medium/clairvoyante reading please x

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medium/clairvoyante reading please x

Post by geminiboro » Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:41 am

Hi i just woundered if i could have a medium reading please would much apprieciate to see if any of my family members who have passed away come forward expecially my grandad who only died a week ago and has left the family in pieces xxx

Susie Psychic
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Post by Susie Psychic » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:22 pm


I am so sorry for your loss, it is only natural to grieve and the loss of your dear grandad is no new it must be unbearable.

People often wish to get messages from their loved ones that have passed over but it really is not a good idea to go seeking those online. There are many people who will prey on the likes of you and give you false messages and hope, and as the passing is so new many readers would say you are too vulnerable and need to be given time before any reading attempt. Personally I only give readings like this in a one to one, comfortable and safe setting where I can completely concentrate on the seeker and the messages I am being given and give them my full attention and then if needed the right follow up support. I find that is a much better way for all concerned and would highly advise to think about that approach rather than taking pot luck online.

It is really a bit disrespectful to try and contact those passed over in a forum setting too, and my intention is not to offend but just to share my point of view and hopefully when you are ready you may choose to book a reading in person from the psychic medium or clairvoyant of your choice.

Sending you and your family lots of strength at this difficult time.


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Post by cedars » Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:32 pm

It is also agaisnt the laws of  Mystic Board to give Mediumship readings.....

I also fully agree with Susie Psychic's comments.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:28 pm

Welcome friend,

I am genuinely sorry to hear about your significant loss. You have my sincerest condolences and best wishes for the future, for you and your entire family. May God give you the extra strength and comfort which you will need in the days and weeks ahead of you.

A mediumship reading is neither possible nor allowed on Mystic Board, but I would like to offer you a family intuitive reading in its place, as I understand how your grandfather's very recent passing has seriously damaged the friendly, co-operative relationship between your various family members.

As long as you are willing to have a reading about this which does not involve spirit communication of any sort including with your late grandfather, I would be more than pleased to consult my inner guidance on your behalf. It would have the healing intention to restore a sense of peace and harmony to your family, where there is now disagreement, unfriendliness and division amongst your relatives about what your grandfather wanted done or did not want done, after he had left you only in the physical sense of the meaning of the word "left".

Kindest regards,

EoT  :)

PS: Personally ( I cannot speak for others) I neither found your request for a mediumship reading to be disrespectful or offensive, especially in the light of this rule not being included with the forum rules, which should always be consulted before posting any requests on this board. ... hp?t=73424

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thanks and reply

Post by geminiboro » Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:30 am

Thank you for your comments i didn't mean to be disrespectful in anyway it was jist a cry out for help and just thought that this would give me some answers,i know he's at peace now and is with his wife its the distruction he's left behind i juat want ghe family to be there for each other not to fall apart yes eye of a tiger a reading of that type would be must apprieciated and thank you again xxx

Susie Psychic
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Post by Susie Psychic » Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:31 pm

I know you didn't mean to be disrespectful, that comes across clearly in your words. :)
Last edited by Susie Psychic on Tue Apr 02, 2013 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by geminiboro » Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:44 pm

Its ok i apprieciate any advise

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:01 am

i didn't mean to be disrespectful in anyway it was just a cry out for help

Susie, Cedars and myself all recognise that this was your intention, which is precisely why I made the offer that I did. We would be very poor readers indeed, if we could not see that this was true.

Asking for help when life gets on top of you should never to be seen as a sign of weakness. Actually it is a sign of your immense inner strength as well as your commitment to making your life work better in the future.

What follows is your family intuitive reading as promised.

Like all of my readings it is not designed to attempt to predict how much peace and harmony will be restored between the different members of your family which your grandfather left behind him on his passing, during the next six months thought to be covered by it. To a large extent that is up to all of you to decide by how well you can put aside your personal differences and disagreements for the common good of continuing to be a united family.
I just want the family to be there for each other not to fall apart
And so do we!

Although I cannot claim to have communicated with your grandfather in order to check this out with him, I get a definite impression this time through his grandchild who requested this reading that this destruction and conflict between you as the family he left behind him is the last thing that he would have ever wanted to happen.

I am not sure if he died intestate without a legal will having been made beforehand (if so you need a lawyer), or if it is the terms of his will which are at the source of your family's disharmony and conflict of opinions, but whichever of the two possibilities applies the disordering, destructive effects on your family's sense of cohesion (sticking together) is essentially and negatively the same. I am also not sure if there was a considerable sum of money in his estate or if the way in which the will was written left a lot of doubt about to whom the lion's share of his worldly belongings should go.

Now everyone grieves or mourns their significant losses in their own sometimes unique way, and while some of the behavior you have seen from your relatives might be seen by you as petty, mean and childish, none of us has the right to say whose way of dealing with the death of a loved one is the correct or best approach. Making all of the other methods of coming to terms with living in a world where your grandfather is no longer physically present "wrong" and "bad" (very subjective labels).

And this is exactly why your reading feels that you have an uphill battle and steep learning curve on your plate when it comes to each of your family members recognizing that this is the case. Each of your relatives is seeing the situation from his or her own limited viewpoint or perspective. What needs to happen here is for someone (it could very well be you) to help lift this to a much higher level where each of you is able to more consistently be aware that it is your grandfather's dying wishes which need to be respected above all other considerations. It is felt that his wishes have so far taken the back seat to the needs and human weaknesses of each of his family, many of whom he loved almost more than life itself.

You may be wondering how you could possibly be expected to become your family's healer. Are they even going to listen to or care what you think should be done? Some of them have had much more life experience than you have. Do you consequently have the right to say what should or should not be done with the inheritance when they are older and hopefully wiser than we both are?

The answer is almost certainly NO. Only your grandfather has this right and with due respect to the gentleman, he is not presently in a good position to be able to easily tell you all what he wants done without calling upon the services of a good medium. So to guide you in his physical absence, a small part of your grandfather survives in you. All the best parts or all his most positive qualities of character are your most valuable inheritance.

I do not know if he was a good organizer or money manager when he was still living on Earth. If he was not then the advice coming out of this reading will be for you and in turn your entire family to be the complete opposite (well organized and good money managers). But if he was a good organizer when he was younger (it is said that we change to the age when we were at the peak of our health after casting aside our old and outworn physical bodies in spirit) and managed his money reasonably well, think carefully as to what he would do if he was still living and breathing on the Earth plane.

Ask your inner silence during meditation and prayer "grandfather: what would you like us to do with what you left behind?" "And how would you like us to do it, so that your loving family can come closer together, instead of being split further apart when we need each other more than ever?

You do not need to be a medium or psychic to get some answers to these important questions, but we all have to learn to be significantly better listeners, instead of always being guided only by logic or by our own human weaknesses, of which there are never a shortage. What we are taking about here is practicing empathy - attempting to imagine yourself temporarily being the other person (your grandfather as you knew him when he was using a physical body) to help guide and calm and comfort you during the months ahead.

A family which divided against itself cannot hope to stand for very long. Honor and respect your grandfather's memory and wishes as his family, by emphatically putting yourself in his shoes for a while and trying your level best to see things from his perspective, and not only or always your own. Do not be so sure that your family would not listen to you if you told them what you are trying to do with the very best of intentions.

Loving regards,

EoT :smt020

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