Were all the psychics wrong??

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Were all the psychics wrong??

Post by Linz820709 » Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:25 am

Hi there. I am in need of some advice and was wondering if anybody could help me out. I have been a big believer of psychics and have been going to psychics for about 4 years now. Here is what's going on:

So back in 2010, I developed very strong feelings for a friend of mine. I THOUGHT he may have felt the same way, but he was giving me very mixed signals....so that's when I started going to psychics. I got phone readings, chat readings, email readings and in person readings.....and I was told every single time that he felt the same way about me but was "sorting out his feelings" so to speak and he would come to me in the next couple months. Well lo and behold, a few months later, he ended up coming to me and we ended up getting together....

So very recently (a month ago tomorrow), he broke up with me.... We were together for almost 3 years and even newly engaged. He proposed to me on my birthday, exactly 4 months before TO THE DAY that he broke up with me.... We were going through some problems and had been talking about the possibility of breaking up, but I always had hope that we would work things out. Now even though we would talk about breaking up, the actual breakup was very sudden and out of the blue. He literally told me he loved me 15 minutes before he was "done with me". I literally thought he was joking when he said that we were done, but like he said, he came home from work later that day, got all his stuff and was gone.... We stayed in contact for about 2 weeks but it was getting really hard on me to still talk to him and see him every so often, so I decided to go "no contact" with him. We started that 2 weeks ago and I haven't heard from him since....

So needless to say, I started going to psychics again. I know this is not a good idea (from what I've read online anyway), but I consulted over 15 different psychics through chat, phone, in person and email. All of which told me that he still loves me, to be patient, that he would be coming back to me, etc.... Now I do know that some psychics out there may be fake, but I figured that after talking to over 15 different psychics, that at least ONE would have been real. So they all said that he was "sorting out his feelings" again and that he will be in contact and we will be trying out a relationship again together soon.

Now I had no reason not to believe them. According to my ex, he is NO WHERE CLOSE to wanting to date anybody else at the moment. He said that he was going to take some time to just be by himself and figure out exactly what he wants....so I figured all the psychics were right.

Now here's where my problem comes in. Yesterday afternoon, I found him on a dating site.... and almost the whole profile is bad talking me. I know this because all the things he would say to me about "my problems" during the relationship is in the profile.... And not only is he looking for somebody to date, but he is looking for something FAST and looking for "somebody to marry"....

I am literally devastated and feel heartbroken all over again :(. I was holding out hope for this last month just generally hoping, and also because of my readings. I don't know what to think, what to feel, what to do....anything!.

Could all of the psychics I talked to be wrong?. And if so, how?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Post by Linz820709 » Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:10 pm

Anybody have any opinions?

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Were all the psychics wrong, and how?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:27 pm

Linz820709 wrote:Anybody have any opinions?
Dear Lindsay, :smt010

I moved your posting into this forum in preparation for responding to it this morning because the questions which you are asking are I believe relevant to the reading which I have already given you (link below this sentence), and because I felt as a result that it was my responsibility to answer them hopefully to your satisfaction.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 890#323890

Firstly I wanted to say how much I feel for you having all your hopes and dreams walked upon, even though my reading did in a manner suggest that the relationship may not be recoverable in spite of your best efforts to save it. This is yet another one of those occasions when I am sorry that I have been proven correct.

Much of the confusion stems from the fact that both myself as well as most of the psychics whom you consulted feeling unable to directly read his thoughts and intentions towards you through a third party reading. As I have explained manly times before on this forum the only way to get around this restriction is to attempt to read him indirectly through you, and that is exactly when the reading becomes highly unreliable and makes it appear that the reader has got it completely wrong.

Now I am not saying for one moment that psychics and intuitive readers such as myself never make mistakes or get things wrong. We are as human and therefore just as far from being infallible when compared to the rest of the human race. I have met throughout my life people (some claiming to be gifted psychics) who have either fooled themselves into believing that they are perfect and never make mistakes or those who try to fool everybody else into believing it. Please take my word for it when I tell you that these "perfect" individuals are a total pain in the butt to everyone who is unfortunate enough to come in contact with them, and are also highly toxic to our mental and emotional and spiritual health.

What often happens when the reader is unable to go down the third party route, is to pick up instead on his client's (for want of a better word) wishful thinking. In a genuine attempt to feel empathy and want to comfort the person ho is hurting badly, I believe that many readers unknowingly tune into what is felt you most want to hear. Not even a world class reader is immune to this happening some times, so those of us who will never be world class psychic superstars can I think be excused if it happens in some of our readings.

I am aware that the last sentence probably sounds cold and insensitive to your suffering, although I can assure you that this was never my intention. Basically you are currently grieving for the death of all your hopes and dreams for what a beautiful and loving thing you wanted the relationship to become in the future, but you now know for sure that it never will.

You are presently having quite enough to deal with emotionally in picking up the broken pieces of your heart and trying in vain to stick them back together without having to on top of this put up with me looking as though I am defending or taking sides with all of these 15 psychics against you.
Could all of the psychics I talked to be wrong?
Some could have been wrong. Some may not have been genuine psychics. Some of them may have been complete frauds. But certainly not all of them were wrong in the sense that their psychic and empathic abilities were not functioning or failed them during your reading. Accurately picking up on another person's wishful thinking still requires the same intuitive or psychic abilities as picking up on signs of what is most likely to happen in that person's love life in the future.

If only there was a way that a reader could absolutely guarantee that this will never happen during any of his or her readings, there may not be any of the confusion and disappointment which you are undoubtedly feeling while mourning for the and of this relationship, but in order to give you this guarantee you might very well and up with no reading at all because no channel is a pure one which is not filtered by the experiences and beliefs and values of the human being whom is giving you the reading.
It is definitely from this reading still worth trying to save your relationship with Jake. It is just that it might not turn out to be your dream or fantasy relationship. If there is anything for you to mourn here, it is likely to be your romantic fantasies about how your relationship should or must function.

If things do not work out (no indication one way or the other), then at least you do not have to live a life full of regrets in not having had the faith and the courage to find out for sure if it could have worked, if you had held on a little longer. Nothing ventured, nothing gained? Try it for the children.
You did try your very best to find out for sure if it could have worked. But it is painfully clear from his bad mouthing and him looking for someone else in a way which is cruel to you that there is no longer any future for you as a couple. Your trust in him and in everything which he has told you in the past has been permanently shattered into millions of tiny pieces, but what makes the pain in your heart and soul particularly excruciating and difficult to deal with is that you still carry the torch for him.

You still love him and badly want things to go back to how they were before this ever happened. You would not be human if you did not feel like you obviously do about him.
The true test of whether there is still a future for you as a separated but amicable couple of lovers and best friends could possibly happen before this coming Xmas has arrived,
Very unfortunately the above spontaneous prediction has been proven with the luxury of hindsight to be correct, with about a month to spare before it is Christmas Day. I get no sense of pleasure or satisfaction from reminding you about this.

Quite the opposite is true!

I cannot speak on behalf of any of the 15 readers, but I suspect that many of them felt that what they were reading was accurately predicting the future outcome of your relationship, when all the time they were instead tuning into what you most wanted them to tell you, instead of what you were not yet ready to accept as a definite possibility.

Readers constantly walk a thin tightrope between telling you what they feel you are capable of handling at the time of your reading, and telling you every single thing which they can see, hear or feel about your chances of a happy and successful outcome.

Does this necessarily mean that all of us are or were wrong?  :smt009

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT  :smt049

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Feedback to be posted to the forum, in the same thread as your reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:40 pm

Just for the sake of completion, Lindsay has chosen to thank me for this reading through a private message.

Could I please ask everyone that unless you wish to tell me something in private, that all feedback be posted to the forum itself in the future, in the same thread as your reading?

Thanking you in advance for your co-operation in this matter,

EoT  :smt006

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Post by Linz820709 » Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:55 pm

Sorry for the late response!....I apologize, and no problem about future IM's.

I wanted to come back and update about my situation though. Unfortunately, I got some very bad news this morning :(. I found out that my ex is in the process of seeing somebody else :(. I talked to him about it this morning as it was eating me up inside and he confirmed that he has taken this woman out once, he is not officially "seeing" her YET, but "if it happens, it happens". I'm literally devastated :(. I haven't let out a good cry yet but I know it's coming. I was holding out SO much hope that he'd be back. I was SO hopeful that he would realize that we shouldn't throw away the last 3 years....but I guess not :(. I keep thinking that I just wish that I could lose all my memories of him so I didn't have to hurt anymore. I just can't stop thinking about everything we've been through.....the day he told me he loved me, how happy we once were, the "I miss you texts" that he would send me in the beginning.....and now it's all gone :(. I don't know how to handle this and I'm hurting so much right now :(.

But anyway, I can literally go on forever so I'll stop. So I guess that's it....

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:39 pm


I did not know whether you wanted me to reveal such deeply personal and emotionally painful information on the forum itself and felt that I needed to respect your right to your own privacy, which is why I accepted your feedback being entirely through a private message on this occasion.

If there is no need for any such confidentiality in your feedback in the future, I am asking you and everyone else to post their responses on the forum, in the same thread as their reading.

Post any confidential parts of your feedback that you want to remain private between us through a private message, and post the rest of it on the board where everyone can see whether or not you felt that the reading helped you, and hopefully answered some or most of your questions.


EoT  :)

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Post by Linz820709 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:53 am

Okay no problem at all!

So I think I found out what was going to be emotionally painful to me :(. I found out recently that my ex has a new girlfriend already :(. He kept telling me that they aren't in a relationship, that they are just friends....but that the possibility is there. I guess that is all a lie. The other day, I went on "her" facebook page and she updated her relationship to "in a relationship with "my ex's name" and he accepted it :(. Even after that, he told me that they just did it on purpose to "make me see something to move on" and whatnot and I told him that he has friends on his facebook page that would see it, etc... and he said "would you like to see a text that I sent "friends" name?, I sent her "your going to see something on facebook, but don't pay any attention to it, completely disregard it and I will explain later". I was upset and I told him I didn't want to see it and whatnot....but tonight, I actually got to talking with this mutual friend of ours and I came straight out and asked if she received a message similar to that and she said "I don't really want to get involved, i'm sorry"....so by hearing that, I can imagine that she never got that message.... So according to another friend tonight, she sent this new woman an email letting her know that the things that she was posting about me on her page and whatnot wasn't appropriate, it was uncalled for, etc.... and this woman replied back stuff like "well maybe his ex should have treated him better, he's mine now so get over it, fyi he's amazing by the way, etc...". I'm crushed again. I don't know if I should believe him that they aren't in a relationship, or believe her that they are in a relationship. I guess in a way it doesn't really matter but I'm just crushed!. She posted something about her day starting off to a rough start and my ex replied "hope you feel better sweety". Everything is literally pointing to him dating her but he kept telling me that he wasn't dating her....and I'm just so confused :(. I don't know what to believe! :(.


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