
All Psychic Reading requests should be posted under this forum.

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Post by drprpapi23 » Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:06 pm

I recently posted a thread here: ... 800#330800 . I posted here a few times but i need help i feel like. Ever since dwelling deep with certain info included but not limited to metaphysics, psychic, law of attraction, situation of this planet etc, i feel like i've been attacked using my own energy against my self. What i mean is certain things feeding off my negative energy generated due to fear of dying, darkness just negative overrall. This has been going on for more than a year in a ocd manner. With obsession of things i dont want or like and everytime i try to ignore it or block it's intrusive to the point that i realize i need to get rid of this problem. This brought me to recently analyzing my entire life up to this point and decided to follow divine will and look for truth and pursue a spiritual mission due to realizing what else matters and seeing that alot of "distractions" in life are "illusions" put there to put you in a pointless loop in life. I decided that i wanted to become an adept i guess since i think there highly advanced spiritually, knows whats going on, and are able to bypass certain "traps" out there so to speak. I refuse to be a "slave" and i'm ready for whatever is needed for my mission.  That's why i feel like these past couple of days are important and i need answers. Thank you for taking your time to read this since i appreciate it.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:03 pm

This is just to let you know that I plan to give you this reading either on or any time after Friday morning (South Australian time), with Thursdays being my regular weekly day off from giving any readings and my having other personal responsibilities which require me to be temporarily somewhere else, other than giving any member.a reading on this forum.

By Friday I hope that this situation will have been fully resolved, and I can then get back to doing what I truly love to do, which is to help good people such as yourself through my readings. While waiting patiently for another reading perhaps it would be a good idea for you to respond to my previous effort on your behalf, which you appear to have overlooked or ignored. ... 698#327698

Speak to you again soon and try to make some time to constructively respond to earlier readings, before you start asking for another one from me.

This is supposed to be a two way working relationship, where each of us have our responsibilities to the other person. Providing useful feedback and showing some appreciation for your completed reading is a big part of your responsibility to us continuing to work closely help you. IMO

Enough said?

EoT  :smt009

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Post by drprpapi23 » Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:56 pm

thank you very much i appreciate it and i cant wait  to hear from you.


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Please, Please, Please prove my prediction to be wrong!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:16 am


I have returned and am now ready to give you your reading.

To stop me from having to repeat everything which has already been said by both Rook and myself in the Dream Interpretation forum in response to your posting called "Afterschool dream Urgent", please look at what has been written there before you continue. ... hp?t=83891

I wanted to especially draw your attention to Rook's summary, as I feel that it rather well brings together a lot of what I and other members have been saying to you about your thoughts having taken a life of their own, that you are troubled primarily by your own thoughts, and that you have collected too much worthless psychic information and advice for your own good.

Rook wrote in response to drprpapi's dream interpretation request...........

In summary the dream seems to show that you were learning but have become lost, and you need to shed the crap that you have taken on (but keep what sits right with you) in order to return to the state of learning that you desire.

All the readings which I have given you so far, all that other members such as Rook have told you on other forums, plus this most recent reading agree so well with each other that whatever the name of your mental disorder eventually turns out to be, it is crystal clear to all of us that you have learned so much worse than useless and potentially damaging on the internet and particularly from psychic and magic sites, that it has seriously distorted the way in which you relate both to the people around you, as well as your life's many challenges.

This reading suggests that it is like you are looking at the world through a prism which bends the light reflected back from solid objects according to certain laws of physics. The laws which control how the light passing through a prism is bent and by how many degrees are well understood and the results can be duplicated through controlled and repeated scientific experiments from all over the world. Take the same prism to anywhere you want to, set-up every other factor including the wavelength of the light source used exactly as it is in the original place, and you will invariably get identical results everywhere.

But in your case the laws of the mental prism by which you look out at the world and other people are constantly changing,  rather than remaining static or fixed. This makes it almost impossible for anyone to work out what theses laws are, and if they ever did it would be a waste of their time and energy to do so as in the next second they could change again to something else.

One thing which I believe is obvious is that these constantly changing laws of your mental prism are making it extremely difficult for you to interact with the real world and enjoy any worthwhile and lasting relationships with other human beings. This is most likely a product of your dysfunctional upbringing which you have spoken about before on these forums which was not your fault, but which the reading feels set the stage for what was to come after.

I hesitate to mention this as I can almost guarantee that if I say that you are the victim of your own mental demons, your belief system which is the same thing as your mental prism will twist it into me meaning that you are under attack from supernatural demons or devils, when I said no such thing.  Your demons are not supernatural agents of the Devil, but rather are distorted beliefs and unconscious thought patterns. You do not need an exorcism, but a reprogramming or re-patterning of your subconscious thought patterns which are gradually increasingly making you lose touch with reality.

I neither have the qualifications or training to help you reprogram or re-patten your self sabotaging beliefs, and even I had them there is no way that I would try to do this over the internet. Magic is not going to be enough to stop this, and neither are by themselves spiritual affirmations and prayers, although used in combination with conventional psychological and psychiatric therapy they could maker your task much easier than it would have been otherwise.

Use them only as a supplement to proper medical therapy and treatment, and never as a replacement. The only true magic comes through the powers of your own mind, which loves rituals. Magic practices provide your mind with these frameworks and rituals and ceremonies which your subconscious mind needs and uses to help you to  improve your life. Psychic readings and expert dream interpretations can play an important part in your overall recovery, but the problem is that you have already had too many of these to make learning new ways of thinking about and relating to your life less than extremely difficult. I could with the best of intentions to help you only be making you worse.

I am not saying that a reading or dream interpretation cannot help you, but I am saying that too many of them in a short period of time could stop your therapy from working as well as it could, or could make you go backwards.

But now we come to something which could make all of the advice we have given you come to nothing. And that is that this will only work if you are ready and determined enough to do it, and are willing to take the risks which are always associated with making major changes such as these in your life. I get a definite feeling from you rarely responding to our postings that you have not yet decided whether all this is worth the effort, and that you are already thinking that it cannot work.

I am predicting that you will as you will as you have done before completely ignore this and our advice to consult professional and/or medical help, and continue asking for our psychic assistance when in a manner you do not want that help because the whole thing understandably frightens you so much that you will avoid doing anything about it until it is too late. Readings and dream interpretations must be balanced with logic, common

sense and professional diagnosis and treatment. Psychic readings can be abused as a semi permanent way of hiding away from reality. They can all too easily become your way of protecting yourself from having to face the facts and survive in an adult and often scary world. Your sanctuary from the harsher realities of life and of not having to move out of your comfort zone can also frequently become your prison cell, with little or no hope of you ever being released because you are either unable or unwilling to use the key which you have had in your back pocket the whole time. That key if you would only use it is the proper balance between all the many different measures which we have advised you to do, and advice, treatment and counselling from professionals external to this website.



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