urgent please answer very important need to clear my head

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hotwayld quite
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Post by hotwayld quite » Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:32 pm

are you confused about with whom you ll be?i tink you will return someone from past if you wish.you have great personality and you should lean on it.try your intuition.

hotwayld quite
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Post by hotwayld quite » Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:35 pm

yes you will.dont be confused know whot you want and whot you looking for.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:27 am

I must apologize for having to cut in on your conversation, but the questions which you are asking us and the precise details which you are seeking are far beyond any psychic reading that could be given to you on Mystic Board, to be able to tell you with any useful level of certainty or reliability.

We never set out to predict your future on this forum. Do not confuse psychic readings which are meant to help you with whatever happens in that future with fortune telling which is done on other psychic/spiritual websites, often for a considerable fee.

Also you have already been given a couple of picture readings within the last 48 hours, so you are not eligible to request another reading on this forum until at least August 19th, which will be exactly one month after your request was posted in the picture reading forum.

"urgent please answer for picture reading"

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 017#314017

"Please Read Before Requesting a Reading"

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=73424
Please do not ask for multiple readings and please do not ask for readings too frequently, this is thought of as abusing the goodwill of our readers, and your posts will be locked and any more requests will be moved to the thread jail. As a guideline please leave at least one month between requests. Some of our readers request a longer break between, as nothing will have changed, and for some only one reading per lifetime will be given.
Readers may be living in a completely different time zone from you. Please take this into account when you are patiently waiting for a response.
Do not bump up your posts if they are not answered to. This only creates a negative impression on the readers.
See you in the future,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:55 am

This message is intended to explain why you did not get a positive and welcoming response from one of the regular readers on this forum to your original request, and why if you continue to ask the same questions that you will repeatedly get the same negative results.

In order to explain to you with sensitivity to how upsetting this must be to you why the reading is not happening, I will need to begin at the end of your questions, and progressively work backwards one point at a time.
will the psychologist contact my ex or the doctor connect with my ex what will be the result of it will my ex talk to me and be friends with me or will my auntie get involved again
Readings directly about any person other than yourself are termed third party, and are not permitted on Mystic Board.
2. Please do not ask for readings for others or third party readings as this is strictly against Mystic Board’s policies. Instead ask the person to join Mystic Board themselves, once they have contributed to the community by posting and introducing themselves they are much more likely to receive a successful reading in return.
This would neither be the psychologist's nor the doctor's reading (nor indeed would it be your ex's or your auntie's reading), and therefore any attempt by us to intuitively determine through your reading whether the psychologist will eventually choose to contact your ex, what is the most likely result if such a contact occurs, will your ex talk to and decide to be friends with you, or if your auntie will get involved again is both outside of your reading, as well as outside of the forum rules.
who will I be with will I have a relationship in September what will happen and what will be the outcome will it be positive or negative will

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=78934

Not only are you asking us to predict your future love life, but you also want names, the exact times and dates as well as wanting us to predict if you will have a confrontation with someone concerning some personal issue which may or may not yet have already happened. A confrontation would require both yourself and another third party.

The only possible way that I can see of us moving forward with this without any further unnecessary delays is to completely change your questions in a manner which removes any mention of or reference to another person other than yourself (so removing any possible accusations of it being third party), and which places the total responsibility for what happens in the future entirely upon the person who first requested this reading.

My suggestion would be for you to ask the following two questions.

1. Why is my future happiness and whether or not I will ever enjoy a loving, long term relationship with a man so highly dependent upon the actions and opinions of other people who are not qualified to comment about what is best for me?

2. What has happened in my past which is causing me to continually give over control of my life to so many different people outside of myself, who neither have the authority or the right to decide how and with whom I should live it?

I would be pleased to finally be able to give you a reading based upon those two questions, if you tell me in your next response if you still want this reading in spite of your questions needing to be changed.

Please let me know what you decide, under this thread. If you do not agree to this compromise, I will respect your right to do so, and it will in now way be used in future against you with the intention to avoid giving you any further readings.

True friends simply do not do that sort of thing to each other. We are both on the same side - YOURS!

EoT :smt007

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:53 pm

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly with your positive response.

Your reading based upon these two modified questions should be given within the next 24 - 36 hours, allowing for any time zone differences between us.

Having given a record number of readings yesterday over several different websites including Mystic Board, today (Sunday) I am taking some time out to visit a close family member who is currently in hospital, and whom is badly in need of our (my wife and my own) extra support.

Speak to you again soon,

EoT  :smt015

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Re: urgent please answer i need to clear my head

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:40 am

dosanm wrote:1. Why is my future happiness and whether or not I will ever enjoy a loving, long term relationship with a man so highly dependent upon the actions and opinions of other people who are not qualified to comment about what is best for me?

2. What has happened in my past which is causing me to continually give over control of my life to so many different people outside of myself, who neither have the authority or the right to decide how and with whom I should live it?
I will take each of these two questions one at a time for the purposes of your reading, but since the past comes before the present and the future, I will try to get an answer to question 2 first.

Whatever event or events have eventually lead to you continually giving over your personal power to decide what is best for you to other people, your reading is telling me that they are more likely to have occurred earlier in this current life time, and less likely to be the result of similar events which could have happened in one or more of your past lives.

In one way this could be to your great advantage. It is often difficult enough even with the help of a qualified professional to explore what may have happened during your younger years which has lead to your feelings of powerlessness and of you not being control over your life, but when it comes to looking into past lives (assuming that you do believe in reincarnation of the soul in different bodies), the level of difficulty and potential confusion can sometimes go completely off the scale.

It seems to be a series of events earlier in this lifetime which have caused this, and not only one single event. It is not these events themselves which have basically destroyed your sense of identity and self confidence, but rather it is the meaning which you associated with those events. In other words, what you repeatedly told yourself (your inner self talk) that the event meant to you, and how that made you feel inside.

This is why the same event happening to two completely different people may produce two completely different results. One person may respond negatively to a minor setback and interpret it to mean that it is a sign that they will always fail, and it is not therefore worth trying to do anything a second or third time as the outcome will necessarily always be yet another failure.

On the other hand some people respond to bad things happening to them by becoming even more determined to overcome the challenges which they are being presented with. To these more positive and already very self confident souls, a minor setback or stone placed in their path acts like a red rag to a bull. They take it to mean that they must be going the right way for them, and that their success is virtually inevitable. They have the optimistic attitude that even though they may appear to "fail" on the very first or subsequent events, that each "failure" brings them one step closer to success over their challenges.

The American inventor of the incandescent light globe Thomas Alva Edison is often quoted as having said that:
"If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward."
Same general principle as is coming through this reading. Are you or have you been up until now seeing every mistake you have made in the past in being able to decide what is good or best for you and your life as a sign that you should simply give up trying to regain this control over what is your life to live as you best see fit to do so?

Partly it may be due to your relatively tender age of 22 years (only 4 years of being accepted by your society as a legal adult), and possibly still living under your parent's roof and being financially dependent upon them to some degree, but your self confidence is definitely damaged by whatever meaning you gave to what has happened to you, but that damage is still able to be repaired.

-----------------------End of the answer to question 2----------------------

You may or may not have had previous bad experiences with men which have lead to you always listening to the opinions of others about whom you should have a relationship with in preference to your own. If your self confidence is seriously low in some areas of your life it can often "bleed over" or spread into other areas, including your love life.

It is unfortunately not possible for me to determined based only on this one isolated reading whether your low self confidence in choosing a companion or lover is due to either past bad experiences with men, or whether your damaged confidence in your ability to choose him for yourself has spread into your love life from other unrelated life areas.

It seems from your postings to be mainly the possibility of future confrontations and outside interference from your auntie, perhaps backed up or reinforced by the authoritarian attitudes of your parents which could be preventing you from getting a clear picture of who you want to have in your life at the moment (friend or ex). There is something different or unusually strong about your aunt's personality which makes your dependency on her opinions greater than the opinions of all your other family members, or your closest friends. In the end only you can work out why this might be true, because to read this directly would be third party which is not allowed.

-----------------end of answer to question 1, and of your reading--------



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