crossroads in life

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crossroads in life

Post by jamers » Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:36 am

Hi, I was just wondering if I could get a reading for any kind of insight on this.  
  I feel like i'm at a crossroads in my life right now.  My dream is to work with wild animals but it seems like every where I apply to is a dead end even if I have contacts to push my way in some how.  I just feel like this may never come true with what I want to do.  

I have a really bad roommate situation right now also so when my lease is up in dec I'm definitely moving...just trying to figure out where.  I have a few places in mind.  But right now I'm just trying to figure out if I should just let my dream go for right now and start fresh and new somewhere or if I should move closer to the town where I volunteer at right now.  my only issue with this is that I feel stagnant in all areas of life right now.  With my job, location, and volunteer work.  I really don't want to give up on my dream but at the same time I don't want to be chasing something that was never meant to be either.  

I don't know, if anyone could give me any kind of insight or guidance with a reading it would be helpful.  Thanks :)

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A dream is a wish your heart makes, but without our efforts it stays a dream

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:06 am


Even way back in 2010 when you first became a member your readings were saying that this is the direction which you were always meant to take, but it did not go into any further details about exactly what the job working with wild animals would be. You have been encouraged from the beginning to widen your net when looking to get into this field, and to make maximum use of any contacts or unexpected opportunities to get an edge over your competition.

Advice which I feel that you have taken on board and made every possible effort to carry out in your job hunting. So I feel that it has already been established beyond any shadow of a doubt that at the very least you are going in the right direction (working with wild animals), in spite of the many knock backs and discouraging responses which you have received to your ongoing efforts to find a job as well as to your job applications up until now.  

Honestly I do not feel there is anything more that you can humanly do to get into this type of career, if there is not enough current demand for wild animal workers in your local area. Your dream may therefore either never come true if you continue to confine your job hunting, or it may take so long that you will be too old to take advantage of any job openings.

It is also  quite definite that you are needing to move out of your present living arrangements with your very bad room mate, so any insights which advise you to just put up with it and stay there indefinitely are likely to fall on deaf ears, regardless of how convincing they might be that you should stay put and put off the move until you cannot stand it anymore.

In summary the reading is saying that you are meant to work with wild animals as a career. Giving up your dream to do so is simply not an option. Although you may be forced by your current circumstances as well as the increasing urgency of you getting a job to move elsewhere to be able to have that dream realized within a reasonable period of time.

It is felt that if you are constantly coming up against dead ends where you are living now, that there is a limit beyond which you are likely to give up on your dream permanently, which it feels would be a crying shame. The advice therefore is that you do need yo move to somewhere else and start afresh there to have your dream come true.

Really where you move to will be largely determined by the present state of your finances and how far you can move way from where you are now, but still have a support network of friends, family members and career guidance officers to help you to settle down as quickly as possible into a much more favourable employment market when compared to the one which has frustrated you for so long.

There are so many factors both known and mostly unknown which will ultimately determine where you will move to, that the reading is leaving that decision entirely up to you to make. That feeling of stagnation which you described in most areas of your life is just another sign that you have gone about as far as you are reasonably able to in finding a wild animal job where you are currently located, and that it is therefore probably time for a change of scenery and for you to balance the the risks of making this move with the real risk that by not taking this opportunity which is being given to you now, that you may never be given it again in this lifetime.

In other words it may turn out to be a once in a lifetime opportunity, which you cannot afford not to give it your best shot. To a person such as yourself who is so highly motivated to make a success of this, stagnation is the equivalent of the death of your dream.

Your dream to work with wild animals will remain only a dream if you do not move far enough to get into a much more favorable job market where there is significantly more demand for people who want a wild animal career, but are at the same time willing to flexible and patient enough to start at the bottom and gradually work up to the type of job in this area that they want to be doing when they retire.

A dream may indeed be a wish your heart makes as we are told in the lyrics of the signature Walt Disney song, but a dream also requires considerable and consistent effort on our parts (possibly with the help of many other people) in order to make it manifest or materialise at this physical level. That considerable effort in many cases can include us moving to where the job is, instead of us indefinitely staying put and stagnant in our normal comfort zone.

All the very best of luck,

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Post by jamers » Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:41 am

Ok so I had to read this twice cause that last part that you wrote about the Walt Disney drowned everything else out the first time lol.  Its kind of ironic and funny that you said that cause I've just applied twice to Disney for their keeper positions.  I have people I know that work their and I have connections their from the zoo that I volunteer at now.  They did a check on me and everything but for this hiring time they didn't choose me.  I got feedback that only good was said about me to the manager so I know its not because of my performance or anything like that.  I think its just because I don't have as much experience as others who are going out for it too.  I'm just hoping that they will be hiring again and choose me for the position.  I also just applied for a seasonal aviary position at another facility a bit south of this other place.  So i'm thinking of moving close to the Disney area or in the middle of there and this aviary just in case one of them call me up after I've moved lol.  This way if I move there in the mean time I can still keep my present job, just do a transfer.  I still have about a month to a month and 1/2 to decide where i'm going to move to.  Hopefully something will come up inbetween then and now to make me make my final decision lol.   Thanks for the reading, it gives me hope that it can still be in my path as long as I don't give up.  :)  ~hugs~  

p.s. I hope you and your wife are doing well!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:33 pm

Its kind of ironic and funny that you said that cause I've just applied twice to Disney for their keeper positions.
This is yet another example of where something insightful which is included in a reading almost as an afterthought. I was going to leave it out as I felt that it was only my own thoughts, and that it would have no relevance to you.

Funny meaning weird or unexpected?

How can you possibly get the necessary experience without being given the job to be able to prove to your employers that you have what it takes?
So i'm thinking of moving close to the Disney area or in the middle of there and this aviary just in case one of them call me up after I've moved lol.  This way if I move there in the mean time I can still keep my present job, just do a transfer.  I still have about a month to a month and 1/2 to decide where i'm going to move to.
Yes it is definitely best to keep as many of your options open, and not to prematurely burn any bridges behind you.
Thanks for the reading, it gives me hope that it can still be in my path as long as I don't give up.
You are welcome for the reading. Only giving up permanently both upon your dreams and upon yourself is seen as failure. Mistakes and temporary setbacks on the other hand are the only path to success.
I hope you and your wife are doing well
There is one more set of medical test results still to come this week, and I will then update everyone at the same time about my wife's progress. I am doing about as well as expected, although neither of us could continue to cope with all this, without everyone's prayers and positive thoughts supporting and strengthening us on our healing journey.

God bless you all,

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