moving?, any and all help will be appreciated!! :)

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moving?, any and all help will be appreciated!! :)

Post by jamers » Thu May 30, 2013 8:58 pm

My lease is up for renewal for my apartment.  I live in a shared apartment meaning I rent a room with a private bathroom but share the living room and kitchen with other roommates that they paired me with.  I'm not really sure if I should move or not.  The roommate that just moved in with me I can't stand.....the list is way too long to describe why lol.  I also don't want to live in this type of apartment anymore...I would like to get my own even if its just a studio apartment.  There are some reasons though why I don't think I should move but at the same time another part of me thinks I need to move.  If I could have a reading on this subject just to help me figure out if I should go ahead and go for another apartment or if I should just stay put?  Like I said I have a few reasons why I shouldn't but I also feel like I should...I just don't want to make the wrong decision here and screw up my future.  

Thanks so much!

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Yes, No, or Yes but not now?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:19 am

If I understand this correctly, there are advantages and disadvantages for both of these options (what's new?).

Basically this is a YES you move or a NO you stay question.
Yes and No questions are very hard to answer successfully with any reading
While any insights gained through the reading can be helpful when deciding if it is time to move, they must be used extremely carefully and then only in combination with relevant information from other non intuitive sources.

I realize that this is a big and important decision to make, but I must also make you aware that by over dramatizing the potential consequences of making a  mistake, by the law of attraction you could be subconsciously influencing the reader to tell you what he thinks you most want to hear, rather than hearing the truth.

So the advice is to calm down and get things in their proper perspective in realizing that for many people it is not a decision between one type of apartment or another, but instead finding any place to live as an alternative to becoming permanently homeless.

Of course this is always easier said than done when you are the person who has to do it (we own our home), but I feel that your reading will be worse than useless if you do not bring this tendency to catastrophic the possible effects of the decision about whether or not to move more under your control.  

Your focus card for this reading and question was the Two of Swords (TOS).

Being a number 2 card this one is also about there always being at least two sides to every issue or decision, one conflicting with the other. A close parallel is drawn on the face of the TOS with the double nature of our own mind, being separated into the conscious and unconscious. There is no species currently living on this planet who experiences the conflicts between their conscious and its logic and their unconscious and its instincts more than we do.

Accordingly this card expresses rather well in my opinion the difficult predicament you have been placed in by your lease soon coming up for renewal. You admitted this yourself when you wrote in your request........
There are some reasons though why I don't think I should move but at the same time another part of me thinks I need to move.  
With the "another part" being your unconscious mind and your own gut feelings on the matter. The unconscious mind never likes to be pressured into deciding. That is mainly the job of your conscious. But too much stress placed upon your unconscious effectively blocks its ability to allow the insights to come through.

Based upon this single reading it is felt that moving is the better option of the two, but there are practical and financial considerations which may not allow this to happen straight away in time for the lease renewal. I feel that the positive potential of the move greatly outweighs its negatives, but that the timing is not yet right.

Before you make the decision this time find out from your landlord or his or her agent what options they will give you for extending your lease (3, 6, 9, 12 or more months fixed). It is felt that you must eventually move if you are going to give yourself the maximum possible chance of breaking free of these restrictions, but the timing may not yet be right to do this.  

Have you already put out feelers with regards to how many of the apartments which you are looking to move to are available in your local area? Are you confined to living within a tightly restricted area because of your job?

Instead of there being two alternatives on offer to you, there are actually three (hence the subject heading) - yes I will move, NO I will not move, and last but certainly not least YES I will eventually move, but probably now is not the best time to do it for one or many different reasons external to the rental agreement.

Making no decision is a decision in itself, and is not an option for a person such as yourself. If you keep putting off taking the risks involved with deciding and moving, they could be made for you either by your situation or by another person, whether you like it or not.

Generally when we make ourselves feel less in control over our situation by indefinitely putting off important decisions, we almost always do not like the decisions which this other person makes in our place. Do not rush the decision, but at the same time do not always leave it until a tomorrow which never comes.

Decide about the move in a manner that favors your instincts (the voice of your unconscious) over cold logic (your conscious, analytical mind), but takes both of them into account when making it.

EoT :smt041

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Post by jamers » Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:10 am

Eye_of_tiger,   that card and everything you explained is right on!  I know I will definately eventually move but I don't know if right now really is the right time or not.  I asked the landlord if they have any short term leases and they have one until december but there is an additional fee to it but doable ( if my job doesn't cut my hours even more) or a lease until next may.  I was going to do it until next may but if I have a job offer before then I'll have to break a lease.  I'm just in a really bad roommate situation right now is the reason why I think I need to move.  If I move I also have to put down a security deposit and such which I have but its being saved for the 'real' move to whatever city I get a job in for a zoo.  I guess i'm kind of answering my own question in my head here as I type this lol.  Its just I really really hate this roommate situation I'm in and I'm just hoping that I don't have to live here another year and that I get a job offer soon.  

You saying that its more of a yes or no question....I was really trying not to make it sound like that! lol  I fail! Thanks so much for helping me!! :) You made me realize which is the better thing to do. :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:10 pm


It was my pleasure to be of some assistance to you in making what is a difficult decision at any time - whether to continue and see if things will ever get better by themselves or move on and hope that the situation into which you are moving will be more positive.

The practical consideration of whether you can afford to extended your tenancy agreement until you are ready to leave, as well as the lack of any guarantees that your job is safe (what job is safe these days) does complicate things considerably, but in spite of this I do feel that this is not the time to move at the moment.

With regards to your problems with the room mate, probably the only thing you can do is to avoid being there as much as possible when she is around, as well as changing your own attitudes about it being anything personal against you. Always easier said than done. I think that this person would rub many other people up the wrong way.

Bring on a better paying job. A new roommate would also be welcome, but probably unlikely.

All the very best, whatever and whenever it happens.

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Post by jamers » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:33 am

Thanks so much!  I just resigned until december so here's to hoping that I'm out of here around then! lol  and I am definately trying not to be at home as much as possible and when I am home I stay in my room. lol

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:04 am

Message read and understood.

It probably is better that you keep your distance from your roommate whenever that is practical and possible, as long as she keeps paying her half of the rent.

If not, I cannot see how you could possibly avoid having words and contact with her.

EoT  Image

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