Reading request from EOT

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Reading request from EOT

Post by peacefullwarrior » Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:28 pm

Please give me general reading for the near future. Thank you very much. Many blessings.

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May blessings in abundance be yours; now and forever more

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:49 pm

Hey Peacefull,

On October 19th, I gave you a reading which was called "Characteristics of a Spiritual Warrior" ... 456#317456

As with all readings given on this forum this one was seen as applying to the period of the next six months following that.

Possibly the two most important and relevant to this month's reading sections in your October reading were as follows.....
This next six months will be a good time and excellent opportunity for a spiritual warrior such as yourself to show the world and especially those people closest to you what a warrior is truly capable of doing, if his or her heart and mind are regularly working in complete harmony and co-operation with each other. This will most likely include what happens with your job or career situation of a positive nature during the period of the next six months, but not be restricted to it.
The stark contrast between your good and not so good days will often make you feel that you are on some sort of emotional roller coaster, and that you will want them to immediately stop the ride in order to allow you to get off, before you throw up the contents of your most recent meal. You are not actually feeling depressed as such, but your confidence is definitely bipolar or regularly oscillating between two extremes.
Keeping those two sections in mind and recognizing that your October reading is still both current and active in your life at present, the DEATH card (which is this reading's focus) might come as a bit of a shock to you. If you have been looking at other member's readings where the DEATH card was drawn, you would already know that it rarely (unless you are terminally ill or very old) refers to either your physical death, or to the death of anyone close to you.

Of course no reading or reader can offer you a 100% rock solid guarantee that you still have a long life ahead of you, but looking at this being your reading and not that of a terminally ill nonagenarian (90 - 99 yo) I feel supremely confident that this is NOT the reason for it having been turned in your case.

In contrast to the grim reaper, the card called DEATH usually signals a time of major and rapid transition in that person's life, which will necessarily involve him or her leaving behind many of their old and past their useful shelf life ways of doing and thinking about things, so that the individual can embrace newer and much more effective methods of doing and thinking.

Basically it is as if you had "died" (symbolically and not literally) to your old ways, so that you can be born again into a life where these outmoded methods can no longer hold you back or block you from realizing your full potential (both as a spiritual and a human being).

Combining this interpretation with the insights which came out of your previous reading, the bad news is that if you thought that your emotional roller coaster ride or the contrast between your bad and good days were challenging enough up until now, then tighten your seat belt and hold onto your last meal, as the ups and downs and contrasts during this next phase of your development as a spiritual warrior will make anything which happened before this turning point look like child's play.

I would not wish to unnecessarily frighten you or to put you off the whole idea of wanting a better but more balanced life for yourself as well as for your loved ones, but at the same time it would be dishonest and irresponsible of me to say that it will be all plain sailing for you from now on.

Associated with this bad news is fortunately the good, better and best news that along with the various challenges which the next few months will undoubtedly present you with, will simultaneously come some golden and very positive, valuable opportunities for you to make a major positive breakthrough in one or more of your life areas.

Depending heavily upon whether you consciously choose to focus exclusively upon the challenges or instead upon the opportunities which you will encounter during this period of significant and rapid transition, will largely determine if your growth and development move forward in proportion.

The Law of Attraction as if magnetically draws into our lives the very factors which combine together in order to give us more of what we have most regularly focused upon in the past. Focus on the opportunities (the ups) contained within the next half year (without ignoring or minimizing the associated challenges - the downs) and you should continue to be showered with newer and decidedly positive opportunities, which will almost inevitably lead over the longer term to even more magnificent ones in your future.

May blessings in abundance be yours; now and forever more.

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Post by peacefullwarrior » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:11 pm

Thank you very much for your reading, again EOT. About the Death card, a bad relationship with a girl has ended weeks ago. This is what it means. Also a new job is close, so I think that ''my past'' has died. I wish you all th best. Many blesssings.

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Emotional roller coaster rides do not only happen in relationships

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:33 pm


You are as always very welcome for the reading, and it is true that the Death card could indeed be referring to the end of your bad relationship with this girl as you suggested that it did.

However it was my feeling for what you may feel that this is worth that the reading was primarily talking about your job/career situation, rather than it being concerned with your love life.

Emotional roller coaster rides do not only happen with regards to matters of your heart.

Job security and career satisfaction as well as a depressed feeling that your work is getting you nowhere fast can similarly experience high mountains or deep valleys in a series of unpredictable cycles.

But I am not with this interpretation overlooking or ignoring the distinct possibility that your toxic relationship with her could have acted as a catalyst in making you even more determined than ever before to start all over again with a better job than the one which you already had (whatever "better" means to you).


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