plz advice me

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plz advice me

Post by ahmedy2j » Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:35 pm

Hi all
i want to ask for my future education i am plainning to take admission in mba
i want to ask which field shall i go
mba finance,mba banking and finance, marketing plz tell me for suceess ful in future
dob 02/11/1985
timing 05:15pm

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:51 am ... 797#306797

Hello again Ahmed,

We are essentially back to the same place that we were in February of this year with attempting to help you find a career and job, but unfortunately we seem to have reached the limits of what a reading of the type given here can be reasonably expected to accomplish.

Chronic and long term unemployment is the most obvious symptom of a spiritual illness of our economy and society, which measures the value of an individual entirely by what type of job he or she does, and how much money he or she earns each year from doing it.

This is not therefore the best or right time for you to be looking for psychic or esoteric (hidden) reasons why you are not getting any interviews or jobs in your past lives, dreams or in Tarot cards. The seriousness of your situation and your severely depleted finances are forcing you to take concentrated, and carefully planned practical action of the type which both myself and other members have already suggested to you on this and other forums.

As I told you in your earlier reading..........
To be perfectly honest but no offence intended, I feel that I cannot improve on the excellent advice which another member named fruffle has already given you in the following linked posting. ... 866#304866

There are no easy ways or magic formula or even positive thinking techniques which can make your problems go away. It is true that positive thinking will help you to cope with your lack of a job and possibly lead to you thinking of other ways you could greatly increase your chances of becoming suitably employed by finding an alternate course which will still lead you in the direction you want to go, but all the positive thinking and words of comfort in the world cannot make a course and job for you, if there is none.

This probably sounds terribly insensitive of your suffering or that I am trying to avoid giving you any further reading help with this, but it is my personal opinion that going round and round in circles and getting nowhere fast and offering you the same suggestions over and over again until you either get bored or angry with me for not coming up with any new ideas is not only unlikely to make this easier for you, but that it could potentially distract or delay you from doing what you really should be doing.

Fruffle recommended that you should you be looking for an internet based job. This would definitely be of more practical value to you than asking for yet another reading, which is only going to tell you what you already know or have already tried with no success.  You badly and urgently need new ideas and ways of promoting yourself as being a worthy employee who would be an asset to any company fortunate enough to have him on their payroll, from the people who are best qualified and trained to offer them to you as my friend.

The answers which you are seeking are not to be found in a crystal ball or in the pattern of tea leaves on the bottom of your cup. Instead they are there to be found in you making a more concentrated and time and energy efficient effort, and for casting your net ever wider when being willing to accept less than your desired job at first, to allow you to get your foot in their door so to speak.

You are heading in the Master of Business Administration general direction, but exactly how you will eventually use your qualification once you have it will be for you to determine and discover over time. What more do you want any reading to tell you beyond what should be by now crystal clear from your earlier readings?

I would be pleased to give you a reading about any other subject than this one which is also allowed under the forum rules, but on this particular subject I believe that we have reached a point where we cannot make any further useful progress in place of you getting the help which you both need and deserve from professional and other sources, including those which are offline.

Take particularly good care of yourself at this time as your body's immune system may not be working as well as it should, the longer you are without a job. See your doctor if you develop any worrying, unexplained symptoms which do not respond to home remedies and self medication within a period about three days after their appearance.

Kindest regards and the very best of good fortune to you with your research,

EoT  :smt024

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