urgent important reading

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urgent important reading

Post by drprpapi23 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:22 am

Hey, the last time i posted on here was a couple of months ago around the time mangomom was here until she left. Unfortunately she left during the process of having one of my readings processed. That thread is here: viewtopic.php?t=80114. Well im in the point of my life where im at one of my lows. Having truly done nothing for most of my life while being on a negative spiral i need help. i feel that something is interfering with my thought process be neg or something. Something like a ocd where i get intrusive negative thoughts of death and other dark thoughts. This happened around the time i crammed my mind with the truth of this world and law of attraction talk. It's like something is doing this because i probably have something worthwhile to give but i don't know. I'm truly someone who is purely spiritual who don't care about much materialistic things. I've been trying to find who my true self is, my purpose, and what's my mission since i've been lollgagging for too long. This get me enraged since i don't know where to turn. i just want to do what god wants me to do since i feel that's the only thing that matters. I'm not religious since i believe religion is a tool for enslavement even though there's good in it. I need the tools to deal with this spiritual battle. Help would be greatly appreciated & sorry if this post was too long.

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Re: urgent important reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:23 pm

Hi David,

You are an old soul who finds himself feeling trapped in a young physical body. You are currently in the process of awakening to the nature of your true inner Self, and even your concept of the passing of time at this level has become distorted by the stark contrast between the huge number of cycles of incarnation which your soul has endured, when compared to how many years which have already elapsed during this current lifetime.

I said awakening partly because you posted that request to MangoMom at the end of July 2012, which is much more than a couple of months ago, according to my mathematics. You are also mercilessly beating up on yourself for not having done anything worthwhile for most of your life, when you have not yet had most of your mortal life. Between your birth and where you are now at the still relatively young age of 22 years, much preparation has been going on below the surface of your consciousness.

Because you have not had access to this information during this period, you could hardly expect yourself to have used the information. All this preparation which has been going on during the first 21 years plus of your life was leading you up to this moment. In a definite manner you have now reached base camp (a mountain climbing term), and are more than ready to ascend the Mount Everest

Even the term lollygagging or basically wasting your time comes from an earlier historical era, which only confirms that you are probably feeling that you have been born after your own time. It is like you belong to another century other than the one in which you now find yourself, and the word alienated describes feeling as though you are living on another planet where all the native's beliefs, desires and ambitions are completely the opposite of your own.  

It is no wonder then that you are feeling angry, confused and terribly frustrated with what you see as your embarrassing lack of making any significant progress towards achieving what you set out to do, before your parents conceived you during an act of selfless love which provided a physical vehicle or container for a soul which is weary from so many Earthly lives and is impatiently waiting to be allowed to return to and remain permanently in its true spiritual home.

You did not come here to be purely spiritual and to reject everything which or who is material. You are a spiritual being temporarily using a human body in order to allow you to interact with the material universe, presumably because the lessons which you need to learn to realize your full potential can only be effectively learned in such an environment.

Yet you seem to be in a constant state of war with the physical body which your parents and God gave you in order for you to learn these lessons. God or that which created everything including you and me does not want any of us to reject the very thing which could help us ultimately free ourselves of having to continue to return here over and over again, feeling as though you have been deserted and left completely to our own devices without any divine help, or any sense of hope for the future.

Instead of rejecting your life's material aspects and making yourself your own judge, jury and executioner, your challenge is to learn to better balance the material and spiritual parts of yourself.  Or to be more exact, to become a teaching example to younger souls who you can help guide home with you. The reason why you are still here is NOT because you have failed either God or yourself.

NO WAY!!!!!!

It is because your soul is so full of love for your fellow human beings that you cannot feel that you have served your purpose if only one of them gets left behind. Your Higher Self, the spark of God which exists in every sentient being chose to come back here to help lead these younger souls to our home in eternity. What a discouraging effect it would have on these younger souls to see their teacher and spiritual mentor doubting that he was doing something worthwhile, when their whole soul development is depending upon you being there.

BTW religion is not in itself a tool for enslavement and intimidation, by putting the fear of God or Hell into someone. But it can definitely be used for those controlling and malicious purposes by people and institutions who or which want more money, sex and power.  Religion means to bind or lead us back to God. It was meant to bring us closer together. But when it is used for the purposes of the ego and our lowest animal aspects, it becomes terribly corrupted.

You have a perfect right to feel angry about having to watch this going on around you constantly, and not feeling  as though you can do anything practical to stop it. Do not let anyone tell you that you should not feel angry because it is not nice. You feel that anger because it should not be like this.

Channel or use your anger to produce lasting positive change in the lives of these young souls who have been put in your charge and under your supervision, because of the wealth of experience which you have had over many lifetimes, and the abundance of wisdom which you have gained during many centuries in the cosmic school of hard knocks.

Your reading ends with a friendly warning for you. When a sensitive person such as yourself first discovers or is told by a reader that his purpose is to teach, inspire and lead younger souls out of the darkness of ignorance into the light, he may feel heavily weighed down by the major burden of responsibility that being a teacher or mentor of younger souls tends to place upon us.

We then begin to put extreme pressure upon ourselves to live a perfect or pure life, when a perfect or pure life is useless in teaching other spiritual warriors to meet their life's many challenges. In other words they need to see that you are human, with all the weaknesses and limitations which this body and mind place upon us.

Somebody who has never had to struggle with his own fears and doubts cannot make a good teacher to younger souls who similarly have to learn to struggle using faith and courage with their own fears and doubts (which may or may not be different from yours).

Note that you will never find all your answers in any one place, person or reading. That is why Akashic readings given in your past have failed to provide all the answers. They never could because each of them essentially only acts as a signpost leading you on to ever greater and deeper truths. Each provides only one or two small jigsaw pieces or parts of the truth, which will eventually need to be assembled into the whole picture of that truth.

So be humble and hold your head up high at the same time. You do not need to feel ashamed, embarrassed, or guilty of the crimes which you are unfairly accusing yourself of, without yet having all the jigsaw pieces of truth and power over fear to be eventually assembled. The whole picture of your life is coming along and taking shape nicely, thank you.

It is this reading's hope that you will stay around long enough to be able to view the incredible beauty of the picture of your life, amongst the pictures of the lives of the many younger souls who even now when you are feeling especially low and sorry for yourself look up to you as an example of what is possible if they only have enough belief in themselves to keep trying and fighting their inner "demons".

Not supernatural demons like those you meet in the film "The Exorcist", but the symbolic demons of their fears which do not want to release them, in case they see the Light which destroys all fears which stand in our spiritual warrior way. Your inner "demons" (we all have them) draw vast amounts of energy away from what you are supposed to be doing as a Light-worker or a warrior of the spirit.

Getting angry at yourself or getting angry at your fears only makes you weaker, and your own worst enemy. Channel that anger instead into educating young souls, through becoming a living example to them of what being a spiritual warrior was always meant to be about. What greater mission or purpose do you want out of your life, than being and doing that?

Love, Light and Healing to you and to your entire family,

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spiritual awakening

Post by Moonstar88 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:04 pm

hi drpr,. same here... I think I'm experiencing what i have read what you wrote.., maybe you are also experiencing too much questions and puzzles on your mind like me you hardly sleep at night, and after you found the answers to your questions, there are a lot of questions again popping out in your mind... but these questions are much more deeper... I'm experiencing it also for a month, after the law of attraction talk,, and after reading the celestine prophecy books, and after I have gone in this site and read some cosmic stuffs.... It feels crazy but I think time comes we will adjust by this feeling of restlessness... If I'm correct .. you also understand everything,. u now understand people, coincidences, and problems serve as our learnings in our lives.., and we have to be thankful that there are people here that are willing to guide and help us in our problems,,.... (((hugs for you)))

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:07 am

Just like almost anything else you can easily overdose on spirituality and New Age beliefs, if you allow them to take over the rest of your life.

Truths lead eventually to deeper truths. Answers to more questions than when you started.

This is normal, and to a certain extent unavoidable or par for the course.

But we still need as a species to learn to more effectively balance our spiritual pursuits with other less exciting but at the same time absolutely necessary matters, if our lives are to have any meaning and purpose beyond our own self fulfilment and taking care of number one (ourselves), often at the expense of our closest relationships with the people whom we love most.


EoT  :smt003

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Post by drprpapi23 » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:01 pm

thank you eye of tiger for the reading. I'm so sorry i took longer than usual for response. You said one of my purposes is to teach and mentor younger souls since you said i'm an old soul. how can i go about this? Also if you can, what are my abilities? I've always wondered this since im in a point of my life where im trying to discover myself. Btw thank you for your service and much love and light to you.

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It is I who should be thanking you

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:14 pm

thank you eye of tiger for the reading.

See the final section of this posting for more about this, but you are more than welcome.  :)
I'm so sorry i took longer than usual for response.
No matter what the delay is in your getting back to us, we are always glad to be of service. We each have our own lives to live and challenges to deal with outside of the internet.
You said one of my purposes is to teach and mentor younger souls since you said i'm an old soul. how can i go about this?
Answering this question is easy, but your doing it is definitely not easy. You will need to associate more with younger people than yourself either in a voluntary or paid capacity, and teach them these spiritual principles using your own life as a living example of what is possible if your spiritual beliefs are applied to their daily living.

Interestingly the word preacher originally meant just that - teaching others by making your life a living example - but like many of these terms including the definition of what a psychic is its meaning has become corrupted over time to instead mean someone who forces their beliefs upon you using fear and superstition as a way of "converting" or brainwashing you to their cause. When I say that you will need to become more of a preacher I am using the original meaning of the word, and not the corrupted one
Also if you can, what are my abilities? I've always wondered this since im in a point of my life where im trying to discover myself.
We spend a large proportion of our entire lifetime discovering who we really are deep inside, and what useful abilities we may possess. In other words this is something which we never stop doing, although we may not always be consciously aware that we are doing it. I have only just recently posted an item in the main psychic forum which could be of some assistance to you in sorting out what your particular psychic strengths could potentially be. In order fully explore your options you should ideally combine such personal explorations and analyses with regularly attending a psychic development group in your local area under the care and supervision of a qualified teacher. Often the quickest but at the same time safest way to discover the full extent of your psychic abilities is by giving them an opportunity to be expressed within a safe and supportive environment, with both a teacher and other students to provide you with lots of encouraging, constructive feedback to help you sort out what is genuine psychic information from what is only fantasy, wishful thinking or self delusion.

"How do you receive most of your psychic information?"

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=81520
Btw thank you for your service and much love and light to you.
I have always had a strong and urgent need to feel needed, and to feel that I am making a significant positive difference in other people's lives as well as my own. Good and decent people like yourself offer me the pleasure, privilege and opportunity to satisfy this need which constantly burns within me.

Therefore, perhaps it is I who should be thanking you.

Humbly and gratefully yours,

EoT Image

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