Reading request for Eye of Tiger (if he has time)

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Reading request for Eye of Tiger (if he has time)

Post by mysti1983 » Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:39 pm

Hi Eye of Tiger

I hope this message finds you in good health.

I find your work very impressive. Especially this one ... hp?t=83354

I was wondering if you would be so kind as to issue me a similar reading. Do phrase the question in whichever manner bests suits you

I am wondering what will happen to me in the next few months in regards to my finances and whether I will find myself in a stable job I am happy in?

Again, phrase the question as you wish/as it best comfortable for you.

Many thanks in advance


p.s- apologies, I accidentally posted a duplicate entry of the above in the tarot section

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Which comes first? The event or the happiness?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:45 pm

Welcome M,

Thanking you sincerely for the great compliment which you have just paid me. I will try to do my best not to disappoint you in this regard, while at the same time reminding you as well as everyone else on this forum that my readings were never intended to predict their future. This is because there is not yet one possible future to predict, but rather multiple possibilities, from which only one outcome will ultimately be selected mainly by what we do in the present moment to help ourselves and makes these events more likely to happen as a result.

That is why I will accept your invitation to re-phrase your original question, which was and I quote......
I am wondering what will happen to me in the next few months in regards to my finances and whether I will find myself in a stable job I am happy in?

What could I reasonably and practically do in order to increase the chances that during the period of the next six months thought to be covered by this reading, that I will significantly improve my finances as well as finding myself a stable job?

Note two important features of this re-phrased question on which your reading is to be based.

Firstly, the emphasis of your question has been turned completely on its head from one where your future is only decided by luck and random coincidence to one which depends almost entirely (as luck and random coincidence do still sometimes have a role to play in the final outcome) to one where you are actively and deliberately doing what ever is felt to be necessary to make the desired events more likely to come to pass.

Secondly, while this reading can possibly offer you some guidance in the direction of you eventually gaining suitable employment (whether or not you already have a job) what makes one person happy often varies considerably from that which makes another person happy and contented. In other words it greatly depends upon what would make YOU happy, beyond of course a secure and well paid position.

Since this reading is only thought to apply to the next six months, asking whether you will be happy if such a position appears may be somewhat premature, as it is felt that many of the lasting advantages and benefits of a job which might make you happier when compared to how happy you are feeling now will only become evident over a much longer period than this.

But this is where your reading begins to go off on a major detour from following the usual path. Instead of what even I expected your reading giving you friendly advice about what you should be doing to bring these events about and probably boring you to death in the process or only telling you to do what you have already been doing or some considerable time with limited success, it is talking instead about the relationship between EVENTS and YOUR HAPPINESS.

We have always been taught that EVENTS like getting a good job or being able to have enough money to pay our bills and still have enough left over to do what we feel is important to us causes our HAPPINESS. While not getting a good job and not having two coins to rub together must make all of us decidedly UNHAPPY and utterly MISERABLE. The events are seen as the cause, while our happiness or unhappiness are seen as the EFFECTS, with the good job and finances always coming first.

But hang on. This reading can assure you that there are plenty of people out there who have a stable job and a healthy bank balance but are at the same time deeply depressed and losing their will to live. And on the other side of the coin there are people all around the planet who will never have any sort of job or enough money to put it in a bank account, and yet surprisingly according to the cause then effect theory they are some of the happiest and healthiest people whom you could ever have the pleasure of meeting.

Now I am not saying that their lives are easy (quite the opposite) or that they are so stupid or emotionally numb that they would not recognise unhappiness if it bit them on their behinds/bottoms/posteriors or derrieres. That would be terribly unfair of me and far from being true. So what is it which makes these people so different from the rest of us (myself included)? What gives them the ability to keep going and keep living their lives to the fullest when the average person would have thrown in the towel long before that? They have no job and little money to their, but are still optimistic about the future.

In summary therefore this reading is saying first that you are already effectively and efficiently using what it feels are the right and best methods to be able to achieve your chosen goals within a reasonable period of time, or before all your money runs out (whichever comes first). Whether you are currently unemployed or underemployed. So give yourself some well deserved but long over due credit for making it this far, when your present situation could have easily and quickly destroyed a lesser person than yourself.

BUT while it is obviously important for you to get a good paying and satisfying job and secure your financial future, DO NOT BASE YOUR WHOLE LIFE AND PIN ALL YOUR CHANCES OF FEELING FUTURE HAPPINESS UPON GETTING THEM IMMEDIATELY, IF NOT SOONER. It is clearly easier for me to tell you this than for you to live it, but you also have the rest of your life to live and people to love.

If your situation even mildly resembles that of our friend Geanie in the reading to which you have referred above, then your body and mind and spirit all need healing. You are basically in mourning or grieving for the "death" of your hopes for a future which you re now being forced to accept can never be, so while you must continue with your job hunting and better conserving and managing what money you already have with the plan to help get you through this financial black hole, YOU ARE A WHOLE PERSON AND EACH PART OF YOU HAS CERTAIN NEEDS WHICH MUST BE SATISFIED IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE ABLE TO LAST THE DISTANCE.

Happiness is being seen more as an attitude or frame of mind which either directly or indirectly significantly boosts the chances of the desired events, instead of the events always causing the happiness and personal satisfaction (the reverse of what we have been lead to believe is always the case). The healing and happiness which we feel can either come before or after the desired event, or both before and after.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT  :smt041

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Post by mysti1983 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:04 pm

Thanks for your message. As mentioned, please phrase the query as best suits you. Many thanks in advance for your time ...

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:32 am


Your query has already been rephrased according to what was felt to be of greatest benefit to your spiritual development, and your reading has already been given based upon that altered question.

If you are thanking me in advance for a reading which has already been ddelivered in what are felt to be your best interests, then we definitely have a communication breakdown happening between us.

If you are looking out  for predictions about what the future might still hold in store for you then with due respect you appear to have completely missed the essential point of this exercise, which is to encourage you to take a more active approach to helping create that future, instead of passively waiting for it to happen without any further effort being made on your part to hurry it along. ... hp?t=78934

EoT  :smt017

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:33 am


Your query has already been rephrased according to what was felt to be of greatest benefit to your spiritual development, and your reading has already been given based upon that altered question.

If you are thanking me in advance for a reading which has already been ddelivered in what are felt to be your best interests, then we definitely have a communication breakdown happening between us.

If you are looking out  for predictions about what the future might still hold in store for you then with due respect you appear to have completely missed the essential point of this exercise, which is to encourage you to take a more active approach to helping create that future, instead of passively waiting for it to happen without any further effort being made on your part to hurry it along. ... hp?t=78934

EoT  :smt017

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