future prospects

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future prospects

Post by CuriousK » Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:08 am

Hello. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to do a psychic reading for me.

I have just recently graduated from an accounting course and will start looking for work next year (I want a break right now). I would like to see where I would be heading work-wise and whether there is any advice/guidance.

thanks in advance.

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Re: future prospects

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:27 pm

CuriousK wrote:Hello. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to do a psychic reading for me.

I have just recently graduated from an accounting course and will start looking for work next year (I want a break right now). I would like to see where I would be heading work-wise and whether there is any advice/guidance.

thanks in advance.
Hey Curious,

Firstly my sincere congratulations for graduating from your accounting course, which has necessarily involved considerable prolonged effort and great personal sacrifice on your part for you to be able to get to where you are now in preparing yourself to enter (or re-enter) the workforce.

The reading is asking as to exactly why you would like to see where you would be heading work wise. Presumably you thought deeply beforehand about what type of job you see yourself as having or wanting in the future (accountancy), and chose this particular course accordingly. So you are by graduating demonstrating both to yourself and to anybody else who is significant in your life that you are definitely making major progress in what you feel is the best direction for you to take.

It is perfectly understandable that since your entire working future and financial security over the longer term are depending heavily upon you being successful in reaching your goals, but the bad news is that nothing in this life including that you will inevitably become a successful accountant according to what you understand by the meaning of the word successful comes with a guarantee.

If you continue to apply for suitable accountancy positions and successfully convince your prospective employer that you have what it takes to be an asset to their company (assuming that you are not considering being your own boss), then there is an above average chance that during the six month period thought to be covered by this reading your time of unemployment will come to an end.

I will not attempt to predict what will happen after that, as to a large extent what happens after you get the job is mainly up to you to decide by what you do to help yourself in the present moment to increase the probability that your new job will satisfy your high expectations about what it can provide you with from then on.

In other words instead of wanting anyone like me to predict what your working future will be, you will have a secondary job of helping to create for yourself the optimum conditions for you to be able to take maximum advantage of the opportunities on offer to you through your newly acquired accountancy qualifications.

The main message of this reading therefore in summary is that your working future in accountancy is largely in your own hands to determine by your own actions and attitudes. Your advice is to instead of focussing your energies in wanting to be given a detailed road map of your future before being willing to take the necessary risks involved with doing anything which is important to you, focus them instead on creating these already mentioned optimum conditions for your accountancy career to flourish and with it your future financial security to be assured (or insured?)

Start thinking about how best to sell yourself and your services to a prospective employer, or if you are planning go go down the self employment path, what is involved in establishing your most likely to be successful home based or free lance accountancy business?

After a period of well deserved rest over the Christmas New Year break do not drag your feet about getting back again as quickly as possible to the task of effectively setting yourself up for a future which you have to a large degree determined by your own behaviour and ways of thinking about what best represents happiness and success to you, and not only that which is related directly to your job. For while the job which you get is important to you, your life and YOU are have a meaning and purpose which extends far beyond the four walls of here you are working at the time.

By all means do whatever you are are reasonably and practically able to get that accountancy job and to keep it once you have got it, but do not forget at the same time that your working self is only one aspect of hat makes you who you are as both a spiritual human being. While you will not get far without earning enough money to relatively comfortably live on, do not allow it to become your only source of satisfaction and your sole measure of your personal achievement during this current lifetime.

Neglecting this advice to balance your working life as a certified practising accountant with what most makes your life seem worth living to you could potentially have serious negative consequences for your health and safety on many different levels in the future. All accountancy work and nothing else outside of your work could not only make you a boring person, but also a person who is only just surviving, instead of being really and fully alive.

To a person with your high potential to do so much good in the lives of so many of your future clients and customers, using your money management skills in their service, "just surviving" means that you are giving up on yourself and are effectively lost.

If only you believed in your dreams half as much as this reading and reader believe that you are capable of achieving whatever you have set out to do here, then you would not be asking us to predict what still lies ahead for you in your working future as an accountant. He or she who hesitates for too long can all too easily and quickly get lost along the way, especially with the present state of the highly competitive (cut throat) and insecure employment market being what it is.


EoT :smt024

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Post by CuriousK » Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:23 am

Thank you EOT, yes, I did fear abit about getting back into the job market in a new field that I have no experience with. It is very competitive.

I was unsure whether I could find a job next year as other goals in my life was also dependent upon it too (starting a family, etc). I was hoping that job hunting wouldn't be too long, as I have heard there are some newly graduated accountants who could not even find work. So I was curious to see whether you could 'see' anything that lies ahead before me.

I also noticed your posting re your wife. I hope everything has been ok for her. I do wish her well in her recovery as I understand it would be difficult for you both at this time.

so once again, thank you kindly for taking the time to reply to my question.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:16 pm

It was my pleasure to be given this golden opportunity to read for you.

It is entirely understandable that you should feel some degree of fear with regards to taking on the significant risks involved in doing this.

Your challenge therefore is to make these changes in spite of your fears and doubts, because a life without you taking certain calculated risks is not a life felt to be worth living.

Always easier said than done I know, but well within your abilities to overcome.

Believe in yourself enough to give it your best shot.

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