may i have a reading please

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may i have a reading please

Post by kaz22 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:51 am

hi tiger hope ur ok

may i have a reading please this one is for, if things will be ok i mean if id be happy not sure the right word to use if theres light at the end of the tunnle kinda thing i hope u know what i mean thank you

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:48 am

Hi Kaz,

I am feeling OK for me, and thank you for asking.

I think that so many of us at the moment could do with a there's a light at the end of the tunnel reading, as hope and human compassion both seem to be in very short supply lately.

Of course I cannot predict whether you will feel happy, happier or deliriously happy within the next six months thought to be covered by this reading.

Firstly we never attempt to predict what might happen in the future through our readings, as this assumes that there is only one possible future to predict, and that there is nothing that we can do to change it for the better. When it is quite clear that we are continuously in the process of changing our personal futures, mainly by what we consciously decide to do in the present moment in order to help things along in the direction in which we wish them to move.

Secondly what makes a person happy varies greatly from one individual to another. In other words happiness is a highly subjective experience. It depends not only upon whatever makes a person happy, happier or happiest, but also upon what else is happening in their life at the moment. Some people will never feel happy, no matter how well things are going for them. So to a certain extent happiness is a decision, which we can make in spite of the many challenges which life has placed in our path.

Some women for example would regard a diagnosis of pregnancy to be wonderful news and happily look forward to being a mother, in spite of already being well acquainted with the extended period of discomfort leading up to the birth, as well as the pain of labour and the many heartaches and sleepless nights which lie ahead in bringing up their child. To a woman who has a loving supportive partner and feels safe and secure and has no serious medical problems with her confinement, pregnancy is often good news.

But to a 16 year old schoolgirl whose boyfriend got her pregnant then deserted her and her parent's attitudes towards teenage pregnancy mean that she will be kicked out of home, or if pregnancy could potentially endanger her entire future, this would be regarded as the worst possible news that she could ever receive.

Now please understand that this reading is only using this as an example to make a point. It is certainly not to be taken as a diagnosis or prediction of you yourself being or becoming pregnant in the near future. To be able to know whether there is going to be a feeling that there is a light at the end of your tunnel and that you will be happier as a result of whatever happens between now and February 2014, this reading needs to turn the spotlight back onto you and exactly how you experience happiness.

A light at the end of the tunnel does not mean that even when you reach the light all of your problems will come to an end, or that there will be no further challenges ahead for you. Also we were never designed to feel happy all of the time. Spiritual teachers remind us that we are supposed to experience the entire spectrum of human emotions. How they ask can one truly know what it is like to feel happy, if they have never felt the opposite which is sad? How can you measure how happy you feel if you have nothing to compare it with?

The focus card for this reading which was the Ten of Swords could at the same time be interpreted as being either very bad news (things have never been worse than they are now) OR that there is a light at the end of your tunnel, that things are likely to get considerably better for you during the next six months, and that as a direct consequence of this improvement in your situation you are going to feel much happier than you are feeling now.

Laying face down with ten swords stuck in your back does not strike me as being a very promising or encouraging omen for your future happiness. On the surface I would have to say that this is one of the most painfully, depressing looking cards in the Tarot deck. And if that does not make you feel that life can be unfair at times, the black storm clouds overhead only add to the feeling of heaviness and hopelessness which this particular card appears to communicate. Having one sword stuck in your back is bad enough. Ten swords is surely a case of overkill.

Some times the most positive news is not that things are guaranteed to get better from now on (life does no come with any guarantees of anything), but that they are now probably as bad as they are likely to get, and that in the future there are good reasons for us to hope that they will gradually improve. That is how this card is often interpreted, but it leaves out probably the most powerfully encouraging part of the image on the face of the Ten of Swords.

If you can tear your eyes away long enough from the body and swords and black clouds, you might notice that the clouds have cleared away and you almost expect the sun at dawn to rise any moment above the hills in the background. This would be interpreted as the light at the end of your tunnel. The contrast between the feeling of defeat, depression and desperation and the hope and promise of happiness to come could not be more extreme than on this card.

This aspect of the card predicts that there is likely to be an increase in the things that SHOULD make you feel happier over the coming months, but your mental attitude at the time could have a big impact upon how happy they WILL make you feel, or whether in fact you will recognise their potential to make you feel happier and take maximum advantage of the opportunity which they give you to consciously decide to be happy, even if not everything is exactly how you would like it to be.
The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.
Benjamin Franklin ... iness.html
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thankyou tiger

Post by kaz22 » Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:37 am

hi tiger

thankyou very much just have to keep hoping that soon there will be freedom u know what i mean, that big thing is still here im trying really hard i am im sure soon there will be the light and happyness just need keep the faith
thanks very much my friend kaz

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:09 am


It is always a pleasure. I always prefer to help people like yourself who are willing to do whatever they are reasonably able to help themselves.

I call such people survivors. You are one of them.

Yes I am quite aware of the challenges which you are still facing, and I hope that you will not mind me saying that I feel that you do not give yourself enough credit for what you have been able to achieve when it would have seemed easier to simply give up and be angry at the world and other people around you.

You have not been a member for four months yet, but I have already noticed a significant improvement in both your mental attitude as well as in the way in which you are expressing yourself with considerably more self confidence than when I first met you.

Hope and faith are good, but without a healthy sense of humour and being able to laugh at ourselves and the sheer ridiculousness of the human condition in general, hope and faith will never be enough to get us through.

Come to think of it, the whole idea of a person laying face down with 10 swords stuck in his or her back and still being alive enough to have any future is rather comical, if the message behind the image was not so sobering.

Our unconscious minds are not beyond using comedy and exaggeration in order to get our attention and help us relax more, immediately making us more receptive to more sombre messages which we would have otherwise ignored. Maybe that is why it had to be ten swords, instead of just one or two.

Loving regards,

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hi tiger

Post by kaz22 » Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:26 pm

i did find it funny that i should have ten swords in my back kinda thing, and your right i dont give myself the credit for some reason i have never been abule to im not sure as to why i do this, some time i think that if i know more about my gifts that i can use them for this problem i have now and that i wont have to what for someone else which seems never coming one lot of people just made it really worse then the second never came back, nice in it there was something i did what to ask you if its ok, there is a connetion i have with two people is it posable that let say it can use the connetion to hurt that person with nightmares as well just a thought thank you my friend kaz

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:36 pm

It is always my pleasure!
your right i dont give myself the credit for some reason i have never been abule to im not sure as to why i do this
There could be many possible reasons why you have developed this unconscious habit. Some people have been bought up to see taking credit for their achievements as a sign of vanity, while others believe that if they do this then other people are only going to expect them to continue to do bigger and better next time. In other words, they have a fear of success as well as of failure. I will however leave the psychology of exactly why you personally do this to the professionals to sort out.

People fear what they do not understand, and they will often misinterpret your behaviour towards them as being something completely the opposite of what was intended. Because they feel embarrassed or uncomfortable not knowing what to say to you, they will frequently either get angry and take it out on you, or probably worse in my opinion ignore or leave you alone and wondering what is wrong with you that makes people behave so unkindly towards you.  

Neither of these responses does any good for one's self confidence, and if it goes on too long your feelings of self worth and self respect can go into a downward spiral, which only reinforces and prolongs the agony. I can however well identify with your idea that if you develop your gifts to be able to help others the feeling of you being needed can be a powerful healing agent in first slowing down that downward spiral, and eventually as you practise these new ways of thinking and feeling about yourself cause your self esteem to spiral upwards to ever increasing heights.

Your reading tells me that currently and for the next six months you are at the slowing down the downward spiral in your belief in yourself and in your intuitive abilities stage.

This is the point where many people prematurely give up the fight presumably because they cannot see any dramatic improvement in their mental and emotional condition, so they begin to believe that there is nothing that they can do which is going to make things any better, or more extreme that anything they do is only guaranteed to make things worse than they already are.

I see my role as being one of helping and encouraging you to get through this stage and keep going, in spite of any evidence which you may see in your life that this healing is not working, or that it is not working as fast as you hoped or expected that it would.
there is a connetion i have with two people is it posable that let say it can use the connetion to hurt that person with nightmares as well just a thought thank you my friend kaz
Once again I do not see myself as qualified to guarantee to know everything about the nature of human behaviour and psychic connections. However it is my opinion that it is not you or the connection itself which are most likely to make the two people experience nightmares. Their nightmares are much more likely to be a symptom of their guilt for treating you the bad way that they have.

It is their own unconscious minds which are hurting and punishing them. They know that the way that they are treating you is wrong, but they do not seem to be able to stop doing it which makes them afraid that they are losing control of their thoughts and feelings. Fear leads to more fear, and we are back to what I have already told you above in bold print. If they at the same time feel guilty for getting angry at you, anger turned inwards upon themselves frequently causes depression and nightmares.

Take good care of yourself; my friend,

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thank you

Post by kaz22 » Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:16 pm

i do tend to hide who i am from people only very close friends and family know about my gifts but not all of them i do try to help people the best way i can i kinda talk in code so that in a way its there idea kinda thing but the ones that know i just tell them there only one that i tell everything to i really dont know why shes like my true sister but not family but shes more like my family its strange cos ive never know this with enyone and it kinda scared me a little its like you feel the same i know this is a good thing and i thank you so much for all your helping me with :) means a lot to me thanks my friend :)

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Onwards and Upwards

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:47 pm


Message read and understood.

Onwards and Upwards.

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Post by kaz22 » Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:52 am

thanks lol


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