Reading Requested

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Reading Requested

Post by miss_perfect13 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:35 pm

Hey Mystic board,

It's me Stephanie, female, born on Nov. 13, 1987 (scorpio), and I need a reading please. No question in particular I'm sure the cards will automatically zoom in anyways. Thanks in advance.

Happy New Yr,

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A psychic moratorium?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:37 am

To my spiritual sister Steph, ... 543#318543

It has been just under a month since I gave you your previous reading on this forum, but this first reading for 2013 is telling me that you are making significant progress towards ultimately learning not to be so hard upon yourself, as none of us is perfect and there but for the grace of God go any of us.

I do not wish to continually refer back to the act of physical violation which was carried out against you, as continually focusing upon it serves no useful purpose, and only gets in the way of you moving forwards again especially with regards to your relationships with men and your ability to increasingly trust them.

For it is your trust in someone who should have been loving and protecting you from all harm which was betrayed when this happened to you, and gradually regaining that trust in men is not going to be a linear or simple process by any definition of those two words. Your trust must be earned through what men do and not only through what they say they will do.

I am afraid that the news about the temporary suspension of your intuitive abilities by your guides in your best interests has not improved geatly since we last met on this board. You correctly noticed that you had relatively less control over your spiritual gifts when compared to how much more control you had over them in the past.

This is not by accident or coincidence, but rather by design or intended. It is felt by your Higher Self (HS) that much more of your available energies need to be redirected towards your self healing, with as a direct consequence less energy being made available for using your abilities to help others intuitively or psychically.

Please do not panic as this is only your HS and guides knowing better than either of us what you are capable of dealing with at the same time. When the powers to be decide that the reasons for taking your powers and control temporarily offline for self maintenance purposes are no longer valid or current, then you can expect what will amount to a major resurgence or triumphant return of your abilities to their full strength (which will be stronger than ever).

I do not see this major recovery of your abilities and degree of control over them happening during the next six months which are thought to be covered by this reading, but the second half of 2013 is looking far more promising for a psychic revival, but only if you take maximum advantage of the golden opportunities for recharging your spiritual batteries leading up to July 1st.

Do you remember what I said earlier about true self love? Valuing and respecting yourself for being the warm, generous and loving young woman you already are, in spite of all the terrible things which have been done to you in the name of love. Basically our psychic/spiritual/intuitive abilities are given to us in order to be able to help other people with their lives, but at the same time we need to do whatever we are able to help and care for ourselves.

How your reading asks can we give other people something of lasting healing value which we cannot or will not give ourselves? This is the best time for putting everything which you can in place to maximize and enhance your emotional health, in preparation for what will soon come. You will quickly learn to regret not having taken this opportunity to take better care of number 1 (you) when you no longer have the opportunity to take some quality time out for yourself because you are so busy giving readings.

Do not look a gift horse in the mouth so to speak, meaning that you should use this time for some long overdue but well deserved rest and recreation (R&R), while and for as long as you still have the time and the energy to be able to do this self healing efficiently.

The beginning of yet another new year is a time when people often make a resolution to push themselves to the maximum, as if the Universe hands out medals for how much pain and damage we can do to ourselves in the shortest possible period of time. Make your new year's resolution full of positive optimism for the future, but simultaneously make this year's goals practical, healthy and worth pursuing.

You are not going to be of much use or help to either yourself or as well to the people whom you most want to help from a permanent hospital bed or premature grave. Take better care of yourself NOW so that you can take better care of others as well as of yourself in the future is the main message of your January 2013 reading.

Co-operate fully with your HS and guides by accepting this relatively brief psychic moratorium or temporary suspension of your psychic abilities and their control, both with humility and with appreciation that they are watching over and taking proper care of you.

[Moratorium = an agreed suspension of an activity]

"How To Love Yourself In 17 Ways" by Evelyn on March 20, 2008 ... n-17-ways/

"What Are The Effects Of Not Loving Yourself?" by Well-Being Alignment ... rself.html

"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from".

[Elisabeth Kubler-Ross]

Read more at ... sings.html


From your brother in spirit EoT :smt007

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Post by miss_perfect13 » Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:59 pm

Dear Brother spiritual and more,

Boy have I got news for you.

Ok let me begin by saying I purposely waited a whole month like the forum does say. I know that a reading is something better done every six months or so however in the last week my powers have come back with strength. It's because I took your advice and really started talking to the people in my life. I have cried and I've laughed. The healing is a process of course.

I've been tampering with the cards but the other night I left the cards at home. My four friends one of which is Kitty on the boards she's one of my best friends, well we got together and by all getting on the same breathing pattern. Then we all closed our eyes and tried to figure out what my dream was of the night cus we met up after I woke up. Don't ask my hours have been off. They were able to pull things out and that got us going.

Then we sat in pairs and did readings on eachother just making predictions. The interesting part was how they were related and how since last night things have been coming true. Now maybe it is coincedence you can say that for most of this but we were all connected and it felt like how you and I are connected. Where you can easily place it together. You can only read someone you feel a connection too.Or for me at least.

I feel amazing. I took a leap of faith and contacted a guy I pushed away for my trust issues and we are working on them together. I even contact the Women's Support Network they are a charity that help abused women. They gave me free counciling and now I wish to return the fav by raising some money. I'm taking a major negative and turning it into a massive positive.

I have you to thank EoT and Connie too (Kitty). I'm listening and I'm grasping and I'm getting myself back.

There aren't enough words to show my appreciation to you.

Speaking of beginnings I hope 2013 brings you every blessing in the world. 2013 is a good # I like odds and I can just feel this year is going to be amazing. Also 13 is a very lucky # and I was born on it... lol

Sending you ton's of hugs,


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