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Post by alwayslove » Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:34 am

If it is possible, I would like to request general reading offering guidance. There had been many changes in the last while in my environment(school, family, friends..), and I am questioning whether the path I am currently pursuing is the right one.

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The Manana Syndrome

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:00 am

Are you familiar with the meaning of the term "professional student"?

My understanding is that it describes a person who is continually changing from one course to another. As soon as they have completed a course they immediately enroll in another one. In this way they can at least until they can no longer afford to do so avoid having to face the significant challenges of the world outside of their academic institution, with the personal motto that if they never try anything out there in the big, bad world then they cannot fail.

Now please do not get me wrong about this. You are currently a student according to your forum profile, but there is no suggestion whatsoever that you are a professional student. However there are many similarities in the manner in which you are continuing to consult one psychic after another, apparently to confirm what you have already been told on several previous occasions. But with respect you do not appear to be applying what information and advice you have gained from these psychics in your daily life.

As my very good friend Cedars told you in the Tarot reading forum, and I quote............
STOP having readings about this situation and save your money. Stop picking cards for the same topic at the frequency you have already done. It will only confuse you and you will get the same answers...
Get on with your life, PLEASE.

Whether it be with your non relationship with this man you mentioned, whether it is do with you getting a job once you have graduated (or a part time job to help pay your course fees) or whether you presently have some important project or major course of action in mind, it should become easier once you have actually started it. The force required to start something moving is many times that which is needed to make fine adjustments to the speed and direction of that same moving body.

In your life your force or motivation to keep moving forwards with faith and courage as your loyal travelling companions requires you to take that first leap of faith into the unknown or take that first small but critically important step towards helping to create a more positive, healthier, happier and more satisfying future for yourself, and any dependents. In other words, having one psychic reading after another in a seemingly endless series but not being willing to do something with what you have learned can all too easily become addictive as a form of emotional security blanket in a world full of uncertainties.

I wish to purposely avoid you simply adding my reading to your growing collection, by temporarily putting away any divination tools including the Tarot cards and numerology, and instead intuitively opening myself up to any useful insight gem of wisdom which comes through me on your behalf.

I want to focus on practical everyday suggestions, rather than on abstract principles or lofty spiritual teachings. or making baseless predictions about your future when there is not yet only one possible future to predict.

And what immediately comes through your reading is the message for you to AVOID THE MENTAL HABIT OF PROCRASTINATION LIKE YOU WOULD THE PLAGUE. The addictive thought habit of continually putting off until a tomorrow which often never arrives what you really should be doing today, has been called the Manana Syndrome. ... 417/page/0

[Hint: Use the left and right arrows to navigate]

So my question then is "how can you not only best treat your existing case of Manana Syndrome, but also how can you help to prevent it from happening again and holding you back from moving forwards with the rest of your life in the future?"

Positive affirmations or prayers could help the healing process along, but by themselves they may not be enough to reverse a habit which has developed over many years (even though you are still relatively young).

Taking the risk and moving outside one's comfort zone, which in your situation means resisting having still another reading before taking an action to help yourself, understandably makes you anxious and fearful. But constantly procrastinating and not using or living the guidance which you have been offered has its own risks which are eventually much greater than those of waiting indefinitely for something (or someone) to happen independent of your own efforts.

In summary this reading is sent as a wake up call or gentle (?) cosmic kick in the butt to alert you to the serious potential negative long term consequences of allowing your manana syndrome to completely get out of control, making you increasingly dependent upon psychics to make your decisions for or in place of you.

To take back the control which this unhealthy mental habit has exerted over you in the past, and empower you in the present moment, which is your only point of personal power to positively influence your future. By challenging you to take a more active, practical approach in your life to progressively ridding yourself of the prison cell of manana.

Fear is not always necessarily a sign of danger or that you are about to do something wrong or dangerous (although it can be in some cases). Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather it is living your life to its fullest in spite of your many fears, both of a rational and irrational nature. Fear has an important survival value, unless it is allowed to become your master or guide to what is possible.


EoT  :smt006

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