Job hunting help

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:44 am

What you are saying is what I was concerned with about contacting them to ask them about the job.  Didn't want to seem like I was pushing them too much and then get on their last nerve.
This was precisely the point the reading was attempting to make, but it looks as though it was preaching to the converted.

You are clearly ahead of it in already recognizing the need not to make them feel that they are being forced to take you on, just to stop you pestering them with constant emails and phone calls.

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Post by jamers » Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:31 am

Just an update for you eye_of_tiger.  Haven't heard anything yet from any zoos.  But i'm still volunteering at the one zoo and i'm not giving up hope yet....although sometimes I feel like it lol.  The keepers that I work with at this zoo are helping me not get discouraged.  Two of them have told me it took them about a year to find a job after they hopefully there is still some hope for me lol.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:55 am

You are getting ongoing support and helpful advice from the other zoo workers and the experience which you are receiving as a volunteer helps keep your foot in the door so to speak, when it comes to you later applying for a paid job with either that or another zoo.

Where there is life there is always hope.

As an added bonus you may be forming emotionally valuable and long lasting confidence building friendships out of this period of apprenticeship, with people in your chosen profession.

What better opportunity could you ask for than this?

Hold onto your faith like you would hold onto an anchor in stormy seas,

EoT  :smt041

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Post by jamers » Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:58 am

Thank you Eye_of_tiger :)  ~hugs~  Hope you and your wife are doing well!!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:07 pm

My wife does not normally either see or read these postings, but speaking now only for myself I always get a positive emotional boost from hearing how people like yourself whom I given readings to, have as a result of what has been said here been encouraged never to give up on and believe in themselves.

We are both doing as well as can be reasonably expected, under the current circumstances.

Thank YOU,

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Post by jamers » Sun May 26, 2013 10:40 pm

Hi eye_of_tiger!! I just wanted to update you a bit on my job hunting. :)  The place that I've been volunteering at just had a position open in the area that I normally work in.  I was able to actually work along side the supervisor today since he was doing a keepers job.  We were talking about the job and what he was looking for.  He said he really likes how I work, my personality, my knowledge, but he's looking for someone with more experience.  He said that there were people applying within the zoo that he had to look at first and then if he didn't like any of those canidates he would look at the external resumes...meaning mine.  But he said there was one other person that sent in their resume from externally and was really impressed with their experience that they wanted to interview.  So I don't think I will even be getting an interview for this position.  But he did invite me to the felid tag conference that only people who work at zoos can be at.  He told me that since he knows me and that he's in charge of this one that I can come to it and try to meet as many people as I can there.  The people that are going to be there are supervisors and curators and a few keepers.  So I'm going to be going to this next month with some resumes and hopefully catch someones eye there that needs a keeper!!! lol  

Hope you are doing well!!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon May 27, 2013 12:32 am

Hi Jamers,

Updates are often like yours a mixture of good and not so good news, but please keep them coming all the same.

How many times have I heard that employers want people with experience, when the only way for them to get that experience is to be given the opportunity to show how well they can do the job which they are applying for?

Yes I know that sometimes you need to get a job in the same general direction of the one which you really want. You have already done this, but unless it is the job you were wanting all along, it is never the same. But the constant drag of long term unemployment on your finances often makes accepting second best for the immediate future a practical necessity.

However I feel that you are currently doing all you are reasonably able, and it does sound like the supervisor is still on your side, so I also hope that one of your resumes at next month's  conference will fall upon fertile ground and get the attention that it and you deserve.

Hold onto your faith,

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Post by jamers » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:25 pm

ok, just an update for you E_O_T.  I just had the weirdest offer for me but turned it down because a lot of stuff were red flags to me on how the managed the was for an animal sanctuary.  I feel very certain though that this place was definitely NOT the place for me.  I'm pretty sure it would have tortured my soul working there.  But a bit of good news...I guess lol.  I was researching jobs on google last night and came across a job that I NEVER would have thought they would post.  Usually this place doesn't post on outside sources because they really don't need to.  Anyway, I have a few connections there and just found out some of the managers names.  So I'm going to apply to them and try to find their emails so I can email them and put my name out there so maybe when they are going through their resumes my name will stick out to them a bit.  Fingers crossed for this one!!! I've never been this excited about a position before.  The area of that zoo is my favorite area overall because of the conservation messages that are there for the public to take in and the animal collection is magnificent!! :)  Oh and its an entry position so I do have a chance lol.

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Keep your updates coming

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:24 am


I am delighted about how well this seems to be working out for you, although it is due to a lot of homework on your part, and you are not leaving any stone unturned in your ongoing efforts to secure a job in your chosen field.

I was also impressed by you listening to your own instincts about the animal sanctuary If there were as many red flags going up as you described about the place now, then just imagine how many more there would have been if you had taken it and realised too late that you had made a serious error of judgement.

And if you had taken it you would not have been so available for the position which unexpectedly came up on Google, when the employer concerned usually do not advertise to the general public. Is this merely a coincidence? I do not think so, and it is clear that you also believe that it was destined to happen this way.

Not only will I keep my fingers crossed but I will also send positive energies in your direction. Your excitement about this area in the zoo is so highly contagious, that I am feeling it all the way over here in South Australia.

If they did not have such a strong commitment to animal conservation and a love and respect for the animals as you seem to be implying that they have, I doubt whether you would be able to work there, as it is very important to you that any job which you get is consistent with your spiritual beliefs and strong moral values about the humane treatment of all creatures great and small.

How much money you earn from it does matter (spiritual beliefs and moral values by themselves will not pay your bills), but they are second on your list to the beliefs and values themselves which would make this particular job the right one for you.

You have more than a good chance of getting it with it being an entry position, but even if you missed out this time with all those contacts it is not going to be very long before someone recognizes your potential, and they will then have to give you a go.

Keep your updates coming. No news is not always good news.

Thanks for sharing,

EoT  :smt041

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