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Post by geminiboro » Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:30 pm

Hi iv came to a cross roads in my life just wondered if cany one would give me a reading x

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Four of Cups

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:12 am

Your reading only confirms that you have only recently reached a major crossroad in your life, where you are being challenged to choose the path less travelled.

Choosing this alternate path is going to lead you in a completely different direction from the one taken by many of the people whom you have come to regard as your friends.

You may have noticed in the weeks or months leading up to this potentially life changing event that you and they have begun gradually drifting apart and there may have been more than the average number of misunderstandings and differences of opinion than you have been used to in your dealings with your friends (and other close family members) up until now.

The problem is that when there is an urgent need for us to positively change our habits of thought and behaviour so that we can continue to move forwards with our life, this can severely disrupt the comfortable energy balance which has existed between you and them over possibly many years, and they may as a consequence not be so willing to follow you because change inevitably means moving outside of your personal comfort zone.

Choosing the path less travelled does not mean that you are not going to have any friends to accompany you on your journey, but many of them will be new ones, while some of your older relationships which have now exceeded their useful shelf life. Do not allow this distinct possibility stop you from choosing this path, as it is perfectly natural and part of the overall plan which the Universe has not only for your life, but also for theirs.

As you will eventually make other friends who are more in tune with your new energy pattern, so will they in their lives. Some friendships were never intended to last the rest of your life, but whether you only knew that person for twelve months or more than twelve years, each individual has in some way added to your understanding about human nature, and although it may be difficult to recognise this at present their presence has enriched your life in yet to be determined ways, that may not fully reveal themselves to you until your time to pass over and experience a full life review has finally arrived.

Resistance by you towards having to take the less popular path is futile and counter-productive, but it is never easy to let go of relationships which have been a source of comfort and security over the longer term. Old faces (old in the sense that you have seen them for years) will ultimately disappear from your life, but rest assured that there will be new faces with bodies coming in to replace them.

It is precisely during this transition process from the old to the new friends and energy relationships that so many individuals frighten themselves into believing that they will have no friends left if they make this decision, and as a result "chicken out" of doing it at all. Yes taking any path unavoidably involves each us taking certain risks, and I suppose that the risk of losing all your friends is possible in theory, but highly improbable in practice.

Usually there is instead a sorting out process which occurs where each friend or acquaintance is forced to choose what or who is most important to them. People with similar energy patterns tend to be attracted to each other instinctively, while people with incompatible energy patterns are repelled.

Much of this sorting out process happens in each person's unconscious mind, which is why the question "who are my friends" or "what is a friend" are such common dream themes during this period.  Similarly during meditation when this is happening, the whole confusing issue about who our true friends really are will often bubble up to the surface of our consciousness for much the same reason.

The main theme card for this reading is the Four of Cups, with cards belonging to the Tarot suit Cups always telling us something valuable to our spiritual progress about the nature and depth of our closest relationships with others.

A young man (could either represent a man or woman) is seated cross-legged under and in front of a tree with his back facing the trunk, his concentration intensely transfixed upon three cups, chalices or goblets standing upright on the grass in front of him. Almost as if he is using them as a focus for personal prayer and meditation. Because he is staring so hard and for so long at them he does not notice a disembodied hand appearing virtually it seems out of thin air to hand him a fourth cup.

In the context of this being your reading and nobody else's I would interpret this card to mean that you can become so obsessed and emotionally upset by the friends whom you might lose that it would be easy to miss any opportunities for making another newer friend.

Many readers also interpret this card to mean that help is being offered to you from a higher spiritual plane, but because you are so deep in your thoughts you are missing out on the help which is being offered to you by Spirit.

Perhaps the person on the face of this particular card is praying for help, but is not recognising it when it is given to him because it is not in the exact same form that he expected it to be. Or it could be coming through one of these new friends that he is missing.


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Post by stephybabes92 » Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:10 am

Wow can I just say, as an innocent bystander nosily reading this post, that this reading is amazing EoT! You are so gifted AND skilled! xxx

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:25 am

stephybabes92 wrote:Wow can I just say, as an innocent bystander nosily reading this post, that this reading is amazing EoT! You are so gifted AND skilled! xxx
I will second that Stephy :smt003

EoT, you are an inspiration,

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Post by geminiboro » Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:22 pm

Can I just say thank you so much for that reading it is spot on its like if read my mind but also feel if giving me the answer iv known all along

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Post by geminiboro » Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:58 pm

Can I just ask what do u mean by the less travelled path

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:12 pm

Can I just say thank you so much for that reading it is spot on its like if read my mind but also feel if giving me the answer iv known all along
Readings so often only confirm what we already know deep down, and you are very welcome.
Can I just ask what do u mean by the less travelled path
The path that most other people would not usually choose.

Looking back at the reading I feel that this phrase drew upon my familiarity with the title of a classic book about choosing one's spiritual path through life which was called "The Road Less Travelled" by M. Scott Peck (1978).

EoT  :smt049  :smt049
Last edited by eye_of_tiger on Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:20 pm

Sincerely thanking Stephanie and Spiritwhisperer for their notes of appreciation and ongoing support for my spiritual work on this forum.

EoT  :)  :)

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