eye of the tiger......

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eye of the tiger......

Post by JustTerri » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:26 pm

Hello firstly thank you for taking the time to read this post. I wanted request a reading from you, it doesn't matter what kind, although I have a few questions about a few loved ones who are deceased and I wanted to know f any are looking out for me.  My birthday is September 23, 1990 and my name is Terri. Thank you for your Tim have a nice day :-)

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Re: eye of the tiger......

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:54 pm

JustTerri wrote:Hello firstly thank you for taking the time to read this post. I wanted request a reading from you, it doesn't matter what kind, although I have a few questions about a few loved ones who are deceased and I wanted to know f any are looking out for me.  My birthday is September 23, 1990 and my name is Terri. Thank you for your Tim have a nice day :-)
Welcome Terri,

I cannot help you with the questions about your loved ones who are deceased, as this would require me to give you a mediumship reading. I am not a medium and mediumship readings are not allowed to be given on Mystic Board within our forum and site rules.

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As you are not asking any other specific questions and because this is your first reading on this forum, this will be a general one which means that this time at least my inner source through whom these readings come gets to decide what it is felt that you most need to know at this particular moment in your life to help you to grow and develop as both a spiritual and human being (for that is what we all are).

Your photo in the picture reading forum reveals to me that you are a generous, kind and sensitive soul who has a deep sense of responsibility about and enjoys being a mother. It does not take anyone to be psychic to be able to recognise the deep spiritual connection between you and your child, and it is therefore hardly a surprise that these positive qualities in your personality or character are also reflected in this reading.

For the purposes of learning more about your personality strengths and weaknesses, as well as what your main purpose for being alive at this moment in our planet's history and evolution I am using the DOB which you so kindly provided me with (many thanks for that) with the intention to learn what your Life Path Number (LPN) is according to very basic numerology. A persons's life path is thought to be the best possible indicator of their strengths and weaknesses plus their major life lessons and challenges, so there is a definite logic behind my inner source deciding that an LPN numerology reading is worthwhile doing.

September 23rd 1990

(2+3) + (9) + (1+9+9+0) = 5 + 9 + 19 = 33

Your calculated LPN is therefore the master number 33. Master numbers indicate that the soul concerned is learning her lessons at a higher or more challenging level when compared to the rest of us. Actually there are three master numbers 11, 22 and 33 and up until recently an LPN 33 was regarded as being exceptionally rare among the general population.

However I have noticed on this forum that it seems to be more regularly coming up in what numerology analyses I have given here, so perhaps it is not as rare as we have been made to think. To discover what these lessons are most likely to be we add together the digits of 33 to get 6. In other words this reading is saying that you will during this lifetime be primarily working with many of the lessons and challenges of an LPN 6 person, but at a more advanced level than they are.

So what you might ask are the most commonly found lessons and challenges of an LPN 6 person. Before I answer that I must make you aware of a complication. The LPN is seen to be a reliable indicator of these things at the exact moment of a person's birth, when they first entered this physical existence. Since many things happen to a person between the ages of zero and 23 (we call this your environment) your current life lessons and challenges, as well as your personality strengths and weaknesses may have been modified or changed over those intervening years so that some of the things which applied when you were a babe in arms, may or may not apply to you now at the still tender age of 23.

Are you for whatever reason a single parent, as the strength and depth of connection between you and your offspring would strongly suggest that this is a distinct possibility, although it is not an absolute certainty by any means?

Common personality strengths and weaknesses of an LPN 6 person at the moment of their birth include the following list.

They tend to be incredible nurturers, which in turn can make them excellent parents.They can make brilliant mothers to their sons and always look for enjoy "mothering" the little boy inside their men. While nurturing is usually positive, emotionally suffocating your boy or the boy inside your man is NOT positive, and is only likely to lead to you eventually losing them one way or the other. Also nurturers often continue to want to help a person beyond what is healthy and good for either party. They frequently sacrifice their own equally important needs to help the child or man get his needs met, and this can leave them exhausted and resenting the person whom they most love.

They are often home, family and helping in their local community orientated. They have a generous (some might say over generous) kind and loving spirit with a strong and urgent need to relieve the suffering of people who may not be as well off in several life areas when compared to how blessed they are. These humanitarians are often not wealthy themselves in terms of having more money than they need, but whereas physical wealth can be accumulated then just as easily lost, spiritual wealth and treasures laid up in heaven for good deeds done on Earth are both untouchable and eternal in their effects.

Indeed it appears from this reading that the intense positive, nurturing relationship which you have with your child is a just reward for not having had it during one or more past lives (when it was not your fault or within your control to change). Which only makes the mother child bond which you have this time around, much more precious than it might have been otherwise. You are using up some of your spiritual treasures well earned during earlier incarnations, in this one? You are likely to be an excellent homemaker and caretaker, but are being warned that both of these qualities can be overdone, as explained earlier.

Loving, warm, understanding, compassionate, responsible and reliable and interested in pleasing others. Nothing new about that. Your entire life revolves around home and family, and your parenting instincts are very strong. The word domestic most likely describes you well, and one job which you would love doing (if you could also be financially secure) is being a stay at home parent.

As a Six you should keep an eye on yourself as you may easily become self-righteous and overly critical of others. This is the darker side of nurturing. With the best of intentions it is not hard for you to prematurely judge a person or situation before you know all the relevant facts, and constructive criticism is very different from criticizing and pulling down everything that the other person does to become increasingly independent and have a life of his own, as well as one with you.

The opposite of mothering can be SMOTHER LOVE. Because you thrive on supporting others you may sometimes find it difficult to find the right balance for you and your relationship with them between helping and meddling. You must to a certain extent allow your child or male partner to experience his life and learn from its lessons. Sometimes these lessons may be examples of TOUGH LOVE, where you need to know when to step back and give them permission to make their own mistakes, and hopefully over time with more practice and compassion for themselves become stronger as a result of their life's obstacles.

The final most common trap into which many LPN people fall is to place the other person high up on a pedestal as if they were perfect and without any human weaknesses. The higher up you put that person,the further they have to fall when inevitably they fail to reach your unrealistically high expectations of them. You are going to need to constantly be on the alert for this one, as it can so quickly and secretively creep into your relationships that you may not be aware of it until it is almost too late to do anything practical about fixing.

The reading returns at this point to offer you some timely advice and comfort about you working at the LPN 33 level with LPN 6 lessons. It is not so much what happens to us in this life which is a measure of our success, but rather how we respond to the many obstacles which life can put in our paths. You can respond to being a master number 33 by becoming overly fearful of the extra responsibility it often entails and not be willing to take enough calculated risks in order to achieve whatever (or whoever) is important to you (which may not be equally important to everyone). If this is the case then I feel that it would be a terrible tragedy for you, your child, your partner or all of you put together.

But on the other hand if you are brave and do not allow your understandable fears to want to protect that person in any way possible to make you interfere in what is their life to live as they best see fit to do so, which inevitably includes them making errors of judgement and often quite unintentionally breaking your heart in the process of growing up, then positive and lasting progress can be made by all parties towards a genuine human relationship, where both of you respect the right of the other to have a different opinion from your own.

Love, Light and Healing to your entire family,

EoT  :smt059

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Post by JustTerri » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:13 am

Thank you so much. It all makes sense. I'm not a single mother, but I think in my mind I think I am. My fiancée helps with my children, they are his too, but I think that I feel like they are my entire responsibility in a way. Maybe I think like that because I didn't have my mother around full time after the age of nine? About my past lives I would like to look onto maybe discovering them? Its always something that has fascinated me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:36 am

Dear Terri,

You are very welcome for the reading and thanking you so much in return for your constructive and instructive feedback.

Unfortunately our only resident past life reader left us in November of 2012, so past life readings are no longer given on this forum.

I must be honest with you in saying that I believe that the internet is not the best and most safe place to give a person a past life reading.

Because of the sheer intensity of the emotions which are often released along with past life memories during a past life hypnotic regression, it is felt imperative that the therapist be in the same room with his or her client to help support and deal in a professional manner with any unexpected problems arising from the procedure.  


EoT  Image

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