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Any help would be greatly appreciated

Post by Jhonavel » Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:41 pm

I don't even know where to begin. I was born on may 17 1985. I've had a pretty messed up childhood. Pretty messed up teenage years also. I admit i did rebel a lot when i was a teen. i guess it was my way of coping. I got pregnant with my son at the age of 18. Then had my daughter at the age of 22. I'm still with their dad. We have always dreamed of having our own home but we just were not stable enough financially to do so. I felt like at that point any job I could get would have been fine. Until I woke up one day and decided that I would go back to school in order to get a better job. Sure enough, later on, I graduated with being one of the top people in my class. I was amazed with what I was able to accomplish!. After graduation, I was able to finally find a job that I was fairly happy with.  I felt like "alas! this should set us off to a good start on being independent". Five months or so into my job field my 8 yr old son was then diagnosed with brain cancer. This occurred on may 2 (15 days before my birthday) of this year. Within 12 hrs of diagnosis he was quickly put on the operating table.He has gone through countless amount of tests, surgery, radiation and now chemotherapy. I had never once expected that i would become a young mom of a cancer child. My life just feels like everything is flipped inside out. It feels like my life is just meant to be going nowhere. It seems like my life is always just supposed to be always mostly filled with heartaches and pain. i fell so out of place because even though i want break down and cry i can't, because I have to be strong in front of him. Now at this point I don't even know what to laugh or cry about anymore.and now it also feels like the dream of having a home for my family just keeps getting further and further away. That's if my family will even be complete. I know it seems a lot and I know some may see it as dumb, but any honest advices or readings will be much appreciated.
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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:41 am

Please click on the link below this line........... ... hp?t=76651

I will write to you again on Friday morning in my part of the world, with your reading (barring an emergency).

Sincerely yours,

eye_of_tiger (male) or EoT for short  :)

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Words are simply never enough to tell you how deeply your request has affected me

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:21 am

Dear Jhonavel,

Words are simply never enough to tell you how deeply your request has affected me in feeling mixed emotions about all that has happened to you and your family up until now. They try to comfort you with the belief that we are only in this life given what we are capable of handling, but any parent who looks at your personal account of the obstacles which have been placed in your path during this current lifetime would be in no doubt that you have been given more than your fair share of life's toughest lessons to deal with, and only it seems with limited resources in order to be able to do so. And to add to your woes your beloved son has had quite a fight on his hands himself with the brain tumor, but it sounds as though it was detected early enough and in a location which at least made it operable.

Normally I do not do picture readings and this is not the right forum for doing one, however I am grateful that you did include this photograph because I have never seen such incredible inner strength in the eyes of any young person I have met until I met you. It has been said many times that our eyes are the windows to our souls, and based upon what I am seeing before me when I look into them, I feel to be in the presence of someone whose body may only be 27 years old, but whose wisdom and dignity has been earned over hundreds or perhaps thousands of years. In other words your eyes reveal to me that you are an old soul who is likely not to have needed to come back to Earth again because there was little or no need to repeat her lessons, but did so out of pure love for both the man who would be fortunate enough to be your partner, and of course for your son who clearly made a first class pre-birth decision in choosing you to be his mother during his current incarnation.

Although your life feels as though it has been turned upside down and inside out (such a major disruption is unfortunately normal for a person such as yourself whose reading features the Tarot card called THE TOWER), it has really had no obvious impact upon your courage and determination to be the best possible mother that any child could hope to or be lucky enough to have. It is not so much what happens to us in this life which is a measure of a person's strength of character, but rather how we respond to the challenges which are placed upon us to keep moving forwards in our lives, with both faith and courage as our constant and loyal travelling companions. Moving forwards in spite of an adverse set of factors or situations which could have easily destroyed a lesser person.

I would not wish to be seen as ignoring or minimizing the seriousness of your present predicament with your son's illness and subsequent surgery, but the feeling from your reading is that you already have more than enough strength and resources within yourself to be able to cope with this and still keep going. I do not see my job to give you something which already exists within you in abundance. I see it instead to help you to recognise that it is already there, and teach you how best to harness or free up the extra energies that this could give you to make this a little easier for everyone concerned.

The reading is suggesting that you should spend 30 minutes and no more each and every day if you are able to do so, staring at your own image in a mirror while in a lightly relaxed state. This spiritual exercise has nothing at all with you being vain about your appearance or thinking that you are better than everyone around you. It is focused upon helping you to reclaim the extra inner strength and courage which you so urgently need at the moment. It is important that there are no strong lights reflecting off the mirror which could interfere with you looking deeper into your own soul through these "windows".

Do not use any force during the half hour. Just allow your thoughts to drift by you like white puffy clouds, but do not take any notice of them. Keep coming back to looking into your eyes, paying them no attention whatsoever. I must warn you that you will think nothing is happening, and that this is a complete waste of time, but your soul needs healing and refreshment and your reading is saying that this is the most effective way of getting both of them. Do not miss days unless there is a good reason to do so, as it would be a similar effect to you unwisely withdrawing from a legal medication that your doctor had prescribed for you.

This time it is your "inner doctor" who is prescribing this as a remedy for your troubles. But use your outer doctor as a reliable guide with regards to any possible underlying medical problems which may also be affecting you without your knowledge. Your partner and son need you more than ever now, so you must take good care of yourself as they could not get through this anywhere near as easily without you. You are the rock or foundation upon which your family has been built with a great amount of love and patience, and to take that away from them knowing that it happened because you failed to take proper care of yourself would be a tragedy indeed.

While the energies which THE TOWER always brings with it turns your life upside down and inside out, it inevitably leads to healing and spiritual rebirth and the resurrection of hope. Moving into this next six month phase of your lives will require you to leave behind old and outworn ways or habits of thinking and doing things which will no longer work in the future. You are in line for a spiritual spring cleaning exercise, regardless of what season it is in your part of the world.

OUT with the old, outworn and no longer working largely negative ways of responding to life's tough lessons by becoming clinically depressed (something completely different from just having a bad day now and then) and IN with much more effective newer ways of dealing with life issues. To be born again essentially as a new person is not the exclusive property of Christianity. The idea of dying to our old ways so that we can be reborn into a new more effective and user friendly life and it often feels world, probably began with Adam and Eve. You inherited it as a member of the human family, just as we all did. And that is exactly from where your increased courage and inner strength will inevitably come over time, if you are willing to follow the above instructions and not give up on yourself prematurely, when you are clearly to this reading so close to a major victory on all fronts.

Love, Light and Healing to you and your family from me and mine,

EoT  :smt007

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I received a beautifully moving private message today

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 17, 2014 1:07 am

I was both excited as well as humbled to receive a beautifully moving private message of appreciation today (May 17th, 2014) from my dear friend Jhonavel, with the good news that her son has now been in remission from the brain cancer for a period of almost 18 months.

I sincerely hope that his improved state of health will continue, and that he will live well beyond even the most optimistic predictions of his doctors.

Just because this reading is over does not mean that the extra strength and healing which was sent along with it stops as well.

To your boy
If snuggles were seconds, I'd give you the entire day. If cuddles were minutes, I'd give you the four seasons of the year. If hugs were hours, I'd give you eternity.

Author: Natessha Arne Tallo

Loving regards,

EoT Image

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