU1982 » Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:05 pm

I would like to request a reading. Seems like nothing has been going well for me lately and I would like some insight on what to expect in the next few months.

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Increased self love equals valuing and respecting yourself more

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:06 pm ... 990#292990

Welcome back Frank,

It has been well over a year (March 30th 2011) since I last had the pleasure of reading for you on this forum, and as now it was a general reading request about your most likely future during the next six months, if nothing changes in the meantime which could change it.

Of course change is one universal constant which can always be depended upon to happen over any given period of time, which is why predicting the future by means of a psychic reading is often so inaccurate and unreliable. Effectively we each to a large extent create what that future will be, through what we consciously decide to do in the present moment. There is therefore not one possible future of yours for this reader to predict.

Now looking back at your previous reading, which overall was quite optimistic and encouraging about what it saw as most likely coming up for you during the half year finishing at the end of September 2011, there is a definite feeling that while significant progress has been made in some areas of major concern in your life towards applying the lessons which have been learned over that period as a result of your life experiences as well as your response to those events, you do have much more work to do in other life areas which are equally important if you are to achieve the goals which you have set for yourself before entering this current incarnation.

Your reading believes like your reader that credit should always be given where it is deserved to be given, and that you should therefore feel justly proud of what your achievements have been since then, in spite of adverse circumstances which could have easily stopped a lesser person than yourself dead in his own tracks (would have made them give up prematurely).

Too many of us are unwilling to give ourselves the credit which is coming to us through our achievements, because this is often wrongly interpreted as a sign of us being vain and/or self conceited. It makes it look as though we think that we are better than everyone else (a superiority complex), when the truth of the matter is that the inability to give oneself that credit and accept other people's sincere compliments is actually a symptom of the complete opposite condition; an inferiority complex or an abnormally low sense of self confidence and self respect.

Now according to this month's general reading, it is precisely in the areas of you developing a greater sense of confidence and respect for yourself in which you have made such major forward strides since I read for you way back in March of 2011.

Recognising and celebrating one's significant achievements along with a healthy dose of humility feeds our spirit, and motivates us to be a better person than we already are. It is true that we all make mistakes and have our personal faults and weaknesses of character, but without giving ourselves credit where it is deserved we unknowingly sabotage our own future success and happiness (as we define the meaning of the words success and happiness in our own terms).

I think that we are often too hard upon ourselves and that we have unrealistic expectations about what progress is either possible or even worth making over 12 months in a lifetime of what could be anything up to a 100 years or more. We measure our lives and what progress we have made in seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks, while on the other hand the Universe measures progress in terms of years, centuries, millennia and aeons.

To a limited degree in order to function and learn at this physical level so that we are able to make some sense of things accept the temporary restrictions of normal time and space (which according to Albert Einstein are intimately related to each other), but time can all too often become our strait jacket or prison cell if we expect our progress in all life areas to be equally in a straight upwards uninterrupted line direction.

Usually what progress we do make over a defined period is a case of one step forwards closely followed by two steps backwards, but as long as over a more extended unit of time (which is beyond the scope of any one six months psychic reading to reliably comment upon) we are making some progress and improvements, then we are probably doing better than half of the people living around us.

If you thought that your March 2011 reading was encouraging and inspiring and positively motivating, then June 2012's reading is completely off the upper scale. While it freely admits that you have made your mistakes over the last six months or more, it tells me that you have worked to correct them so that they are most unlikely to repeat them. It confirms that you mood wise you have your bad and better days, but overall that you no longer turn ever little inconvenience pebble into a major boulder blocking in your path.

It shouts to me both as a retired school teacher and also as your reader this time around that all things being considered the Universe has given you a good report card. Yes there is always room for improvement, but a score of A minus is not something to be embarrassed about or sneezed at. Back in 2011 it was closer to B+, but a B+ and an A- on the Cosmic instead of the human scale are light years apart, while in a school report they would be much closer together.

You can take this progress report score idea to silly extremes, and use a temporary fall in it to beat yourself over the head or punish yourself endlessly without any right of appeal or chance of being granted parole for factors which were with the luxury of hindsight largely if not entirely beyond your control. But appointing yourself as your own judge, jury and executioner has never been shown to make anyone better than they were before. Usually it only makes a person more angry, frustrated, disappointed and lacking in any sign of human compassion with themselves.

Which is almost calculated or guaranteed to make you increasingly miserable and possibly likely to do even worse in the future, with the negative intention to show everyone that they haven't seen anything yet if they thought that you were bad enough before. Unfair and undeserved punishment either imposed by yourself upon on yourself or by another person on you is only likely to harden your heart and end in self contempt and a decided lack of self love. Not the best of ways to rehabilitate or improve anyone, least of all yourself.

Become increasingly aware of and work honestly with your own mistakes, faults, weaknesses and shared human limitations in order to eventually become all that you are capable of becoming, but simultaneously give yourself a fairer go and do not reject deserved credit or another person's genuine, heartfelt compliments for the progress which you have made with the unworthy of you belief that true self love (to value and respect yourself for whom you already are) automatically equals vanity and narcissism (extreme selfishness and chronically staring at and admiring your physical appearance in a mirror).

Being up yourself does not tend to make an individual popular or likeable or tolerable for very long at a time, but you are anything but up yourself. You have been in the past more likely to be down upon yourself, but even this personality flaw is displaying improvement.  

Keep up the good work and be kinder to yourself when next with you being as fallibly human as the rest of us, you inevitably stumble. You now have your homework assignment for the next six months, and a framework for you to be able to build a more solid foundation of your future upon.


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Post by FrankU1982 » Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:47 am

Thank you EoT for your insight. I have bookmarked this post and will be coming back to it often to re read it.

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An alternative or backup approach to bookmarking your reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:16 pm


You are very welcome, and I am very pleased to hear that you value your reading enough to want to re-read it, whenever your self confidence is running low.
I have bookmarked this post and will be coming back to it often to re read it.
I suggest that either as an alternative to this approach or as a backup you could copy and paste your reading into a blank text file, to be stored in a safe place on a removable medium (in case your computer's hard disk fails) for you to be able to reference whenever you want to re-read it while still off line.

Be certain to give your text file a unique name and date which can be reasonably easily remembered and quickly located, using your computer operating system's search utility.

Here's to you my friend!

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