may i have a reading please eot

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may i have a reading please eot

Post by kaz22 » Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:53 pm

Hi eot  i hope your all well :)

i would like a reading if it ok about new begnings as you know i needed help with something kinda someone well no one would help with that and things got worse so i did it myself and things are better here now but since that day ive been and felt different like more in away powerful than what i should tho theres one more i have to deal with now i was wondering if this was meant to like push me in the right place or if i maybe beening disived thanks for time my friend its always good to chat with you lol you know what i say lol <3 &nbsp;:smt045

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:52 pm

Hello again Kaz,

Nobody would help you with what? I would always do my best to help you if I feel able to provide the type of help that you are asking for. You did ask for my help? Didn't you?

New beginnings always involve an element of risk and a willingness to move outside of your comfort zone. &nbsp;So you are right in thinking that the universe sometimes needs to give you a less than gentle push to get you moving again.

But the suggestion that it is attempting to deceive you into making this leap of faith makes it sound as though you feel that you are not quite ready to do this, when your reading is telling me that you could easily live to regret not finding out for sure whether it might have worked if you had only given it and yourself a fair go.

No reading or reader either can or has the right to force you into doing what you are clearly and understandably hesitant to try, and if you do ultimately decide not to go ahead with this I will of course respect your right to do so.

But if you do not give it a fair go then what is it going to mean for your own self respect over the longer term, in knowing that you lacked the courage and faith which you usually display in the face of much greater challenges than this one?

So in summary you are not being deceived or pushed into anything which you do not want to do or are not ready to do. But just because you may not feel ready, &nbsp;that does not necessarily mean that you are not adequately prepared and fully capable of meeting these challenges head on.

Love and Light,

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Post by kaz22 » Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:24 pm

Hi eot

no one would believe me in what i was saying and left me in deep water so to speak, there was only two that did you are one and my friend and you gave me what i needed to do what ever it took to win in a way be free from him and the isolashion and control for that thankyou with all my heart <3 i know i need to listen to myself more and believe to thanks i just worked it out lol not only did i take that leap but in order to be free i had to let it be in that moment i see know, thankyou, my friend :) if you dont remember what i mean in the first part lol i can pm you your help and wisdom has done more me for me than then enything <3

thanks my friend
love light to you to nemaste

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:33 am


I am most relieved to hear that I was not among the many people who refused you any help and support, when it was most needed.

I am constantly embarrassed by having to remind members that once their reading is complete then I make every reasonable effort to totally erase any remaining memories of it from my mind, so that it does not interfere with me being able to help the next person and so on.

I have since writing this looked back at your earlier readings and I have updated my memory banks about your situation, so there will be no need for you to send any further information to me at this stage through a private message.

It is clear that much of this reading only confirms what you already knew deep inside, but were frightened to admit to yourself because you thought that people would think lesser of you as a person for doing so.

In contrast your statement that you know that you need to listen to yourself more and believe too thanks you just worked it out makes me supremely confident that you are progressing well in learning what self love is all about, but at the same time I am feeling immensely proud and humbled to be numbered among your most trusted friends.

You have come such a long way in making positive progress towards increasing your own feelings of self worth and self respect, since April of this year. (when you first registered on MB and introduced yourself to me on this forum). IMO

Take good care of yourself my friend,

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thank you eot

Post by kaz22 » Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:21 pm

Hi tiger

may have took me some time but i got there lol better late then never tho it is i who am humbled that you have tooked to me and have help me when no one would tho i know you couldnt do much you did more than most and for that thankyou ive also opened the gate kinda thing its my time to shine and let go of somethings in order to be myself this is kinda new to me i still have a wayto go but im getting there thanks my friend and you are among the top of my friends :) i value your wisdom and friendship
love and light to you and your family

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My personal tribute to you

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:06 pm


When I first met you on MB you were especially concerned at the time that I would not be able to understand your postings, and as a result think lesser of you as a person.

But the experience has been the complete opposite of what you feared most.

Instead I have at no time had any significant difficulties in understanding what you are talking about and I have grown to like you more as a friend and not only as someone whom I am giving a reading to, each time that we meet on these forums.

I also feel that our level of communication has rapidly outgrown mere clumsy words.

I pray that the same courage and perseverance that you have shown all of us who visit here in bucket loads in the face of such considerable challenges will be an ongoing source of inspiration and renewed sense of hope to the many people like yourself who our society has effectively cast aside and looked down on as being disabled, and therefore broken and without any intelligence or potential.

Your courage and determination to succeed has definitely left a lasting positive impression on yours truly, so I want to take this golden opportunity to say well done to you: spiritual warrior.

To you and your family from me and mine, wishing you love, happiness and success, according to what happiness and success means to you.

From one of your greatest fans,

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:) thankyou

Post by kaz22 » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:41 pm

Hi eot
i have come along way lol and in a short time tho i feel i have someway to go not that much but i am learning and one never really stops learning best way to be i think, i hope that overs to find that they are more then what over people tell them they are in a way we all are spiritual warriors :) and i laffed my head with fan thankyou i hope to many more talks and info and in time if its ok when i feel im ready id like to help overs on here to i have to learn more first lol in time i will,
and happyness and sucksess means to me to be all that you can be and more as long as everyone esle is happy then im happy im pain lol that way or maybe i see thing differently then overs but im humble that way &nbsp;thankyou very much my friend
love light and blessing to you and your family and everyone on mb thanks <3 and many more to come
p.s i thank you for everything tiger its my honer that we are friends here blessings little apprentis lol tho my friends two of them call me mini merlin not sure as to why but makes me &nbsp;laff <3

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Friendship is a beautiful thing

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:24 pm


I have seen this message, and what more can I say other than it has been my pleasure to be of service?


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