Past Life Reading

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Past Life Reading

Post by s_coy2005 » Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:44 pm

I would love to request  a past life reading. If you are drawn to me please let me know..

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No Akashic or Past Life Readings, until further notice

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:00 am

Hello S,

Sorry but I do not give past life readings, and Mangomom who was the only reader who gave them regularly on Mystic Board has not posted to this forum since August 8th.

Akashic readings are also indefinitely suspended, waiting for her positively anticipated return.

Could I be of any personal assistance to you with another type of reading, or in doing my best to answer a completely different question from this one?

Yours faithfully,

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Reading please

Post by s_coy2005 » Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:26 am

Hi i would love a reading or some guidance on love and finances.. if you or anyone can do that it will be appreciated. thanks

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Money and love: Not the love of money

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:24 am

Without knowing if you are already in a reasonably regular and stable face to face love relationship (in contrast to one which has been up until now entirely conducted over the telephone or the internet) it will necessarily have to be your finances which are the subject of this month's reading. Or to be more precise helping you to find a way to more effectively manage what money you already have so that after paying off your debts there is more left over in reserve at the end of each week, to do whatever is most important and enjoyable to you.

Unfortunately money does not grow on trees. Just as with all things in our lives we must actually do something to earn more of it, and make a real effort to have enough of it to be able to satisfy all our constantly changing needs (including paying our bills so that we do not end up on the streets or in prison).

In the Tarot pack The Magician is thought to represent our ability to be able to manifest or make our dreams, desires and ambitions in the physical world. On the face of this card just above the head of the magician is the symbol for infinity (the lemniscate from the Latin word lemniscus, meaning ribbon). It looks rather like a number 8, laying on its side.

Effectively this card is telling us that in theory essentially anything is possible which conforms to the laws of the physical universe, if we want it enough and are willing to work hard enough in order to be able to get it. Of course in the real world our thoughts are not instantly and magically translated into something solid and better.

Usually there is a considerable delay between the wanting and the getting, or in some cases the delay is forever. Instead of waving our magic wands and saying a few choice magic words to get our budget under better control, we really need to develop greater self discipline and self control as our consumer society tells us  that we deserve to have everything we want by yesterday.

By all means hold in your mind an image of what you would use the extra money for if you had it, but managing and conserving your finances will unavoidably involve you making some personal sacrifices to make this possible. And this is where most people turn off from their reading.

Many do not think it is fair that they should have to work so hard for their money, while other people appear to have money handed to them on a plate, with very minimal effort or sacrifice made on their parts. They seem to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths, so to speak. Maybe they could have their own private money tree planted somewhere out of sight.

But seriously now while this reading is certainly not accusing you of either trying too hard or doing nothing at all to more efficiently balance your budget, there is always room for improvement and fine tuning of your existing methods.

If you are going to begin a relationship with someone where you leave your house, you are going to first need to bring managing your money more under your control by either fine tuning the methods which you already use to keep track of it, or alternately to find a better way of balancing the books using a completely different approach.

Money cannot buy true love, but having enough money to go out with your latest crush on a date without first having to ask for your bank manager's permission or to get a loan would certainly help things to go more smoothly than otherwise.

Therefore the two areas in your request - your love life and your finances - are closely related to and dependent upon each other. When you love life is going well you are likely to be happier, and will therefore be a much more efficient and healthier worker: hopefully meaning that you will earn more money as a reward for your greater value to the company as a result.  

Extra income which can then be spent upon improving your relationship, and so on. Your reading sees the next six months as a time for you to get your financial house more in order, in preparation for you to be able to more fully enjoy any such relationship when it comes along (not if it comes along).

Take good care of yourself,

EoT  :smt003

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Post by s_coy2005 » Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:33 pm

Thanks.. This reading helped e so much.. I appreciate you taking the time to do this for me..

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:23 pm

It was my pleasure to do so: I can assure you.

The insights from both your previous reading as well as from this update still need to run their full six month course, before we can return to this exact same subject.

Of course in the meantime questions about any other subjects of concern to you at the time, are perfectly valid and welcome.


EoT :smt002

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