Feel like i am lost!!!!!

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Feel like i am lost!!!!!

Post by Seema123 » Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:00 pm

I have been looking for a job for quite a sometime now but no luck as yet...
would appreciate if you can give me a reading for why i feel like i am stuck at one point in my life and don't seem to move forward with life...


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:19 am

would appreciate if you can give me a reading for why i feel like i am stuck at one point in my life and don't seem to move forward with life...
Because you are a sensitive and intelligent human being, who has feelings.

And your feelings are a product of your thoughts.

Here are some of the self confidence destroying thoughts that this throw away good people society and long term unemployment are hypnotizing or conditioning you into accepting as being true beyond any doubt.

My community has no further need for me
I am no good for anything
There are not enough jobs to go around
Nobody wants to employ a 30 year old woman
I will never get another job, because I cannot do anything right
It is all my fault that I am still unemployed
The whole world is against me
I am finished
Nobody else cares about what is happening to me
Unless I have a job, I do not exist
Only when working does my life have any purpose

Now it is easy when you have your own job to go to to tell someone who is unemployed to think positively, and not to give up when they get another rejection notice or they are told that they did not even get an interview. Only another long term unemployed person or someone close to them has even a beginner's understanding about how difficult it is to remain positive in the face of such strong opposition.

My question would be instead of why are you feeling stuck, why wouldn't you be feeling stuck if you have these thoughts constantly going through your mind, and getting stronger with each passing day? It is a simple matter of cause and effect why you are feeling like you do.

I am sure that you are doing everything in your power to get another paid job as soon as possible, and I hope that you have access to a career guidance officer who is professionally trained to help people in your situation. And that you are trying your best to remain as optimistic as it is humanly possible to be, that a job will appear soon.

Without a job your options for buying and renting a home, affording to get and maintain a car or having a relationship quickly become extremely and increasingly limited. So any social life you once had soon disappears, at the time which you most need the comfort and support of someone who loves or cares about you.

You can only tighten your belt money wise to a certain limit, beyond which the basics of life and taking proper care of yourself are often sacrificed. Other people tend to drift away from you, not because they don't care, but frequently because they do not know what to say that might not make you feel even worse than you already do.

OK, so what can you do to get rid of or at least reduce the negative dragging down effects of these thoughts that have been forced onto you by society's conditioning?

When I asked the cards about this question I was given the Six Of Pentacles (or Coins)

Any member of the Pentacles suit is either to do with money itself, how to better manage and conserve what money you already have, and how to earn more of it by honest means.

On the other hand the Six card of any of the four Tarot suits is associated with restoring balance and harmony into your situation, after they have been not there for quite a while.

I have already mentioned that balance and harmony can often been restored by better managing what money you already have and making what money you already have work more efficiently for you by careful investment, but people who are long term unemployed do not usually have much room for taking any unnecessary risks with their disappearing money reserves.  

Perhaps it is time to accept that gift of money being offered by a generous relative, go to a free clinic, try for a scholarship or seek other types of assistance? Do not allow your pride to get in the way of getting the financial and other support which you need and deserve to have. In other words let anyone who offers to help you, so in future you that you can continue to help others in the future.

Life is a web of energy exchanges or give and take, where we all at some time need to be helped and at others our help is needed.  By stopping people helping us we are denying them of the opportunity to play their supportive role, and taking way their human dignity in feeling needed.

The reading is encouraging you to keep this thought regularly in your mind to help counteract the negative ones. And according to the laws of cause and effect if you do this then you should no longer feel either stuck or unneeded. You need them to help you get through this, and they need you to accept their help, without feeling any sense of embarrassment, as some time we all need some help.

May your God go with you always,

EoT  Image

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Post by Positive4ever » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:01 pm

Thank you so much for you reply ...
I have a question about lacking confidence and getting nervous and anxious at workplace ...what can i do to improve it?

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Post by Positive4ever » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:03 pm

Sorry i forgot to mention that my husband asked you about me earlier and i used my id earlier ....

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:42 pm

You are welcome for the reading, but once it is complete it cannot then be re-opened to answer other questions which were not in your original request.

However the reading is telling you that an important part of regaining your self confidence at work and bringing your overall anxiety levels down is to gradually replace the negative ways of thinking which have been forced onto you by a society where it seems that good people are expendable, with life affirming and self confidence building hypnotic suggestions such as the well known "Day by day, I'm getting better and better" autosuggestion taught by the French psychologist Emile Coue.


The idea is that as these positive thoughts progressively replace the negative thoughts that your feelings of self confidence will eventually increase in response. The downside of using this technique is that most people lack the necessary self discipline required to be able to do this regularly by themselves, and often therefore need in addition professional assistance from a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor or motivator in order to give themselves the maximum possible chance that it will work.

And of course one of the most effective ways to gain confidence in a job is to have a job to go to in the first place. Long term unemployment takes your self confidence away, and frequently employers are unwilling to take you on, the longer you have been out of work.

Actually getting you a job is beyond my ability to do, but it is only I feel once you are back at work and once more contributing to the family budget that many of these lack of self confidence issues can really be worked upon most effectively. Which I know probably sounds rather insensitive when you have been out of work for so long, but unfortunately it is true.

Take care,

EoT  Image

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