Reading request from EOT

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Reading request from EOT

Post by peacefullwarrior » Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:02 am

Please give me a reading about my work/career situation for the next months. Many blessings, all the best.

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Work or career prediction reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:34 pm


"Characteristics of a Spiritual Warrior" ... l-warrior/

This next six months will be a good time and excellent opportunity for a spiritual warrior such as yourself to show the world and especially those people closest to you what a warrior is truly capable of doing, if his or her heart and mind are regularly working in complete harmony and co-operation with each other. This will most likely include what happens with your job or career situation of a positive nature during the period of the next six months, but not be restricted to it.

All work and no play makes for a boring and dull Peacefull? :smt002

Whatever you do achieve of any significance in the way of moving forwards with your job or career over this time must necessarily be balanced with you also making progress in other areas of your life at much the same time, such as for example involving your social and love life.

There are going to be days when you feel super confident and virtually capable of meeting any challenge which will be placed in your path on order to help you to grow and develop to your full spiritual stature, but on other days you may feel like staying in bed and feel anything but being capable and/or confident.

The stark contrast between your good and not so good days will often make you feel that you are on some sort of emotional roller coaster, and that you will want them to immediately stop the ride in order to allow you to get off, before you throw up the contents of your most recent meal. You are not actually feeling depressed as such, but your confidence is definitely bipolar or regularly oscillating between two extremes.

Super confident - no confidence at all - Super confident........... etc.


Now please do not misunderstand or misinterpret the main positive message contained within your reading. There is nothing in itself wrong or bad about you feeling confident that your job or career situation will significantly improve during the next six months, as long as you do not overdo feeling this confidence and stop doing the practical things which you are realistically able with the purpose to help yourself to get a more satisfying and more well paid job, sooner rather than much later.

If you go into an interview giving the interviewer the impression that you have no confidence in either yourself or in your relevant work skills and abilities, then why would your prospective future employer want to take the risks involved in giving you the opportunity to prove yourself on the job, when you look defeated before you even begin your sales pitch (selling yourself and your abilities to the company)?

If however you go in there with the arrogant attitude that they must recognise your sheer brilliance and that if they cannot see that you are an asset to their company then they are blind idiots then you are probably being your own worst enemy. Another way not to get the job is to tell them how you are going to single-handedly fix everything which you feel is wrong or broken with their business, or complain about all the interviews which you never got with other companies.
In summary this work/career prediction reading is strongly encouraging you to be and show him or her that you are confident and capable of doing the work well and on time, but NOT to at the same time unintentionally overdo this and think that the job is in the bag, long before you have any valid reason to believe this.

As with most other life areas finding the right or best point of DYNAMIC (constantly shifting) INSTEAD OF STATIC (staying indefinitely in one place) BALANCE for you between two extremes is felt by this reader to be the most likely strategy to be able to get you the job that you want, over the next half year.

According to how well you listen to and apply these above mentioned principles in your ongoing efforts to improve your current and future job or career situation, so will your most likely degree of success and satisfaction in becoming the chosen applicant increase exponentially  

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Post by peacefullwarrior » Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:44 am

Thank you very much for your reading EOT. Is very useful. I wish you all the best. Many blessings.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:21 pm

Peacefull, :smt020

You are very welcome!

As always, it was my pleasure to be given yet another golden opportunity to help one of my internet friends through a reading.

Blessings in bucket loads, both 2U and also to your family,

EoT  :smt002  :smt002

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