General Reading Please :)

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General Reading Please :)

Post by summercandy » Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:14 am

I haven't had a reading in a while and I would just like a general reading please and thank you :)

Have a great day!

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The High Priestess

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:39 pm

Dear Summer,

To be precise, I gave you your final reading on this forum during November 2012. ... 957#317957

At the time of that reading you had just recently returned from communing with nature in Alberta Canada to the big and polluted city, in order to continue your studies. And you made the statement that those four months spent in the wilderness had significantly changed your life on a major scale. As a result it is felt that although it is my usual practice to automatically give members who have not visited this forum within the last six months a general reading, this unfortunately cannot be one of them. General in the sense of a reading about any random subject.

The purpose behind this month's reading appears to be a closer examination with regards to how the more positive and expansive attitudes which you bought back with you from your nature retreat, survived the reality of your situation between now and then. Normally my readings tend to focus mainly on the present moment as your main point of power to have a positive influence over what the future holds in store for you. But whatever or whoever is responsible for your reading clearly feels that there are also important lessons for you to be learned from what has happened to you since November 2012.

Before you become overly defensive and want to "kill" the messenger a.k.a this humble reader, this reading was NEVER I repeat NEVER intended to give you yet another reason for beating up on yourself for not always coming up to your own often unrealistic expectations and impractically high standards about what you believe you were capable of achieving, over that period of the previous 15 to 16 months. With due respect you are more than capable of doing this by yourself, entirely without any outside assistance from either this reading or reader.

What you brought back with you from, Canada was not a set of rigid rules which you are expected to live the rest of your life by in spite of the many challenges which you have had in the past and still have to face in the future. Realistically you could and should not expect to completely discard the negative conditioning of your lifetime up until late 2012 within the space of those four relatively short months, but this was not going to stop you from trying to achieve the impossible.

It was much easier to experience a sense of inner peace and balance when  living in the great and unpolluted outdoors, than when you returned to your daily life in the human jungle. While you did enjoy some limited success in transplanting your sense of inner harmony from nature to "civilisation" (if indeed you could refer to life in as big city as being civilised), there were areas where you felt overpowered and bitterly disappointed in yourself. I am not sure how far your education has progressed since then or whether by now you are working, but I do feel a growing impatience coming from you about how you could best apply the knowledge and skills which you have gained during your course to your working life.

Your focus or main theme card for your first reading for 2014 was The High Priestess (HP).

Symbolically the HP is the silent keeper of the secret wisdom, although she says a lot to you that you do not want to hear about by her overly serious and almost arrogant facial expression. A picture or face often communicates more about a person than a thousand words is easily capable of doing? HP mistakenly gives anyone the impression (right or wrong, intended or unintended) that she thinks that she knows all the answers and that she is better or more intelligent than everyone else around her.

She frequently comes over to people who have not taken the time or made the extra effort to get to know and understand her better, as a stuck up know it all, when this is merely because of the increased self confidence and balanced approach to her problems which she has as a consequence of her inner and outer spiritual retreat in Alberta. I would therefore interpret the HP featuring in your reading to basically mean that you have a very good reason to feel that other important people in your life are suspicious about your true intentions by withholding information from them in what are felt to be their best interests.

The reading makes the point that while you may be trying with the purest of intentions to protect that person from themselves by not always revealing the entire truth to them, none of us in the end has the right to judge what is or is not in another person's best interests (with the possible exception of very young children, or of people who are emotionally or mentally challenged or ill). In the short term you might believe that you are doing them a favour by not telling them all that you know. But over the longer term you could actually be doing them and their relationship with you damage.

While 100% honesty in all things is not particularly conducive to close human relationships going the distance (sometimes knowledge can do harm), you need to balance this with enough honesty to keep the other person's trust in you adequate for the challenges which they are facing. For example (this is not a diagnosis or prediction about you) when is it best to tell a terminally ill patient that they are likely to die soon? Should you personally tell him or her everything which you know about the condition all at one time, and in the early stages where there is still a valid chance that they may continue to survive for many more months or years, in spite of their physical state? Where or when is the cut off point between when it is in their best interests to know the full extent of their predicament, and when it is in your best interests to hold your tongue and leave it to the doctor to explain?

These are rhetorical questions, meaning that they have no definite right or wrong answers. The answers to them must be customised to the relationship and individual circumstances. And adapted to the mental and emotional capacity of the patient to process the information which you are giving them in a manner which is unlikely to add to their existing problems, instead of helping to solve them (which is what you wanted to happen). In summary this reading covers many subjects important to keeping relationships healthy and strong.

Mutual trust, mutual self confidence, mutual self respect, and the growing awareness that by definition all human beings including ourselves can be easily misunderstood, and make honest mistakes. The only reliable way to totally avoid conflict in human relationships all of the time is to never begin the relationship in the first place. But we are social creatures by our very nature, and therefore having no relationships may well become more stressful over time when compared to the many stresses of having to deal with interpersonal conflicts which are par for the course in any close human relationship worth having.

Respectfully yours,

EoT   :smt049

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Post by summercandy » Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:17 pm

Thank you EOT :) I appreciate it!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:22 pm

Dear Summer,

You are most welcome for the reading.

Being a general one, it should lead to several more specific questions in the future.

Could I please ask you to provide me with some feedback not only about this reading, but also about what you regard as the major issues arising out of it which will have to wait for future readings during the months ahead?

Only through your feedback can I work to improve both the quality and usefulness of my readings, and you will therefore by doing this not only be helping me, but in addition everyone who is still to request a reading on this forum.

Thanking you in advance for your assistance in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

EoT  :smt020

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