General Reading-Eye of Tiger

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General Reading-Eye of Tiger

Post by lovelyricha1 » Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:49 pm

Ok,so I was browsing around and could not find anybody else active on the forum for quite some time! Meaning anybody who would be able to give me a reading! And also,I like all your readings so if you could please help me,it would be great :)

Umm,I am a bit confused as to how to frame this. I am confused about a lot of things in my life..a lot has gone wrong in my life in last couple of years, on every level possible-career, relationships, If I start asking different questions for each of these,we would be here forever!

And also I have been reading quite a bit about past life, reincarnation, astrology, tarot etc. and have come to accept that it is futile to ask anyone to predict my future or questions like, 'will i get back with my boyfriend?' "will my money problems go away in next 6 months?" "when will i get married?' and so on..even though my love relationships and career are at forefront of the issues that keep me awake at night..I don't know how I can get any help from anyone in those matter how I frame my questions, it sounds silly and futile to ask. Maybe a past life reading would help but there isn't anyone I have found yet to get that satisfactorily done!

So this leaves me with the only option-to open my mind to whatever information i NEED to know right now. I believe I have a guardian angel,who is looking after me, I would love to hear whatever I am meant to know right now to move forward in my life, to enrich my life spiritually, to do the tasks I am supposed to do, for the betterment of my own as well as those around me. Now when I say it like this it sounds like a lot of empty stuff but that is what I truly want. My biggest fear is I am going to waste my life not knowing what to do and where to invest my energies and just crying over past. So i would just like to know right now what does that higher power want me to know in order to move forward? (Richa Shailendra, born 5 dec. 1984)

Gosh I say tooo much in order to make sure I am being understood!

Thanks for your patience!

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"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:45 pm

I am confused about a lot of things in my life..a lot has gone wrong in my life in last couple of years, on every level possible-career, relationships, If I start asking different questions for each of these,we would be here forever!
Blessings Richa,

My inner source and your guardian angel wish to begin this general reading with the lyrics of the John Lennon song "Beautiful Boy", which includes the following line.....

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"

For your life to progress there have to be many changes, and a large proportion of these changes while necessary for your soul's optimum development can be either uncomfortable or downright painful. Few lives turn out exactly as the person hoped or expected that they might but does that always mean that something has gone wrong?

The word wrong is surely only a subjective label or judgement which we assign to each of life's ups and downs (changes) as if we were the ultimate authority concerning what plans the Universe has for this particular Earthly incarnation, within an ongoing series of corporeal/physical experiences reaching far back into the past, and possibly projecting well into the future of this planet's history.

On a personal level this unpopular truth about life rarely co-operating with our plans for it may manifest as a job which we did not get, a partner who got away, our bodies may become broken or sick, and the current state of our finances may become severely challenged as a result of factors which are largely beyond our control.

And one of the most unavoidable changes which we are asked to deal with in this life is that many of our loved ones will eventually leave us in one way or the other, including of course ultimately their physical death. Marriages and long term love relationships end somewhere in this world every hour of every day, partly because of our common human weakness to not want to be the first person to have to say sorry and no matter what you have or have not done I still very much love you.

How many times has someone told you that the thing which happened to them which seemed the worst thing which could have happened at the time that they were going through it, either ended up not turning out as bad as they anticipated it might be or actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise Not that it felt anything like a blessing. Much more like a curse or perhaps an unfair punishment for something which we either did or did not during one or more of our past lives of which we have no knowledge.

Now this reading is not going to insult your intelligence by telling you that not getting that job, not getting together with the man of your dreams or experiencing a severe financial shortfall is a good thing and that you should not feel as though your world has come to a crashing end or that God or the Cosmos has it in for you. Or remind you that there are many other people worse off than you are, and accordingly you have no valid reason or right to feel hard done by.

Feelings and emotions are a fact of life, and should never be permanently ignored or suppressed, as they often have a habit of rising back to the surface of our consciousness, at the most inconvenient of times. Our life experiences and feelings are not always under our control, but to a large extent what we do with those experiences and feelings determines how our lives will unfold from that point in time onwards.

In summary this reading sees that you have three main options available to you in response to your life's apparent tragedies, disappointments, let downs and temporary lack of adequate funds.

1. Do nothing other than what you are already doing in response to life's many challenges. Try to maintain the status quo. Never be willing to move outside of your normal comfort zone, and try your level best to stop the changes from happening. Which is rather like the English Viking king Canute who when his subjects believed that he had divine powers to be able to control nature had them carry his throne down to the sea shore where he commanded (unsuccessfully as you might expect) the tide not to come in and get anyone's feet wet. Change and nature go hand in hand and like it or not change is not going to disappear any time soon.

2. Feel sorry for yourself and constantly complain and lash out with a filthy and fiery temper often targeted towards the people closest to you. Not only make your own life a living nightmare based upon fear and revenge against anyone or anything which gets in the way of your plans, but also make everyone else suffer and act as an excuse or scapegoat for your own inaction in doing something positive and practical with the healing intention to help yourself, or do whatever you reasonably can to make the situation better or easier for everyone who is affected by it.

3. Here we come to the final option, and the one which your guardian angel is highly recommending as the best way for you to achieve what you have come to Earth to do this time around. You may be disappointed to be told that no reading can accurately and reliably tell you or predict what your major life purpose is or will be, because this would assume that no changes will happen between now and then, either in your world or within yourself.

Since we have already established beyond a shadow of doubt that a world or life where no change happens is impossible, let us not waste further valuable time and energies on useless attempts to see into a future which does not yet exist, for time and change can seriously alter any situation or anyone in an instant. Look around more closely at what is happening to you now in the present moment, which is your only true point of personal power to have any influence over your future.


While it is doubtlessly true that your purpose or purposes for being here will themselves inevitably change over time, and that the nature and size of those changes will be mainly decided by how well or otherwise you responded to earlier changes, you must live more of your life consciously in the present moment, as that is all you have to work with for now.

This does not mean that you should not take positive lessons from your past in how to most effectively overcome your often only apparent life's slings and arrows of misfortune into the present situation. Nor does it mean that you should not make any practical plans for the future, whatever that future turns out to be. In other words as much as possible make flexible plans, which can be quickly and relatively easily changed to something else, if and/or when needed as your circumstances inevitably change then change again.


Sadly for the both of us, this is where your general reading for this month ends.

Love, Light and Healing to you and your loved ones (both incarnate and discarnate).

EoT  :smt041

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Post by lovelyricha1 » Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:50 am

wow,thanks :) it is often tempting to search for answers that are more in the vein of 'do this' or 'do that' or 'you will get back with your estranged bf in 2 months' or so on..truth be told, that is how I started my online search..searching for people who could read tarots and tell me if I am getting back with my bf or am I getting that job I applied for..but the more I read around, the more I realize ..well in tune with what you said :) To be more aware of present and look within myself and the answers are all I thank you for reinforcing this :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:51 pm


You are very welcome and thank you in return for your very kind and generous feedback, for my efforts on your behalf.

No reading or reader should or has the right to tell you what to do or not do. We can only provide extra insights into your particular situation, and suggest possible options which you might not have considered if left to your own devices.

Any useful hints coming out of my readings should only be used in combination with non intuitive information from several other sources both professional and non professional when you are making any important decision.

To make such a decision based entirely upon the output of a psychic reading would not only be risky, but could also be potentially catastrophic in its possible negative consequences not only for your life, but also for the lives of any of your dependants.

You are absolutely spot on about my hesitation in attempting to predict how your future will turn out and I have already mentioned several times to other members on this forum that when it comes to predicting what their partner will or will not do via third party, or whether their relationship will last the distance the temptation for yours truly to try to make more than an educated guess, must be resisted at all costs.
To be more aware of present and look within myself and the answers are all there..
I could not have better summarised or encapsulated the main message behind your reading, if I had written it myself. Well heard!

But all of this increased awareness, living more in the present moment and seeking answers within yourself is likely to come to nothing if you do not at the same time take good care of yourself on several different levels (not just the physical aspects such as eating a healthy diet or visiting your doctor when you feel that it is necessary to get yourself checked out).

Human beings have many other complex and diverse needs beyond the physical ones, although of course without a reasonably healthy, functioning  physical body many of those other needs will be impossible to satisfy and important lessons for your growth and development will be missed. The main trouble with the answers which we are seeking being within us is the this is often the last place where we would ever think of looking for them.

May your own concept of what or who God is go with you always, to give you added strength and endurance on your journey.



EoT  :smt109

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